A quick guide for getting the Sling source, then building and running the resulting Sling instance; either without or with Eclipse.
Note that you don't have to build Sling yourself, if you don't need the bleeding-edge stuff you can get prebuilt binaries from the Downloads page. But those, especially the starter runnable jar, are not released often and can be outdated. In case of doubt, build it yourself as shown below or ask on the Sling users mailing list.
Note that building the Sling starter application does not rebuild all of the modules contained in it. If you want to work on a certain module, you should rebuild it separately.
If you already have the required Git client, JDK and Maven installed, here's the short form recipe:
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-starter.git
$ cd sling-org-apache-sling-starter
$ mvn --update-snapshots clean install
$ export DBG="-Xmx384M -agentlib:jdwp..." # (see below)
$ java $DBG -jar target/org.apache.sling.starter... # (see below)
With this, Sling should be running at http://localhost:8080 with remote debugging active as per the $DBG variable.
Before you begin, you need to have the following tools installed on your system:
If you want to set up an IDE any recent version of a Java IDE with Maven support will do just fine. If you're using Eclipse, you can install the [/documentation/development/ide-tooling.html](Sling IDE tooling) for some extra niceties, but it's not required in any way.
See MavenTipsAndTricks.
The Sling source code is managed in Git using the Apache Gitbox tools: Git repositories are mirrored from GitHub to the canonical Apache Git repositories. In practice, one can work on GitHub and the replication to the Apache repositories is transparent.
The complete list of modules can be used to clone individual modules, but we provide a more convenient way of checking out all of the source modules that are used in Sling. Since that's over 2^
Install a git client if needed and the Google Repo tool.
Check out a new repo workspace
$ repo init --no-clone-bundle -u https://github.com/apache/sling-aggregator.git
$ repo sync -j 16 --no-clone-bundle
In your IDE, import the projects you're interested in from the repo workspace.
We don't yet offer a way of building all the Sling modules using a single command, but that should not be usually needed. To build any Sling module, just enter the local directory and execute
$ mvn --update-snapshots clean install
Some modules may have specific build instructions, see the README.md
file for each module.
The Sling project produces an executable jar with the org-apache-sling-starter
module. After building the module, you can execute
$ java -jar target/org.apache.sling.starter-*.jar
to start it up.
Messages should now be printed to the console which is being used as the "log file";
command line option is set to -
, indicating the use of standard output as the log file.-c sling
command line option instructs Sling to use the sling
directory in the current directory for its data store, which is the Apache Felix bundle archive, the Jackrabbit repository data and configuration. You may also specify another directory here, either a relative or absolute path name (See also Configuration for more information).-h
option to see the list of flags and options.After all messages have been printed you should be able to open the Sling Management Console by pointing your web browser at http://localhost:8080/system/console. You will be prompted for a user name and password. Enter admin
for both the user name and the password (this may be set on the Configuration page later). From this console, you can manage the installed bundles, modify configuration objects, dump a configuration status and see some system information.
To stop Sling, just hit Ctrl-C
in the console or click the Stop button on the System Information page of the Sling Management Console.
Enter the module of the bundle you're working on, then do a build and deploy the bundle to the running launchpad instance
$ cd org-apache-sling-servlets-get
$ mvn clean install sling:install
The Maven build command ensure that:
goal )sling:install
goal )Congratulations ! You should now have a running Sling instance, that you can start playing around with.
You can use remote debugging to debug Sling in Eclipse, here's a little How-To
start Sling from the command line with (replace N with the actual version before running the command)
java -Xmx384M -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=30303,server=y,suspend=n -jar org.apache.sling.starter-N.jar
Open Menu Run-> Debug configurations
Now you should be able to set breakpoints, evaluate properties, and so on as usual.
In the same way as you can debug the sling app, you are also able to debug a maven test. Just run the maven tests like this
mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug test
The tests will automatically pause and await a remote debugger on port 5005. You can then attach to the running tests using Eclipse. You can setup a "Remote Java Application" launch configuration via the menu command "Run" > "Open Debug Dialog..." (see above). For more information on this see the Maven Surefire Docu.
The easiest way that I found is to create a new folder in the existing Eclipse workspace. After that you can follow these steps:
If adding dependencies to the poms, run mvn eclipse:eclipse again and refresh the project in Eclipse. Debugging works as described above.