
Thanks for choosing to contribute to Apache Sling! The following are a set of guidelines to follow when contributing to this project.

Code of Conduct

Being an Apache project, Apache Sling adheres to the Apache Software Foundation's Code of Conduct.


Before contributing to the project, please make sure you understand the requirements and implications of contributing to the Apache Software Foundation. An Apache iCLA is welcome if you start contributing regularly, and required if you later become a committer.

How to contribute

Apache Sling is a volunteer effort, so there is always plenty of work that needs to be accomplished. If you want to help supporting Apache Sling, this page is intended as a starting point for specific contribution ideas. To further understand how the Sling community operates, refer to the Community Roles and Processes document and/or join our mailing lists.

For people who are completely new to contributing to an Apache Software Foundation project, the Get Involved page provides you with enough resources to understand how the foundation works and how its projects are structured - and don't hesitate to ask on our mailing lists!

See Project Information for details about the tools mentioned below.

The Apache Sling project organizes its "to do" list using the Apache JIRA issue tracking system. No matter if you are a programmer or not, it is probably best to check JIRA first to figure out if the problem you identified is already known. If not, please create a JIRA issue in which you try to describe to the best of your knowledge the bug that you want to fix or the improvement that you would like to contribute. There are many recommendations on the Web on how to write a good bug report, like Haje Jan Kamps' How to write the perfect bug report blog post.

If pull requests are familiar to you, the next step is to open one against one of our modules. If creating a pull request from your own repository, setting the allow edits from maintainers option is convenient as it allows us to update your fork as the pull request evolves.

More details about how the project is structured in terms of repositories can be read on the Getting and Building Sling page.

If you want to get involved into Sling development, we marked a number of issues in JIRA with the label "good-first-issue"); we consider them a good starting point into Sling development. Just assign the ticket to you and create a pull request to address it. We provide you feedback and help you to get your contribution into Sling.

For relatively large contributions (e.g. new modules), we recommend one of the following two approaches:

  1. open a JIRA issue and send a pull request to the Apache Sling Whiteboard project
  2. open a JIRA issue and attach your source code to it as a zip or tar archive.

In any case it's good to discuss larger contributions on our developers mailing list before starting their implementation, to help align your goals and software design with the Sling community.


Commit messages

For non-trivial commits a Jira issue is required. Once the Jira issue is created, the commit message must include the Jira issue key and the summary as the first line, followed by an optional description of the fix. For example:

SLING-1234 - Fix NPE in FooImpl

When the FooImpl is reconfigured the bar field can be set to null, so check
against null values.

Pull request changes

When iterating on a GitHub pull request a single commit can receive multiple follow-up fixes. To help preserve a linear history and to make changes easy to follow, please squash the changes in a single commit before merging, which the GitHub pull request page now offers as an option.


Each Sling module comes with an automated build, usually based on Apache Maven. Your change should be covered by new unit tests that verify that the changes work as expected. Building with the Maven jacoco-report profile active provides a test coverage report at target/site/jacoco-merged/index.html .

The PR you submit will eventually be built by Jenkins, with additional validations on top of the plain Maven build.

Running the Sling Starter integration tests

In case your changes are more far-reaching and the module you are contributing to is part of the Sling Starter, it is a good idea to also run the Sling Starter integration tests.

Modules using the Sling Parent POM 49 or newer

Sling modules using a recent version of the Parent POM are now able to automatically run the Starter ITs with the current version of the module. This is done by building your module while passing the starter-its.starter.version pointing to the Starter version you want to test with.

The snippet below shows how to achieve this for the current development Starter version:

mvn clean verify -Dstarter-its.starter.version=14-SNAPSHOT

Modules using an older Sling Parent POM

For modules using an older parent POM, the Sling Starter must be manually patched to run the latest version of the bundle. The steps to do that are:

  • Build the bundle that includes your changes using mvn clean install
  • Check out the Sling Starter project. This step can be skipped if you have followed the steps to checkout all Sling repositories as documented at Getting and Building Sling
  • Use the latest version of the bundle(s) you changed in the Sling Starter. Running git grep ARTIFACT_ID will indicate the potential places where you need to make changes
  • Run mvn clean verify in the Sling Starter checkout. This runs the full set of integration tests that we use for Sling modules.
- ( Contributing )