To get the latest development release of Apache Sling, you can check out the source code and build Sling yourself. Otherwise, the releases below are available for download. To install, just download and extract.
All Apache Sling products are distributed under the terms of the Apache Software License (version 2.0). See our license, or the LICENSE file included in each distribution.
For each module the following artifact types are provided
), including LICENSE and NOTICE file.sources
), requirement of Maven Centraljavadoc
), requirement of Maven CentralAll those artifacts are accompanied by an according *.asc
file containing the PGP signature.
The PGP keys at can be used to verify the integrity of the release archives. See for how that works.
All Sling modules are provided from Maven Central with groupId
The links on this page point to the latest Apache Sling releases, provided by the ASF's CDN distribution services.
Older releases are available at
Artifact | Version | GitHub | Provides | Package |
Sling Starter Feature Archive (Oak-Tar) | 13 | GitHub | A self-container feature archive, for experimenting and learning. Requires the Feature Model Launcher (see below) | Docker Image, (asc, sha1) |
Sling Starter Feature Archive (Oak-Mongo) | 13 | GitHub | A self-container feature archive, for experimenting and learning. Requires the Feature Model Launcher (see below) | Docker Image, (asc, sha1) |
Sling Starter Source Release | 13 | GitHub | The released Sling Starter source code | (asc, sha1) |
Sling CMS App | 1.1.8 | GitHub | A reference CMS App built on Apache Sling | (asc, sha1) |
Sling Feature Model Launcher | 1.3.2 | GitHub | A tool for launching OSGi applications | (asc, sha1) |
Sling Feature Model converter | 1.3.8 | GitHub | A CLI tool for converting from content packages to feature model files | (asc, sha1) |
Artifact | Version | Provides | Update Site |
Sling IDE Tooling for Eclipse | 1.2.2 | A p2 update site which can be installed in Eclipse. | Update site (asc, sha1) |
Artifact | Version | GitHub | Binary | Source |
JSPC Maven Plugin | 2.3.4 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Maven Launchpad Plugin | 2.3.4 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin | 0.5.2 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sling Maven Plugin | 3.0.2 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sling Feature Maven Plugin | 1.9.0 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sling Feature Converter Maven Plugin | 1.0.12 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sling Feature Launcher Maven Plugin | 0.1.6 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Slingstart Maven Plugin | 1.9.12 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
HTL Maven Plugin | 2.0.4-1.4.0 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sling Kickstart Maven Plugin | 0.0.8 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Maven Enforcer Rules | 1.2.0 | GitHub | Maven Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Artifact | Version | GitHub | Binary | Source |
Context-Aware Configuration bnd Plugin | 1.0.2 | GitHub | bnd Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Models bnd Plugin | 1.0.0 | GitHub | bnd Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
bnd Remove Parameters from OSGi Headers Plugin | 1.0.0 | GitHub | bnd Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Scripting Bundle (Maven) Plugin | 0.5.2 | GitHub | bnd Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Provider Type Checker Bnd Plugin | 1.0.0 | GitHub | bnd Plugin (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Artifact | Version | GitHub | Binary | Source |
Adapter Annotations (JSON) 1.x | 1.0.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Adapter Annotations 2.x | 2.0.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Connection Timeout Agent | 1.0.4 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Installer Vault Package Install Hook | 1.1.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Kickstart Project | 0.0.12 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Pax Exam Utilities | 1.0.4 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Performance Test Utilities | 1.0.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Project Archetype | 1.0.14 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Sample Integration Tests | 1.0.6 | N/A | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Servlet Annotations | 1.2.6 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Clients | 3.1.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Hamcrest | 1.0.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing JCR Mock | 1.6.14 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Logging Mock | 2.0.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing OSGi Mock Core | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing OSGi Mock JUnit 4 | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing OSGi Mock JUnit 5 | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing PaxExam | 4.0.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Resource Resolver Mock | 1.5.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Sling Mock Core | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Sling Mock JUnit 4 | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Sling Mock JUnit 5 | 3.5.2 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Sling Mock Oak | 4.0.0-1.62.0 | GitHub | JAR (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Artifact | Replacement | Version | Binary | Source |
Auth OpenID | Not Maintained | 1.0.4 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Auth Selector | Not Maintained | 1.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Background Servlets Engine | Not Maintained | 1.0.8 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Background Servlets Integration Test | Not Maintained | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Commons JSON | Replaced with Commons Johnzon | 2.0.28 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart API | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart API Fragment | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.2 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart Core | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart Launcher | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart Launcher Sling Extensions | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Crankstart Launcher Test Services | Use OSGi Feature Model instead | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Explorer | Replaced with Composum | 1.0.4 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
GWT Integration | Not Maintained | 3.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check API | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.0.4 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Suppor | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checkst | 1.0.10 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Annotations | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Core | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.2.10 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Integration Tests | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.0.4 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Samples | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check Webconsole | Migrated to Apache Felix Health Checks | 1.1.2 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Health Check JUnit Bridge | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Installer Subystems Support | Not Maintained | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
JCR Compiler | Replaced with FS ClassLoader | 2.1.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
JCR Jackrabbit Server | Replaced with Apache Jackrabbit Oak | 2.3.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
JCR Prefs | Replaced with CA Configs | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Karaf repoinit | Removed | 0.2.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Launchpad Test Bundles | 0.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) | |
Launchpad Testing | 12 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) | |
Launchpad Testing WAR | 11 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) | |
Launchpad Content | Replaced with Starter Content | 2.0.12 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Launchpad Test Fragment Bundle | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Launchpad Testing Services WAR | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
NoSQL Generic Resource Provider | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
NoSQL Couchbase Client | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
NoSQL Couchbase Resource Provider | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
NoSQL MongoDB Resource Provider | | Y | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Path-based RTP sample | Not Maintained | 2.0.4 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Scripting JSP Taglib Compat | Superseded by the XSS API bundle | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Scripting JST | Not Maintained | 2.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Servlets Compat | Not Maintained | 1.0.2 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Starter Startup | Replaced with Apache Felix HC Service Unavailable Filter | 1.0.6 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Sling Mock Jackrabbit | Not Maintained | 1.0.0 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Testing Tools | SLING-5703 | 1.0.16 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |
Thread Dumper | Replaced with Apache Felix Thread Dumper | 0.2.2 | Bundle (asc, sha1) | Source ZIP (asc, sha1, sha512) |