Sling pipes is a tool set for doing extract - transform - load operations by chaining proven code blocks.
Sling Pipes can be seen as a language that takes profit of optimized communication between two developers knowing sling terminology, e.g.
searching for resources with type "foo/bar" and setting property id to 3
Such sentence with that limited amount of words is enough between two sling developers to understand fully what it is doing. However, implementing that change with a computer language directly will take much more words, risks of failure, complexity of deployement and would be more opaque, not talking about monitoring or execution commons, but complex features you'd like to add.
With Sling Pipes, what you need to develop, and what is readable by another developer is
this is enough to persist a pipe in /etc/demo
that is executable as http, java, groovy console script, or JMX. You can monitor it with JMX, logs, http, you'll have dry run possibility of that execution for example, or asynchronous execution. If it's a one-off execution, and you can access a groovy script or anything you can use external command line tool like pipe to run
pipe "echo /content | $ foo/bar | write id=3"
Those examples are using echo, find and write subpipes.
You could also use a pipe to create a java-free json or csv servlet, or a list component whose list possibilities are pipes accessed through the PipeModel
you can check some introductions at different adaptTo presentations:
some presentations were made at the adaptTo conference, last three were: latest presentation at a 2021 lightning talk. This introduces the change of being able to manipulate pipes through command line.
General introduction at a 2017 lightning talk.
and latest news at a 2018 lightning talk
You can either use it with adobe's scripts or just configure and execute a pipe with java, groovy console, http, or jmx
To get more familiar with pipes go through the 3 families of pipes to consider and the samples detailed:
Once you've successfully run your first try, you can get into more complicated configuration, making them dynamics with bindings and have a look at some other samples
For running this tool on a sling instance you need: