
This is a list of all our releases, available from our downloads page.

July 2024

  • Launchpad Base 2.8.0 (16th)
  • Sling API 2.27.6, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.32-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.34-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.24-1.4.0 (10th)
  • Models API 1.5.4 (5th)

June 2024

  • Models API 1.5.2, Models Implementation 1.7.0 (28th)
  • Repoinit JCR 1.1.50 (26th)
  • OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.8.4 (26th)
  • Feature Model Analyser 2.0.8 (26th)
  • Apache Sling Feature Model Analyser 2.0.4 (11th)
  • Engine 2.15.16 (4th)
  • Repoinit JCR 1.1.48 (4th)

May 2024

  • JCR Resource 3.3.2 (27th)
  • JCR Resource 3.3.0 (14th)
  • Rewriter 1.4.4 (3rd)

April 2024

  • Rewriter 1.4.2, Engine 2.15.14, Commons JSON 2.0.28 (29th)
  • OSGi Feature Maven Plugin (27th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter (25th)
  • Rewriter 1.4.0, Testing Sling Mock 3.5.0, Sling Mock Oak 3.2.0-1.22.15, Sling Mock Oak 4.0.0-1.62.0 (22nd)
  • Tenant 1.1.8 (19th)
  • Commons JSON 2.0.26 (17th)
  • Content Parser JSON 2.1.0 (12th)

March 2024

  • Commons JSON 2.0.24 (28th)
  • Resource Observation Annotations 1.0.0 (7th)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.6 (4th)

February 2024

  • Servlets Resolver 2.11.2 (27th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.30 (21th)
  • Commons Log 5.5.0 (6th)

January 2024

  • Servlets Resolver 2.11.0, Rewriter 1.3.10 (27th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.14, OSGi Mock 3.4.2, ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.6, Sling Mock 3.4.18 (25th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.11.6 (23rd)
  • Installer Core 3.14.0, Installer Factory Feature 0.8.0, Feature Extension Unpack 0.4.0 (22nd)
  • Rewriter 1.3.8 (18th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 4.0.0 (14th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.28 (8th)

December 2023

  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.12, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.30 (23rd)
  • Engine 2.15.10 (18th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.26 (17th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.4 (15th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 3.4.16 (12th)
  • Commons Johnzon 2.0.0, Commons Mime 2.3.0 (10th)
  • Provider Type Checker Bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (9th)

November 2023

  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.4.0 (20th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.11.4 (17th)
  • Engine 2.15.8 (17th)
  • Repoinit JCR 1.1.46 (17th)
  • Apache Sling OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.8.0 (16th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.4.0 (13th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.11.2 (12th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.5.6 (10th)
  • Apache Sling App CMS 1.1.8 (9th)
  • Apache Sling OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.4, Apache Sling Feature Model Analyser 2.0.2 (8th)

October 2023

  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 4.0.0, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.28, Starter Content 1.0.14, Thumbnails 1.0.2 (23rd)
  • Event 4.3.14, Testing Sling Mock 3.4.14 (16th)
  • JCR Maintenance 1.1.0, JCR Oak Server 1.4.0 (15th)
  • Commons MIME 2.2.4 (13th)
  • Auth Core 1.7.0 (9th)
  • Servlets Get 2.2.0, Servlets Post 2.6.0 and Servlets Resolver 2.10.0 (8th)
  • JCR Base 3.2.0 (5th)

September 2023

  • Commons Prometheus Metrics Exporter 0.1.0 (27th)
  • Feature Model Content Extension 1.0.12 (25th)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.4 (22th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.11.0 (22nd)
  • Sling GraphQL Core 0.0.24 (21st)

August 2023

  • Engine 2.15.6, Service User Mapper 1.5.8, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.4, Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.10, Testing Sling Mock 3.4.12 (21st)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.9.14 (8th)
  • Tracer 1.0.8 (7th)
  • Engine 2.15.4 (2nd)

July 2023

  • Resource Merger 1.4.4 (31st)
  • Sling GraphQL Core 0.0.22 (30th)
  • Launchpad Base 7.0.5-2.7.8 (24th)
  • Auth Core 1.6.2, Commons Johnzon 1.2.16 (23rd)
  • Sling Models Jacksonexporter 1.1.4 (18th)
  • Project Archetype 1.0.12 (17th)
  • Testing PaxExam 4.0.0, Scripting Groovy 1.3.0, Parent & Bundle Parent 51 (13th)
  • OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.2, Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.6 (10th)
  • Parent & Bundle Parent 50, Maven Enforcer Rules 1.2.0 (8th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.3.8 (3rd)

June 2023

  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.2 (30th)
  • Engine 2.15.2 (12th)
  • Feature Model API Regions Runtime Fragment 1.1.10 (11th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.9.12 (7th)
  • OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.0 (5th)
  • Models Implementation 1.6.4 (2nd)

May 2023

  • Sling Engine 2.15.0 (26th)
  • Models Implementation 1.6.2 (25th)
  • Sling Security 1.2.0 (22nd)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.10, OSGi Mock 3.3.8, ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.2, Sling Mock 3.4.10, Sling Mock Oak 3.1.10-1.44.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.0, OSGi Installer Configuration Factory 1.4.4, OSGi Installer Console 1.1.2 (19th)
  • Sling API 2.27.2 (18th)
  • Event API 1.0.4, Event 4.3.12 (11th)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.2 (8th)
  • Sling Mock 3.4.8 (2nd)

April 2023

  • Testing Servlet Helpers 1.4.6, JCR Mock 1.6.8, Sling Mock 3.4.6, Rewriter 1.3.6 (27rd)
  • GraphQL Corea 0.0.20 (25th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.3.6 (9th)
  • JCR Base 3.1.14 (5th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.44, Event 4.3.8 (3rd)

March 2023

  • Models API 1.5.0, Models Implementation 1.6.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.4.2 (31th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.6, Sling Mock 3.4.4 (27th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.6 (23rd)
  • Resource Merger 1.4.2 (17th)
  • Resource Collections 1.0.4 (14th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.4.4 (11th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.4 (6th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.2 (1st)

February 2023

  • Engine 2.14.0 (24th)
  • I18N 2.6.2 (20th)
  • JCR Base 3.1.12 (14th)
  • Feature Model Analyser 2.0.0, Feature Model API Regions Extension 2.0.0, Feature Model Diff Tool 0.1.0, Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.0, JCR ContentLoader 2.6.0, Feature Model 2.0.0, Feature Model Launcher 1.3.0 (13th)
  • App CMS 1.1.6 (3rd)
  • Scripting JSP 2.6.2 (2nd)

January 2023

  • XSS Protection API 2.3.4, Repoinit Parser 1.9.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.44 and Repoinit FileVault Validator 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Testing Rules 2.0.2 (18th)
  • Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.1.8-1.44.0 (16th)
  • Feature Model Launcher 1.2.4 (9th)
  • App CMS 1.1.4 (1st)

December 2022

  • Feature Launcher 1.2.2, Feature Extension Apiregions 1.6.4, Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.8 (9th)
  • Testing Clients 3.0.18 (8th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.4, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.22-1.4.0 (5th)
  • Engine 2.13.0 and Servlets Resolver 2.9.10 (3rd)

November 2022

  • Tooling Support Install & Source 1.1.0 (28th)
  • Models Impl 1.5.4 (25nd)
  • Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.4, Health Check Support 1.0.10 (22nd)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.24 (21th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.1.0 (17th)
  • Engine 2.12.2, JCR Resource 3.2.4 (14th)
  • App CMS 1.1.2 (1st)

October 2022

  • Discovery Oak 1.2.42 (31st)
  • Feature Model 1.3.0, XSS Protection API 2.3.2 (31st)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.20 (16th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.3.0 (4th)

September 2022

  • Auth Core 1.6.0, JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.14 (29th)
  • Testing Clients 3.0.16, Jcr Resource 3.2.2 (28th)
  • Engine 2.12.0 (26th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.8.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.42, Feature Model Analyser 1.6.8, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.6.8 (23rd)
  • Auth Core 1.5.8 and Service User Mapper 1.5.6 (20th)
  • Rewriter 1.3.4 (19th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 3.4.2, Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.1.4-1.40.0 (15th)
  • Engine 2.11.0 (12th)
  • Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.0, OSGi Mock 3.3.2, Sling Mock 3.4.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.14 (2nd)

August 2022

  • API 2.27.0, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.26 (23rd)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.18 (22th)
  • Sling Maven Plugin 3.0.2 (21st)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.24 (15th)
  • Models Context-Aware Configuration 1.0.2, Engine 2.10.2, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.32-1.4.0, Resource Resolver 1.10.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.8, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.20-1.4.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.8, API 2.26.0 (12th)
  • Parent and Bundle Parent 49 (8th)
  • Extensions Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.6 (4th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.28, Base 2.0.14, Oak 1.2.40, Commons Metrics 1.2.12 (3rd)

July 2022

  • Installer Health Checks 2.1.0 (28th)
  • Engine 2.9.2 (18th)
  • Feature Model Analyser 1.6.6, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.6 (17th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.7.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.40 (11th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 3.3.2 (5th)
  • Health Check Support 1.0.8 (1st)

June 2022

  • Event 4.3.6 (27th)
  • Maven Enforcer Rules 1.1.0 (27th)
  • Feature Model Extension API Region 1.6.2 (16th)
  • API 2.25.4 and Commons Log 5.4.2 (13th)
  • Maven Enforcer Rules 1.0.0 (12th)
  • (Bundle) Parent 48 and Installer WebConsole Plugin 1.0.4 (7th)

May 2022

  • Resource Resolver 1.9.0 (27th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.20 (24th)
  • Event 4.3.2 (23rd)
  • Content Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.16 (20th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.3.0 (19th)
  • Feature Extension API Region 1.6.0 (15th)
  • Scripting Core 2.4.8, Scripting JSP 2.6.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.6 (14th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.8.6, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.26 (9th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.6.0, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.3.0, Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.0, Testing Sling Mock 3.3.0 (9th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.22 (5th)
  • Models API 1.4.2, Models Implementation 1.5.2, Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.5.0 (3rd)
  • Query 4.0.4 (2nd)

April 2022

  • Sling Content Distribution API 0.7.0 (29th)
  • Commons Metrics RRD4J 1.0.6 (26th)
  • Installer Factory Feature 0.7.0 (23rd)
  • JSPC Maven Plugin 2.3.4 (12th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.20 (8th)
  • Scripting Core 2.4.6 (5th)
  • Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.4 (1st)
  • API 2.25.0, Engine 2.9.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.4, Scripting Sightly 1.4.18-1.4.0 (1st)

March 2022

  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.14 (25th)
  • Starter 12, Feature Model Analyser 1.6.2, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.2 (18th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.26, Base 2.0.12, Oak 1.2.36 (14th)
  • Launchpad Testing 12, Launchpad Integration Tests 12, Launchpad Testing Services 12, Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 12 (14th)
  • Starter Content 1.0.12, Event 4.3.0 (10th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.6.14, Repoinit JCR 1.1.38 (7th)

February 2022

  • ResourceResolver Mocks 1.2.6 (25th)
  • Content Distribution API 0.6.0 (21st)
  • Sling Security 1.1.24 (18th)
  • Rewriter 1.3.2 (17th)
  • Scripting Core 2.4.4 (14th)
  • Tenant 1.1.6 and Resource Resolver 1.8.4 (12th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.16-1.4.0 (9th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.18 (4th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.6.12 (3rd)
  • Sitemap 1.0.6 (1st)

January 2022

  • Commons Metrics 1.2.10 (28th)
  • Feature Analyser 1.6.0, Feauture Extension Apiregion 1.5.0, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.0 (27th)
  • JCR Resource 3.2.0, Parent and Bundle Parent 47 (22nd)
  • ResourceResolver 1.8.2 (19th)
  • Feature Model 1.2.30, Security 1.1.22, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.5.18, Feature Launcher 1.2.0, Feature Extension Apiregion 1.4.4, Commons Log 5.4.0 (15th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.18, Dynamic Include 3.3.0 (14th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration API 1.3.0, Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.4.0, Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.6.0, Models Context-Aware Configuration 1.0.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.4.0 (7th)
  • Testing Clients 3.0.6 (4th)
  • Distribution Journal Messages 0.4.0, Distribution Journal Kafka 0.3.0

December 2021

  • Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.2, Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.10 (21th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.22, Content Distribution Core 0.4.8 (21st)
  • Commons Log 5.3.0 (20th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.5.2, JCR ContentLoader 2.5.0 (20th)
  • Models Jackson Exporter 1.1.2 (18th)
  • Commons Log 5.2.0, Starter Content 1.0.10 (14th)
  • Testing Clients 3.0.4 (13th)
  • Feature Analyser 1.5.2, Feature Extension Apiregion 1.4.2, Commons Messaging Mail 2.0.0 (12th)
  • Mock Oak 3.1.2-1.40.0 (11th)
  • Models API 1.4.0, Models Implementation 1.5.0, Models Jackson Exporter 1.1.0, Models Validation Impl 1.1.0, Testing OSGi Mock 3.2.2, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.6 (10th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.2.0, Sling Mock 3.2.0, Sling Mock Oak 3.1.0-1.40.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.4 (2nd)
  • Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.4, Sling Mock 3.2.2 (6th)

November 2021

  • File Installer 1.3.4 (29th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.16 (18th)
  • API 2.24.0, Resource Resolver 1.8.0, Engine 2.8.0, Adapter 2.2.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.0, Servlets Post 2.5.0, Resource Access Security 1.1.0, JCR Resource 3.1.0, JCR Resource Security 1.1.0, Scripting Sightly Engine 1.4.14-1.4.0 (12th)
  • App CMS 1.1.0 (10th)
  • i18n 2.5.18 (6th)
  • Commons Messaging 1.0.2, Commons Content Analyzing 1.0.0, Commons Content Processing 1.0.0 (1st)

October 2021

  • Commons Crypto 1.1.0 (18th)
  • Javax Activation 0.3.0 (16th)
  • Commons Log 5.1.14 (14th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.16 (11th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.4-1.4.0 (8th)
  • Sitemap 1.0.4 (4th)

September 2021

  • Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.5.0, Testing Clients 2.0.10 (27th)
  • Engine 2.7.10 (25th)
  • Parent 46, Bundle Parent 46, Commons Threads 3.2.22 (24th)
  • Feature Analyser 1.4.0 and Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.5.16 (17th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 3.1.2 (16th)
  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.4.2 (9th)
  • Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.4.0 (5th)
  • Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.4.0 (3rd)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.1.4, Testing JCR Mock 1.5.4, Testing Sling Mock 3.1.0, Sling Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.0.0-1.16.0, File System Resource Provider 2.2.0 (2nd)

August 2021

  • Parent 45, Bundle Parent 45 and Thumbnails 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Event Support 4.2.24 (16th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.20 (13rd)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.12-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.30-1.4.0 (11th)
  • Scripting Core 2.4.0 (11th)
  • Installer Core 3.12.0, Installer Factory Configuration 1.4.0, Installer Factory Feature 0.6.0 (10th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.14-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.6-1.4.0 (7th)
  • Feature Model Analyser 1.3.30 (6th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.8.2 (4th)

July 2021

  • Parent and Bundle Parent 44 (30th)
  • Feature Model 1.2.28, Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.3.8, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.10 (29th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.7.10 (24th)
  • App CMS 1.0.4 (23rd)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.8.0 (22nd)
  • Launchpad Base 2.7.4 (22nd)
  • Servlets Post 2.4.6 (21st)
  • Auth Core 1.5.6 (19th)
  • Scripting SPI 1.0.4 (19th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.18, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.2.0, Archetype Parent 7 (16th)
  • SAML2 Service Provider 0.2.6 (13th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.5.4, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.3.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.12 (12th)
  • Sitemap 1.0.2 (8th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.3.0, Content Distribution Core 0.4.6 (2nd)

June 2021

  • JUnit Core 1.1.6 (27th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.2 (24th)
  • Distribution API 0.5.0 (21st)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.6.10, Repoinit JCR V1.1.36 (21st)
  • Event Support 4.2.22 (14th)
  • Scripting Java 2.1.6 (14th)
  • Form Based Authentication 1.0.24 (11th)
  • Post Servlet 2.4.4 (10th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.14, JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.10 (10th)
  • Servlet Annotations 1.2.6, JCR Package Init 1.0.4 (10th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.24, Base 2.0.10, Oak 1.2.34 (7th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.7.8 (7th)
  • Parent and Bundle Parent 43 (5th)
  • Event Support 4.2.20 (3rd)

May 2021

  • Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.10 (31st)
  • Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.8 (27th)
  • Auth Core 1.5.4, XSS Protection API 2.2.14, GraphQL Core 0.0.10 (25th)
  • App CMS 1.0.2 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.5.2, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.30-1.4.0, Scripting Core 2.3.6, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.8-1.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.3.0, Servlets Resolver 2.7.14, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.28-1.4.0, Resource Resolver 1.7.6 (11th)
  • API 2.23.4 (4th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.6.8, Feature Analyser 1.3.24, Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.2, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.2 (1st)

April 2021

  • Bundle Resource Provider 2.3.4 (26th)
  • Scripting SPI 1.0.2 (26th)
  • Auth Core (1.5.2) (21st)
  • JCR Maintenance 1.0.2 (19th)
  • Event Support 4.2.18 (19th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.7.4 (15th)
  • Junit Core 1.1.2 (13th)
  • Feature Model 1.2.22, Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.2.0, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.0 (2nd)

March 2021

  • Testing OSGi Mock 3.1.2 (23th)
  • Resource Merger 1.4.0 (15th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.5.2, OSGi Mock 3.1.0, Sling Mock 3.0.2 (12th)
  • i18n 2.5.16 (11th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.12, Parent 41, Bundle Parent 41 (1st)

February 2021

  • XSS Protection API 2.2.10, Repoinit JCR V1.1.34 (19th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.6.6, Repoinit JCR V1.1.32 (16th)
  • JCR Package Init 1.0.2 (8th)
  • JCR Maintenance 1.0.0 (5th)

January 2021

  • Resource Resolver 1.7.2, Installer Configuration Factory 1.3.4, Servlets POST 2.4.2, Rewriter 1.3.0 (19th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.5.0, ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.0, OSGi Mock 3.0.0, Sling Mock 3.0.0 (16th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.7.0, Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.18 (10th)

December 2020

  • JCR Web Console Plugin 1.1.0 (8th)

November 2020

  • Scripting EL Api 1.0.4 (27th)
  • Adapter Annotations 2.0.0 (16th)
  • Settings 1.4.2 (15th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.8 (9th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.8 (9th)
  • Sling JCR ContentLoader 2.4.0 (6th)
  • Sling Kickstart Launcher 0.0.12 (3rd)

October 2020

  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.10 (24th)
  • Models Implementation 1.4.16 (23rd)
  • JUnit Core 1.1.0 (20th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.12, JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.8 (19th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 3.1.4 (19th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.4.4 (19th)
  • JCR Base 3.1.6 (15th)
  • Server Setup Tools 1.0.4, Testing Clients 2.0.6 (14th)
  • Feature Model Extension API Regions 1.1.10, Commons Johnzon 1.2.6, Parent 40, Bundle Parent 40 (12th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.4.2 (11th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.6, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.10-1.4.0 (9th)
  • Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.4, Models Impl 1.4.14 (8th)

September 2020

  • Scripting Core 2.3.4, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.8-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.2.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.4-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.2-1.4.0 (29th)
  • Server Setup Tools 1.0.2, Testing Clients 2.0.4 (27th)
  • API 2.23.0 (26th)
  • Kickstart Project 0.0.8, Kickstart Maven Plugin 0.0.8 (23rd)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.8 (14th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.6.2, OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.3.16, Feature Model Launcher 1.1.6, Feature Model 1.2.8, Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.0.14 (14th)
  • Feature Model Analyser 1.3.8 (8th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.6.0 (2nd)

August 2020

  • Auth Core 1.5.0, Resource Resolver 1.7.0 (28th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.6 (27th)
  • Scripting Core 2.3.2, Servlets Resolver 2.7.8, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.6, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.2-1.4.0 (24th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.7.6 (19th)
  • Discovery Support 1.0.6 (18th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.4, JCR Base 3.1.4 (10th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.4.2 (9th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.10 (4th)
  • Settings 1.4.0, File Installer 1.3.0, JCR Installer 3.3.0, Feature Model 1.2.6, Feature Model Analyser 1.3.6, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.14, XSS Protection API 2.2.6 (3rd)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.6 (3rd)
  • Commons Johnzon 1.2.4 (3rd)

July 2020

  • JUnit Core 1.0.30, JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.22, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.2, Servlets Resolver 2.7.4 (21th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.7.2, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.2.2, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.2.2 (13th)
  • Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.4 (10th)
  • Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.0.10 (8th)

June 2020

  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.8 (29th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.1.8, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.16, Content Distribution Journal ITs 0.1.2 (23rd)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.6-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.2.0-1.4.0, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.2.0, HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.0-1.4.0, Scripting Core 2.3.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.0, Servlets Resolver 2.7.0, Commons Compiler 2.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.2.0, Scripting JSP 2.5.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.2-1.4.0 (22th)
  • Commons Log 5.1.12, Dynamic Include 3.2.0, Auth Core 1.4.8, JCR Resource 3.0.22 (22th)
  • GraphQL Core 0.0.2, Servlet Helpers 1.4.2 (18th)
  • Models Validation Implementation 1.0.0 (10th)

May 2020

  • Installer Factory Feature 0.4.0 (28th)
  • Sling Project Archetype 1.0.4, Sling Kickstart Project 0.0.2, Sling Kickstart Maven Plugin 0.0.2 (18th)
  • Parent 39, Bundle Parent 39, JAR Resource Bundle 1.0.2 (14th)
  • Archetype Parent 6 (12th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.0, Installer Packages Factory 1.0.4, Form Based Authentication 1.0.20 (11th)
  • Installer Factory Feature Model 0.3.0 (6th)
  • Installer Factory Feature Model 0.2.0, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.4, Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.12 (3rd)
  • Installer Core 3.11.4, Testing JCR Mock 1.4.6, Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.16, Testing Sling Mock 2.5.0, Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.10-1.16.0 (2nd)

April 2020

  • Feature Model 1.2.0 (30th)
  • Engine 2.7.2 (29th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.30 (27th)
  • Commons Metrics RRD4J 1.0.4 (24th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.2 (22nd)
  • App CMS 0.16.2 (20th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.0 (18th)
  • Auth Core 1.4.6 (12th)
  • Installer Core 3.11.2 (11th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.10, Provisioning Model 1.8.6, Feature Model Converter 1.0.14 (9th)
  • Scripting Groovy 1.2.0 (7th)
  • OSGi Installer Packages Factory 1.0.2, JCR Installer 3.2.2, File Installer 1.2.2 (6th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.4 (5th)

March 2020

  • Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.10 (31st)
  • Feature Model 1.1.8 and Singfeature Maven Plugin 1.1.24 (29th)
  • Feature Model 1.1.6 (25th)
  • App CMS 0.16.0, Installer Core 3.11.0 (24th)
  • Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.1.20 (23rd)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.5.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.22 (19th)
  • Commons Johnzon 1.2.0 (12th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.6.4, Security 1.1.20, Content Detection Support 1.0.4 (9th)

February 2020

  • OSGi Installer Core 3.10.2 (28th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.6.0, Scripting Core 2.2.0 (27th)
  • Commons Messaging 1.0.0, Commons Messaging Mail 1.0.0 (24th)
  • OSGi Installer Core 3.10.0, Console 1.1.0, Packages Factory 1.0.0, JCR Installer 3.2.0, File Installer 1.2.0, Configuration Factory 1.3.0 (24th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.4.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.20 (24th)
  • Connection Timeout Agent 1.0.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.18, Repoinit Parser 1.4.0 (21th)
  • Parent 38, Bundle Parent 38 (20th)
  • Security 1.1.18 (18th)
  • Content Distribution API 0.4.0, Content Distribution Core 0.4.2, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.8 (16th)
  • Parent 37, Bundle Parent 37 (7th)
  • JCR Package Init 1.0.0 (5th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.2 (4th)

January 2020

  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.14, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.26, Testing Sling Mock 2.4.0 (30th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.2.0, Commons Metrics 1.2.8 (27th)
  • Feature Model Converter Plugin 1.0.4 (16th)
  • API 2.22.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.3.2-1.4.0 (15th)
  • Parent 36, Bundle Parent 36, Feature Model IO 1.2.0 (14th)

December 2019

  • Scripting JSP 2.4.2, Commons Crypto 1.0.0, Feature Content Package Converter (20th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 3.1.2, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.4-1.4.0, Scripting JSP API Wrapper 1.0.2, Scripting EL API Wrapper 1.0.2,Feature Analyser 1.2.2, OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.12 (16th)
  • JCR Resolver 3.0.20, XSS Protection API 2.1.18, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.2-1.4.0, Scripting JSP 2.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.3.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.1.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.2-1.4.0, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.6 (6th)

November 2019

  • Resource Resolver 1.6.16, Servlets Resolver 2.5.8, Scripting Core 2.1.0 (27th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.1.16, API 2.21.0, App CMS 0.14.0 (22nd)
  • Repoinit JCR 1.1.16, Repoinit Parser 1.3.2 (19th)
  • Sling Engine 2.6.22 (11th)
  • Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.10 (11th)
  • Sling Models implementation 1.4.12 (6th)
  • Apache Sling Servlet Helpers 1.3.0, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.18 (4th)
  • Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.8, Feature Analysers 1.2.0, and Feature Extension Api Regions 1.1.0 (1st)

October 2019

  • XSS Protection API 2.1.10 (29th)
  • Commons Threads 3.2.20 (28th)
  • Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.6 and Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.4 (21th)
  • Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.4 (14th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.36 (10th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.34 (6th)

September 2019

  • Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.10-1.16.0, JCR RepoInit module 1.1.14, RepoInit Parser 1.3.0, Commons MIME 2.2.2, Resource Resolver 1.6.14, Scripting Core 2.0.60, Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.2, Scripting Groovy 1.1.0, Scripting Thymeleaf 2.0.2 (30th)
  • Starter Content 1.0.8 (20th)
  • bnd Remove Parameters from OSGi Headers Plugin 1.0.0 (17th)
  • Tooling Support Install 1.0.6 (9th)
  • Clam 1.1.0 (4th)
  • Testing PaxExam 3.1.0, Commons Clam 2.0.0 (3rd)
  • Scripting HTL Runtime 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.30, Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.10, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.16-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.18-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.0-1.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.1.0, Scripting Bundle Tracker 0.1.0 (1st)

August 2019

  • Commons LogService 1.1.0 (30th)
  • Starter Content 1.0.6, Dynamic Include 3.1.6, Form Based Authentication 1.0.16 (29th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration API 1.2.0, Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.5.0 (19th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.2.8 (12th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.10, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.16 (9th)

July 2019

  • Content Parser API 2.0.0, Content Parser JSON 2.0.0, Content Parser XML 2.0.0, Content Parser XML JCR 2.0.0, Content Parser Test Utilities 2.0.0 (29th)
  • Dynamic Include 3.1.4 (11th)
  • Connection Timeout Agent 1.0.0 (1st)
  • Apache Sling Testing Clients 1.2.2 (9th)

June 2019

  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.4 (27th)
  • Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.10 (26th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.3.14 (25th)
  • Auth Core 1.4.4, Servlets Resolver 2.5.6 (18th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.2.0, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.12, Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.6 (11th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.2, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.1.2 (10th)
  • Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.2 (7th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.16, Sling Maven Plugin 2.4.2 (6th)
  • Testing PaxExam 3.0.0 (1st)

May 2019

  • Scripting Core 2.0.58 (27th)
  • Installer Health Checks 2.0.2 (24th)
  • Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.30, Sling Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.14, Sling Starter Content 1.0.4 (15th)
  • Sling Project Archetype 1.0.1 (10th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.3.10 (9th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.16, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.8, Sling Mock Oak 2.1.4 (6th)
  • Service User WebConsole 1.0.2, Repoinit Parser 1.2.4 and Repoinit JCR 1.1.10 (2nd)
  • Sling Project Archetype 1.0.0 (2nd)

April 2019

  • XSS Protection API 2.1.8 (24th)
  • Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal ITs 0.1.0 (22nd)
  • Health Check API 1.0.4, Health Check Support Components 1.0.6 (9th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.1.6, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.6 (1st)

March 2019

  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.2 (18th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.8 (10th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.10, Testing JCR Mock 1.4.4, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.24 (7th)

February 2019

  • DataSource Provider 1.0.4, Resource Collection API 1.0.2, JCR ResourceResolver 3.0.18 (26th)
  • Scripting JSP Tag Library 2.4.0, Scripting JSP Tag Library (Compat) 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Pipes 3.1.0 (15th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.6 (14th)
  • Feature Model 1.0.0 and Feature Model IO 1.0.0 (1st)

January 2019

  • XSS Protection API 2.1.0 (29th)
  • Scripting HTL Runtime 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.1.2-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.4-1.4.0 (28th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.0.14 (24th)
  • Commons HTML 1.1.0 (22nd)
  • Tenant 1.1.4 (16th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.28, Sling Maven Plugin 2.4.0 (14th)
  • Engine 2.6.18 (11th)

December 2018

  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.4, JCR ContentLoader 2.3.0 (20th)
  • API 2.20.0, Servlets Resolver 2.5.2, Servlets Annotations 1.2.4 (18th)
  • Capabilities 0.1.2, Capabilities JCR 0.1.2 (17th)
  • JCR Base 3.0.6 (16th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.2 (16th)
  • Servlet GET 2.1.40 (11th)
  • Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.2 (11th)
  • Distribution Core 0.4.0 (10th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.4.4, JCR ClassLoader 3.2.4 (8th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.56 (4th)

November 2018

  • App CMS 0.11.2 (28th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.4.2, OSGi Mock 2.4.4 (19th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.38 and Servlets Resolver 2.4.24 (13th)
  • Installer Vault Package Install Hook 1.0.4 (12th)
  • Distributed Event Admin 1.1.4, App CMS 0.11.0 (9th)
  • Models API 1.3.8 (8th)
  • Capabilities 0.1.0, Capabilities JCR 0.1.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.0.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.1.0-1.4.0, HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.28, HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.8, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.14-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.14-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.2-1.4.0 (5th)

October 2018

  • Sling 11, Slingstart Archetype 1.0.8, JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.18 (23rd)
  • Sling Oak Restrictions 1.0.2 (21nd)
  • Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.12, Starter Content 1.0.2 (19th)
  • Installer Vault Package Install Hook 1.0.2 (15th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.56-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.12-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.12-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.0-1.4.0
  • Clam 1.0.0, Commons Clam 1.0.0 (1st)

September 2018

  • Security 1.1.16 (25th)
  • Distribution Core 0.3.4 (21st)
  • Jackrabbit UserManager Support 2.2.8, Jackrabbit JSR-283 Access Control Manager Support 3.0.2 (17th)
  • Pipes 3.0.2 (17th)
  • File Optimization 0.9.2, Clam 1.0.0, Commons Clam 1.0.0, Commons Metrics 1.2.6, Commons Mime 2.2.0, Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.0, Scripting Groovy 1.0.4, Scripting Thymeleaf 2.0.0, Service User Mapper 1.4.2, Settings 1.3.10 (12th)
  • Servlets Annotations 1.1.0 (11th)
  • Commons Log 5.1.10 (10th)
  • Resource Filter 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration API 1.1.2 (5th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.3.4 (5th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.14 (5th)
  • Sling Tenant 1.1.2 (5th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.3.4 (3rd)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.2 (3rd)

August 2018

  • Servlets Get 2.1.34, Discovery Oak 1.2.28 (31st)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.4.0, API 2.18.4, ResourceResolver 1.6.6 (27th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.3.2 (27th)
  • Installer Core 3.9.0 (27th)
  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.0 (27th)
  • Bundle Resource 2.3.2 (24th)
  • Resource Builder 1.0.4 (21th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.3.6 (21th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.22 (21th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.4.0 (21th)
  • Sling Mock 2.3.0 (21th)
  • Sling Mock Oak 2.1.0 (21th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.2 (21th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.8 (17th)
  • JCR Repository Registration 1.0.6 (14th)
  • Apache Sling JCR Resource Resolver 3.0.16 (14th)
  • Dynamic Include 3.1.2 (14th)
  • Engine 2.16.14 (13th)
  • Parent POM 34 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.26-1.4.0 (7th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.8-1.4.0 (7th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.0.12 (7th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.8 (6th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.3.4 (6th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.10 (6th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.2.20 (6th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.6.4 (3rd)
  • JCR Resource 3.0.14 (3rd)
  • File Optimization 0.9.0 (1st)
  • App CMS 0.9.0 (1st)

July 2018

  • API 2.18.2 (30th)
  • Sling Content Loader 2.2.6 (6th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.0.8 (3rd)

June 2018

  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.22-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.24-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.54-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.10-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.10-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.6-1.4.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.6 (22nd)
  • Servlet Annotations 1.0.0 (19th)
  • Commons Threads 3.2.18 (19th)
  • SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.8.2 (16th)
  • Feature Model 0.1.2 (2nd)

May 2018

  • Commons Log 5.1.8 (24th)
  • JSP Taglib 2.3.0 (22nd)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.26 (22nd)
  • Form Based Authentication 1.0.10 (22nd)
  • Starter Content 1.0.0 (22nd)
  • Starter Startup 1.0.6 (22nd)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.32 (21st)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.6 (12th)
  • Commons HTML 1.0.2 (12th)
  • IDE tooling for Eclipse 1.2.2 (9th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.12 (7th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.6 (7th)
  • Sling Query 4.0.2 (5th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.2.6 (5th)
  • Feature Model 0.1.0 (1st)

April 2018

  • Commons Log 5.1.6 (24th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.14 (23rd)
  • Installer Heath Checks 2.0.0 (11th)

March 2018

  • Commons Log 5.1.4 (26th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.8 (23th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.6.0 (22nd)
  • JCR Resource 3.0.10 (22nd)
  • API 2.18.0 (19th)
  • Security 1.1.12 (19th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.0.6
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.52-1.3.1 (16th)
  • Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.8-1.3.1 (16th)
  • Testing PaxExam 2.0.0 (7th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.2.0 (7th)
  • Models Impl 1.4.8 (5th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.2.18 (1st)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.4 (1st)

February 2018

  • Installer Core 3.8.12 (19th)
  • Sling Pipes 2.0.2 (7th)
  • Discovery Base 2.0.8 (6th)
  • Discovery Support 1.0.4 (6th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.12 (5th)
  • Starter 10 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Testing 10 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Testing WAR 10 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Test Bundles 0.0.4 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 2.0.14 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.14 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.14 (3rd)
  • Archetype Parent 5 (3rd)
  • Bundle Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • JCRInstall Bundle Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • Initial Content Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • Slingstart Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • Testing PaxExam 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.20-1.3.1 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.22-1.3.1 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.48-1.3.1 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.8-1.3.1 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.6-1.3.1 (1st)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.4-1.3.1 (1st)

January 2018

  • Thread Support 3.2.16 (31st)
  • I18N Support 2.5.12 (29th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.9.12 (29th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.2.16 (29th)
  • Resource Merger 1.3.8 (20th)
  • Parent 33 (20th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.10 (19th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.3.6 (19th)
  • ServiceUser Mapper 1.4.0 (18th)
  • ServiceUser WebConsole 1.0.0 (18th)
  • SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.7.16 (15th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.10 (15th)
  • Resource Merger 1.3.6 (15th)
  • XSS Protection API 2.0.4 (8th)

December 2017

  • Validation Core 1.0.4 (21st)
  • Test Services 1.0.4 (21st)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.14 (21st)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.54 (19th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 3.0.4 (19th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.26 (19th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.16 (19th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.46 (19th)
  • Auth Core 1.4.0 (18th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.22 (13th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.18 (8th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.2 (8th)
  • Commons Metrics 1.2.4 (5th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.3.4 (4th)
  • Commons Log 5.1.0 (1st)
  • Metrics RRD4J 1.0.2 (1st)
  • Engine 2.6.10 (1st)
  • Feature Flags 1.2.2 (1st)
  • i18n 2.5.10 (1st)
  • Security 1.1.10 (1st)

November 2017

  • Event Support 4.2.10 (30th)
  • JCR Registration 1.0.4 (30th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.16 (27th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.44 (27th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.0 (27th)
  • Starter Startup 1.0.4 (27th)
  • Security 1.1.8 (20th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.8 (13th)
  • Sling API 2.16.4 (6th)
  • Sling JCR ResourceResolver 3.0.6 (6th)
  • Sling Default GET Servlets 2.1.28 (6th)

October 2017

  • Scripting Core 2.0.50 (23rd)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.4 (17th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.0.2 (17th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.2 (17th)
  • JCR Mock 1.3.2 (17th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.20 (17th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.9.8 (17th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.3.4 (17th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.10 (17th)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.14 (17th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.22 (17th)
  • Starter Startup 1.0.2 (10th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.6 (9th)
  • Query 4.0.0 (4th)
  • Thread Support 3.2.10 (2nd)

September 2017

  • Scripting Core 2.0.48 (29th)
  • Event Support 4.2.8 (29th)
  • SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.7.10 (29th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.16 (29th)
  • Testing Utilities 2.1.2 (29th)
  • Pipes 1.1.0 (24th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.2 (23th)
  • Repoinit JCR version 1.1.6 (22th)
  • Repoinit Parser version 1.2.0 (22th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.4 (22th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.14 (20th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.14 (20th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.42 (20th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.7.2 (19th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.3.4 (17th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.3.2 (9th)
  • RRD4J metrics reporter 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 3.0.2 (4th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.24 (4th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.40 (4th)
  • Parent POM 32 (4th)
  • Java Version Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (4th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.12 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.12 (1st)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.38 (1st)

August 2017

  • Launchpad Base 5.6.8-2.6.24 (31st)
  • Provisioning Model 1.8.4 (28th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.8 (28th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.14 (28th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.7.0 (25th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.3.2 (24th)
  • Rewriter 1.2.2 (17th)
  • Launchpad Base 5.6.6-2.6.22 (17th)
  • Event 4.2.6 (16th)
  • Default POST Servlets 2.3.22 (14th)
  • Parent 31 (8th)
  • Security 1.1.6 (7th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.38 (7th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.10 (7th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.8 (7th)
  • Launchpad Base 5.6.6-2.6.20 (3rd)

July 2017

  • Resource Resolver 1.5.30 (27th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.3.4 (21th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.28 (21th)
  • JCR Base 3.0.4 (21th)
  • JCR Resource 3.0.4 (21th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.8 (18th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.4.8 (18th)
  • Commons Johnzon 1.1.0 (17th)
  • Discovery Base 2.0.4 (10th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.20 (10th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.26 (10th)

June 2017

  • Auth Core 1.4.0 (29th)
  • Event 4.2.4 (26th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.2.4 (26th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.6 (26th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.4.6 (26th)
  • Security 1.1.4 (21st)
  • Testing Clients 1.1.4 (20th)
  • Testing Email 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Resource Merger 1.3.4 (20th)
  • Slingstart Archetype (15th)
  • JSPC Maven Plugin 2.1.0 (15th)
  • Slingstart Archetype 1.0.2 (15th)
  • Sling 9
  • Launchpad Testing 9
  • Launchpad Testing WAR version 9 (12th)
  • Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 2.0.12 (12th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.12 (12th)
  • Launchpad Test Bundles 0.0.2 (12th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.12 (12th)
  • Integration Tests 1.0.4 (12th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.26 (6th)
  • Testing Clients 1.1.0 (6th)
  • JUnit Remote Test Runners 1.0.12 (6th)
  • Tooling Support Install 1.0.4 (6th)
  • Tooling Support Source 1.0.4 (6th)
  • Resource Inventory 1.0.8 (6th)
  • Content Distribution Core 0.2.8 (6th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.2.12 (6th)
  • Log Tracer 1.0.4 (6th)
  • Commons Metrics 1.2.2 (6th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.2.2 (2nd)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.2.4 (2nd)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.4 (2nd)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.4.4 (2nd)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.0 (2nd)
  • SLF4J Implementation (Logback) 5.0.2 (1st)

May 2017

  • JCR Resource 3.0.2 (31st)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.2.0 (29th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.2 (29th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.4.2 (29th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.2.2 (29th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.3.2 (29th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.2 (29th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.0 (29th)
  • Launchpad Content 2.0.12 (29th)
  • Servlet Post 2.3.20 (28th)
  • JCR Contentloader 2.2.2 (28th)
  • Launchpad Base 5.6.4-2.6.18 (28th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.3.2 (22nd)
  • JCR Base Bundle 3.0.2 (22nd)
  • Web Console Branding 1.0.2 (22nd)
  • Engine Implementation 2.6.8 (22nd)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.26 (19th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.18 (19th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.6.2 (18th)
  • Installer Core 3.8.10 (18th)
  • Models Impl 1.4.2 (15th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.2 (15th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.9.6 (15th)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.10 (15th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.8 (15th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.24 (15th)
  • JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.12 (12th)
  • XSS Protection Compat Bundle 1.1.0 (11th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 3.0.0 (11th)
  • Junit Core 1.0.24 (11th)
  • Junit Teleporter 1.0.14 (11th)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.16 (11th)
  • Adapter 2.1.10 (11th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.24 (11th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.16 (11th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.0 (11th)
  • Healthcheck API 1.0.0 (11th)
  • Healthcheck Core 1.2.8 (11th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.20 (11th)
  • Discovery Base 2.0.0 (11th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.2.12 (11th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.18 (11th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.10 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.34 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.22 (9th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.12 (9th)
  • Installer Core 3.8.8 (8th)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.2.0 (8th)
  • Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.4 (8th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.1.0 (8th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.4.0 (8th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.1.0 (8th)
  • XSS Protection Bundle 2.0.0 (5th)
  • XSS Protection Compat Bundle 1.0.0 (5th)
  • Sling Resource Resolver 1.5.24 (5th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.0 (5th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.2.0 (5th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.3.0 (5th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.3.0 (5th)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.8 (5th)
  • Models API 1.3.4 (1st)
  • Models Implementation 1.4.0 (1st)
  • JCR Installer Provider 3.1.26 (1st)
  • JCR Resource 3.0.0 (1st)
  • Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.4 (1st)
  • Service User Mapper 1.3.0 (1st)
  • Scripting API 2.2.0
  • Tooling Support Source 1.0.2 (1th)

April 2017

  • Commons Johnzon 1.0.0 (29th)
  • Event API 1.0.0 (19th)
  • Validation API (12th)
  • Validation Core 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.18 (4th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.6 (3rd)

March 2017

  • Resource Resolver 1.5.22 (30th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.2.6 (30th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.2.6 (30th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.6 (30th)
  • Sling Mock Oak 1.0.2 (30th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Implementation 1.3.2 (30th)
  • File System Resource Provider 2.0.0 (30th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.3.0 (30th)
  • CAConfig SPI 1.3.0 (24th)
  • CAConfig Impl 1.3.0 (24th)
  • CAConfig Mock Plugin 1.1.0 (24th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.2.0 (24th)
  • JCR Content Parser 1.0.0 (23th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 2.2.4 (23th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 1.9.4 (23th)
  • Commons JSON 2.0.20 (20th)
  • Karaf repoinit 0.2.0 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP API Wrapper 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP EL Wrapper 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.3.0 (20th)
  • Testing PaxExam 0.0.4 (20th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.1.4 (20th)
  • Scripting Thymeleaf 1.1.0 (20th)
  • Resource Presence 0.0.2 (20th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.20 (13th)
  • JCR Repoinit 1.1.4 (13th)
  • i18n 2.5.8 (8th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.24 (8th)
  • XSS 1.0.18 (8th)
  • HTL JavaScript Use Provider 1.0.20 (8th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.46 (8th)
  • Health Check Core 1.2.6 (8th)
  • Event 4.2.2 (8th)
  • Distributed Event Admin 1.1.2 (8th)
  • Content Distribution Core 0.2.6 (2nd)
  • Installer Health Checks 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Parent 30 (Mar 6th) (2nd)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.8 (2nd)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.32 (2nd)
  • Commons Classloader 1.4.0 (1st)
  • Commons File System Classloader 1.0.6 (1st)

February 2017

  • Resource Resolver 1.5.14 (28th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.12 (28th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.2 (28th)
  • Installer Core 3.8.6 (20th)
  • Content Distribution Core 0.2.4 (20th)
  • Content Distribution Core 0.2.0 (14th)
  • Servlets GET 2.1.22 (12th)
  • Resource Merger 1.3.2 (8th)
  • DavEx Access to repositories 1.3.8 (8th)
  • Simple WebDAV Access to repositories 2.3.8 (8th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.6.16 (5th)
  • Servlets GET 2.1.20 (3rd)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.3.8 (3rd)

January 2017

  • Resource Inventory 1.0.6 (31st)
  • Installer Core 3.8.2 (31st)
  • JSP 2.2.6 (30th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.24 (30th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.2.2 (23th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.10 (23th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.12 (23th)
  • Tenant 1.1.0 (17th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.6 (17th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.8 (17th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.30 (17th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.6 (17th)
  • JSP 2.2.4 (16th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.10 (13th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.23 (11th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.10 (11th)
  • Testing Clients 1.0.1 (11th)
  • Server Setup Tools 1.0.1 (11th)
  • Testing Rules 1.0.1 (11th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.4 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.6 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.28 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.6 (9th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.18 (9th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.4 (9th)
  • Testing Hamcrest 1.0.2 (7th)


  • Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.16 (27th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.10 (24th)
  • File System Classloader 1.0.4 (24th)
  • Installer Console 1.0.2 (24th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.8 (23rd)
  • JCR Resource 2.9.2 (23rd)
  • Slingshot Sample 0.8.0 (23rd)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.4 (22th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.4 (22th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.22 (22th)
  • Models API 1.3.2 (22th)
  • Models Impl 1.3.8 (22th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.2.4 (22th)
  • JCR Base 3.0.0 (20th)
  • Dynamic Include 3.0.0 (20th)
  • i18n 2.5.6 (19th)
  • JCR RepoInit module 1.1.2 (19th)
  • API 2.16.2 (18th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.0 (18th)
  • JCR Resource 2.9.0 (16th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.2.2 (16th)
  • Scripting Java 2.1.2 (16th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.8.0 (16th)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.2.0 (16th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.2.2 (16th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.9.2 (16th)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.2 (16th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.2 (16th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.20 (16th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration API 1.1.0 (16th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.2.0 (16th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.2.0 (16th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration bnd Plugin 1.0.2 (16th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.0.0 (16th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.12 (15th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.44 (15th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.22 (13th)
  • Commons Metrics 1.2.0 (13th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.2.0 (8th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.9.0 (8th)
  • Sling Mock 2.2.0 (8th)
  • Sling Mock 1.9.0 (8th)
  • API 2.16.0 (6th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.6 (6th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.8 (6th)
  • JCR Resource 2.8.4 (6th)

November 2016

  • Models bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (24th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.3.6 (24th)
  • JCR Resource 2.8.2 (22th)
  • Security 1.1.2 (22th)
  • Models Implementation 1.3.4 (22th)
  • Models Jackson Exporter 1.0.4 (22th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.4 (21st)
  • Discovery Base 1.1.6 (21st)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.18 (21st)
  • Discovery Impl 1.2.10 (21st)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.16 (21st)
  • Auth Core 1.3.22 (15th)
  • JCR Base 2.4.2 (14th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.7.0 (13th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.6.0 (13th)
  • JCR Repoinit 1.1.0 (12th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.1.0 (12th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.5.0 (11th)
  • Installer Core 3.8.0 (10th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.1.0 (10th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.1.0 (10th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.2 (8th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.6.0 (8th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.2 (8th)
  • Commons Mime 2.1.10 (7th)
  • Web Console Security Provider 1.2.0 (6th)
  • Models API 1.3.0 (3th)
  • Models Implementation 1.3.0 (3th)
  • Models Jackson Exporter 1.0.0 (3th)

October 2016

  • Launchpad Base 2.6.14 (31st)
  • Provisioning Model 1.5.0 (31st)
  • XSS Protection API 1.0.16 (31st)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.5.2 (27th)
  • API 2.15.0 (25st)
  • Resource Resolver 1.5.0 (25st)
  • Installer Core 3.7.0 (25st)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.26 (24th)
  • Commons Log 5.0.0 (24th)
  • Log WebConsole 1.0.0 (24th)
  • DataSource Provider 1.0.2 (24th)
  • Log Tracer 1.0.2 (24th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.6 (22nd)
  • Scripting JSP 2.2.0 (20th)
  • Engine 2.6.6 (20th)
  • Scripting Java 2.1.0 (20th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.16 (20th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration API 1.0.0
  • Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Context-Aware Configuration bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Resource Builder 1.0.2 (18th)
  • Testing Hamcrest 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.40 (17th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.4 (17th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.24 (17th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.6.12 (16th)
  • Event 3.4.0 (15th)
  • Distributed Eventing 1.1.0 (15th)
  • Rewriter 1.2.0 (15th)
  • Pipes 0.0.10 (14th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.2 (13th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.2 (13th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.22 (13th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.14 (13th)
  • Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.4 (13th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 2.1.2 (10th)
  • i18n 2.5.4 (8th)
  • Oak Restrictions 1.0.0 (3rd)

September 2016

  • Discovery Commons 1.0.16 (29th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.14 (29th)
  • Testing Clients 1.0.0 (16th)
  • Server Setup Tools 1.0.0 (16th)
  • Testing Rules 1.0.0 (16th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.20 (19th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.18 (19th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.8 (19th)
  • Testing Logging Mock 2.0.0 (19th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.16 (19th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.8.0 (19th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.1.0 (19th)
  • Sling Mock 1.8.0 (19th)
  • Sling Mock 2.1.0 (19th)
  • Sling Mock Oak 2.0.2 (19th)
  • Resource Builder 1.0.0 (19th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.1.0 (19th)
  • Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.20 (8th)
  • Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.12 (8th)
  • Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.2 (8th)
  • Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.4 (8th)
  • HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.10 (5th)

August 2016

  • RepoInit Parser 1.0.4 (29th)
  • RepoInit JCR module 1.0.2 (29th)
  • XSS Protection API 1.0.14 (29th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.18 (29th)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.14 (29th)
  • Engine 2.6.2 (26th)
  • Commons Testing 2.1.0 (26th)
  • API 2.14.2 (26th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.18 (26th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.18 (25th)
  • Engine 2.6.0 (22nd)
  • Feature Flags 1.2.0 (22nd)
  • Background Servlets 1.0.8 (19th)
  • XSS Protection API 1.0.12 (19th)
  • I18n 2.5.2 (18th)
  • Hypermedia API client-side tools 1.0.0 (18th)
  • Testing PaxExam 0.0.2 (17th)
  • JCR Oak Server 1.1.0 (17th)
  • Security 1.1.0 (15th)
  • i18n 2.5.0 (8th)
  • i18n 2.4.10 (8th)
  • Engine 2.5.0 (5th)
  • i18n 2.4.8 (5th)
  • Feature Flags 1.1.0 (5th)
  • Event Support 4.1.0 (1st)

July 2016

  • Resource Resolver 1.4.16 (25th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.10 (25th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.10 (25th)
  • Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.2 (25th)
  • API 2.14.0 (25th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.5.0 (24th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.14 (21st)
  • Discovery Base 1.1.4 (17th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.2.8 (17th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.8 (17th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.7.0 (15th)
  • Sling Mock 2.0.0 (15th)
  • Sling Mock Oak 2.0.0 (15th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.26 (13th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.38 (13th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.4 (13th)
  • Repoinit Parser 1.0.2 (11th)
  • Repoinit JCR 1.0.0 (11th)
  • API 2.12.0 (9th)
  • Scripting Thymeleaf 1.0.0 (4th)

June 2016

  • Auth Core 1.3.16 (29th)
  • Adapter Manager 2.1.8 (28th)
  • Repository API Bundle 2.4.0 (27th)
  • JCR Base Bundle 2.4.0 (27th)
  • Rewriter 1.1.4 (26th)
  • JCR Resource 2.8.0 (22nd)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.30 (22nd)
  • Testing JCR Mock 1.1.14 (13th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.0.4 (13th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.14 (13th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.4.4
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.4 (10th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.12 (1st)

May 2016

  • JSON Library 2.0.16 (27th)

April 2016

  • Discovery API 1.0.4 (29th)
  • Log Tracer version 1.0.0 (25th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.12 (25th)
  • Scripting JSP-Taglib version 2.2.6 (21st)
  • Auth Core 1.3.14 (12th)
  • Servlets Post (10th)
  • Resource Resolver (7th)
  • Event 4.0.2 (4th)

March 2016

  • Discovery Commons 1.0.12 (29th)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.18 (18th)
  • Apache Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.8 (16th)
  • IDE Tooling for Eclipse 1.1.0 (14th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.8 (11th)
  • JCR Resource 2.7.4 (11th)
  • Installer Core 3.6.8 (11th)
  • Health Check Core 1.2.4 ( 8th)
  • Health Checks Annotations 1.0.4 ( 8th)
  • JCR Davex 1.3.2 ( 8th)
  • JCR Webdav 2.3.4 ( 8th)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.16 (5th)
  • Tooling Support Source 1.0.0 (3rd)
  • Background Servlets Engine 1.0.6 (2nd)
  • Background Servlets Integration Test 1.0.0 (2nd)

February 2016

  • NoSQL Generic Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
  • Couchbase Client 1.0.2 (27th)
  • Couchbase Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
  • MongoDB Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.4 (26th)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.14 (26th)
  • JCR Base 2.3.2 (23rd)
  • Internationalization Support (I18N) 2.4.6 (22nd)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.2 (19th)
  • JCR Resource 2.7.2 (19th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.2 (19th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.18 (15th)
  • Resource Merger 1.3.0 (14th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.36 (12th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.2 (11th)
  • API 2.11.0 (8th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.4.0 (8th)
  • JCR Resource 2.7.0 (8th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.4.0 (8th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 1.7.2 (8th)
  • OSGi Mock 2.0.2 (8th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.12 (8th)
  • Sling Mock 1.6.2 (8th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.12 (8th)
  • Servlet Helpers 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.6 (8th)
  • HApi 1.0.0 (5th) (2nd)
  • XSS Protection API 1.0.8 (2nd)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.12 (2nd)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.10 (1st)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.4 (1st)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.12 (1st)

January 2016

  • Thread Support 3.2.6 (25th)
  • Models Impl 1.2.6 (23st)
  • Testing Utilities 2.0.24 (21st)
  • Commons Metrics 1.0.0 (15th)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.10 (12th)
  • Scripting Groovy 1.0.2 (12th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.0 (8th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.4.0 (8th)
  • Engine Implementation 2.4.6 (8th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.28 (8th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.6 (3rd)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.16 (3rd)
  • Settings 1.3.8 (3rd)
  • Launchpad Base 2.6.10 (3rd)
  • Scripting JSP 2.1.8 (3rd)
  • Commons Threads 3.2.4 (3rd)
  • Discovery Standalone 1.0.2 (3rd)
  • Parent POM 26 (3rd

December 2015

  • Provisioning Model 1.4.2 (28th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.14 (21st)
  • Servlets GET 2.1.14 (21st)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.14 (20th)
  • Models Impl 1.2.4 (14th)
  • Sling Testing OSGi Mock 2.0.0 (14th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.12 (14th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.6.8 (11th)
  • Event 4.0.0 (1st)

November 2015

  • Discovery Commons 1.0.6 (30th)
  • Discovery Base 1.1.2 (30th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.2.0 (30th)
  • iscovery Impl 1.2.6 (30th)
  • Thread Support 3.2.2 ( 29th)
  • Background Servlets Engine 1.0.2 (23rd)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.14 (23rd)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.4 (23rd)
  • Security 1.0.18 (20th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.4 (16th)
  • Discovery Base 1.1.0 (16th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.1.0 (16th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.2.2 (16th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.22 (12th)
  • Commons JSON 2.0.16 (12th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.6 (12th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 1.7.0 (9th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Discovery Base 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Discovery Oak 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.2.0 (5th)
  • IDE Tooling 1.0.10 (9th)
  • Discovery Commons 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Discovery Base 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Discovery Oak 1.0.0 (2nd)

October 2015

  • Rewriter 1.1.2 (27th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.6.6 (26th)
  • Event 3.7.6 (26th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.4.0 (26th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.4 (26th)
  • Archetype Parent version 4 (19th)
  • Bundle Archetype version 1.0.4 (19th)
  • JCRInstall Bundle Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
  • Initial Content Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
  • Servlet Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
  • Slingstart Archetype 1.0.0 (19th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.12 (18th)
  • Sling 8 (16th)
  • Maven Plugin for Supporting Bundle Development 2.1.2 (15th)
  • Auth Forms 1.0.8 (13)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.6 (12th)
  • Scripting Sightly Models Use Provider 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Scripting Sightly REPL 1.0.2 (12th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.26 (12th)
  • XSS Protection API 1.0.6 (12th)
  • Oak Repository Server 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Adapter Manager Implementation 2.1.6 (12th)
  • Jackrabbit UserManager Support 2.2.4 (12th)
  • Simple WebDAV Access to repositories 2.3.2 (12th)
  • OSGi LogService Implementation 1.0.6 (12th)
  • Engine Implementation 2.4.4 (12th)
  • JSON Library 2.0.12 (12th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 1.6.0 (9th)
  • Sling Mock 1.6.0 (9th)
  • Sling Mock Jackrabbit 1.0.0 (9th)
  • Sling Mock Oak 1.0.0 (9th)
  • Eclipse IDE 1.0.8 (8th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.3.8 (5th)
  • Parent POM 25 (5th)

September 2015

  • Discovery Impl 1.1.8 (30th)
  • Distributed Event Admin 1.0.4 (30th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.12 (28th)
  • JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.2 (28th)
  • NoSQL Generic Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
  • NoSQL Couchbase Client 1.0.0 (21th)
  • NoSQL Couchbase Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
  • NoSQL MongoDB Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
  • Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.10 (15th)
  • Rewriter 1.1.0 (15th)
  • Models API 1.2.2 (15th)
  • Models Impl 1.2.2 (15th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.5.0 (10th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.10 (10th)
  • Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.10 (7th)
  • Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.4 (7th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.24 (7th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.6 (7th)
  • Launchpad Base 5.2.0-2.6.4 (6th)
  • Security 1.0.16 (4th)

August 2015

  • JCR Resource 2.5.6 (31st)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.4 (31st)
  • Security 1.0.14 (31st)
  • Security 1.0.12 (25th)
  • Testing OSGi Mock 1.5.0 (24th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.8 (24th)
  • Web Console Security Provider 1.1.6 (21st)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.2 (20th)
  • JCR API 2.3.0 (17th)
  • JCR Base 2.3.0 (17th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.3.0 (17th)
  • JCR Davex 1.3.0 (17th)
  • JCR Webdav 2.3.0 (17th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.10 (14th)
  • i18n 2.4.4 (13th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.34 (13th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.22 (13th)
  • Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.8 (13th)
  • Commons Log 4.0.6 (11th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.0 (7th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.3.0 (7th)
  • XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.4 (3rd)

July 2015

  • Scripting Core 2.0.32 (26th)
  • Event 3.7.4 (24th)
  • Distributed Event Admin 1.0.2 (24th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.8 (21st)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.30 (21st)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.20 (21st)
  • Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.6 (21st)
  • Resource Merger 1.2.10 (21st)
  • JCR Resource 2.5.4 (17th)
  • Servlets GET 2.1.12 (17th)
  • Event 3.7.2 (13th)
  • Authentication Service 1.3.10 (13th)
  • Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.6 (10th)
  • Content Detection Support 1.0.2 (9th)
  • Parent POM 24 (6th)
  • Authentication Service 1.3.8 (6th)
  • Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.18 (2nd)
  • Feature Flags 1.0.2 (1st)

June 2015

  • Event 3.7.0 (30th)
  • Models API 1.2.0 (27th)
  • Models Impl 1.2.0 (27th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.4.0 (27th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.4.0 (27th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.8 (27th)
  • JCR Resource Resolver 2.5.2 (26th)
  • Parent 23 (25th)
  • Log Tracer 1.0.2 (22th)
  • Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.2 (19th)
  • Default POST Servlets 2.3.8 (15th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.2.0
  • Installer Core 3.6.6 (13th) (13th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.8 (13th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.2.0 (13th)
  • Background Servlets Engine 1.0.0 (2nd)

May 2015

  • Testing Sling Mock 1.3.0 (26th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.3.0 (26th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.6 (26th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.6 (26th)
  • Logging Mock 1.0.0 (26th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.3.0 (26th)
  • Installer Core 3.6.4 (2nd)

April 2015

  • Health Check Core 1.2.2 (30th)
  • Launchpad Base 5.0.0-2.6.0 (30th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.1.2 (28th)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.10 (24th)
  • i18n 2.4.2 (23rd)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.1.0 (23rd)
  • Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.16 (20th)
  • Engine Implementation 2.4.2 (20th)
  • File Installer 1.1.0 (20th)
  • Resource Inventory 1.0.4 (20th)
  • Scripting Sightly JS Provider 1.0.4 (16th)
  • Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.4 (16th)
  • Scripting Sightly Testing 1.0.4 (16th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.16 (13th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.18 (13th)
  • Security 1.0.10 (April 8th)
  • Scripting Sightly 1.0.2 (7th)
  • Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.2 (7th)
  • Scripting Sightly Testing 1.0.2 (7th)
  • Event 3.6.0 (7th)
  • Commons Log 4.0.2 (7th)
  • Commons Log Service 1.0.4 (7th)
  • Performance Test Utilities 1.0.2 (2nd)

March 2015

  • Scripting Sightly 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Scripting Sightly JavaScript Use Provider 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Scripting Sightly REPL 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.0 (30th)
  • XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.2 (30th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.2.4 (24th)
  • XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.0 (20th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.14 (16th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.2.2 (16th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.2.0 (16th)
  • Launchpad Base 4.6.1-2.5.8 (12th)
  • Event 3.5.4 (12th)
  • Settings 1.3.6 (12th)
  • Resource Merger 1.2.8 (12th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.4 (12th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.1.0 (12th)
  • Query 3.0.0 (11th)
  • JCR Resource 2.5.0 (5th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.2.0 (5th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.6 (4th)
  • IDE Tooling 1.0.6 (2nd)
  • Service User Mapper 1.1.0 (2nd)
  • Health Check Core 1.2.0 (2nd)
  • Health Check Web Console 1.1.2 (2nd)

February 2015

  • URL Rewriter 0.0.2 (27th)
  • Security 1.0.8 (26th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.2.0 (26th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.2.0 (26th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.4 (26th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.4 (26th)
  • API 2.9.0 (February 24th)
  • Tooling Support Install 1.0.2 (23rd)
  • Engine Implementation 2.4.0 (19th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.6 (16th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.14 (16th)
  • Eventing 3.5.2 (16th)
  • Resource Merger 1.2.6 (16th)
  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.1.2 (16th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.12 (2nd)

January 2015

  • Testing JCR Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
  • Sling Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
  • Sling Mock Jackrabbit 0.1.2 (28th)
  • JCR Resource 2.4.4 (26th)
  • Launchpad Base 4.6.0-2.5.6 (26th)
  • JCR Resource 2.4.2 (23rd)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.10 (19th)
  • DataSource 1.0.0 (19th)
  • Launchpad Base 4.6.0-2.5.4 (19th)
  • Commons JSON 2.0.10 (17th)
  • Installer Core 3.6.2 (16th)
  • i18n 2.3.2 (16th)
  • JCR Resource Security 1.0.2 (13th)
  • Installer Core 3.6.0 (12th)
  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.1.0 (12th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.2.2 (12th)
  • Eventing 3.5.0 (10th)
  • JCR Resource Security 1.0.0 (9th)
  • Installer Factory Subsystems 1.0.0 (9th)

December 2014

  • Release JUnit Core 1.0.10 (15th)
  • JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.10 (15th)
  • JUnit Remote Tests Runners 1.0.10 (15th)
  • Testing Sling Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
  • OSGi Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
  • JCR Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
  • ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
  • Adapter Manager 2.1.4 (15th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.4 (2nd)

November 2014

  • Resource Merger 1.2.0 (29th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.8 (27th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.3.6 (18th)
  • Engine 2.3.10 (18th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.3.4 (14th)
  • Eventing 3.4.4 (7th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.1.6 (6th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Event 3.4.2 (1st)

October 2014

  • Engine 2.3.8 (27th)
  • Provisioning Model 1.0.0 (27th)
  • Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (27th)
  • JCR Resource Resolver 2.3.12 (26th)
  • Eventing 3.4.0 (24th)
  • Distributed Event Admin 1.0.0 (24th)
  • JCR Resource Resolver 2.3.10 (22nd)
  • Auth Core 1.3.2 (21st)
  • Resource Resolver Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
  • JCR Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
  • OSGi Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
  • Sling Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
  • Sling Mock Jackrabbit 0.1.0 (21st)
  • IDE Tooling 1.0.4 (18th)
  • Settings 1.3.4 (10th)
  • Discovery API 1.0.2 (10th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.0.12 (10th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.6 (4th)
  • Superimposing Resource Provider 0.2.0 (3rd)
  • Sling 7 (3rd)

September 2014

  • Scripting Java 2.0.12 (30th)
  • Resource Resolver Mock 0.3.0 (29th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.4 (26th)
  • JSP Taglib 2.2.4 (25th)
  • DavEx Access to repositories 1.2.2 (22nd)
  • Adapter Manager Implementation 2.1.2 (22nd)
  • Scripting Core implementation 2.0.28 (22nd)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.1.0 (21st)
  • Web Console Security Provider 1.1.4 (21st)
  • Resource Access Security 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Auth Core 1.3.0 (20th)
  • Engine 2.3.6 (19th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.2.2 (19th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 2.1.2 (19th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.2.0 (19th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.2 (19th)
  • JCR Registration 1.0.2 (19th)
  • JCR Web Console 1.0.2 (19th)
  • Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.4 (17th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.2 (16th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.2 (15th)
  • Filesystem Resource Provider 1.1.4 (12th)
  • Launchpad Content 2.0.8 (12th)
  • JSP Tag Library 2.2.2 (12th)
  • Scripting Groovy Support 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Auth Core 1.2.0 (8th)
  • Models API 1.1.0 (5th)
  • Models Impl 1.1.0 (5th)
  • Health Check Annotations 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Health Check Core 1.1.2 (5th)
  • Health Check JUnit Bridge 1.0.2 (5th)
  • Health Check Samples 1.0.6 (5th)
  • Default GET Servlets 2.1.10 (1st)
  • Explorer 1.0.4 (1st)

August 2014

  • API 2.8.0 (31st)
  • JCR Resource 2.3.8 (31st)
  • i18n 2.2.10 (31st)
  • Installer Core 3.5.4 (31st)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.8 (31st)
  • File Installer 1.0.4 (31st)
  • JSON Library 2.0.8 (28th)
  • Default POST Servlets 2.3.6 (28th)
  • Eventing 3.3.14 (25th)
  • Commons Mime 2.1.8 (25th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.4 (25th)
  • Commons Mime 2.1.6 (19th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.2.2 (19th)
  • Tenant 1.0.2 (18th)
  • Query 2.0.0 (11th)
  • Auth Core 1.1.8 (11th)
  • Auth Selector 1.0.6 (11th)
  • Form Based Authentication 1.0.6 (11th)
  • OpenID Authentication 1.0.4 (11th)
  • Eventing 3.3.12 (8st)
  • Parent 20 (1st)

July 2014

  • Discovery Impl 1.0.10 (29th)
  • Engine 2.3.4 (26th)
  • Launchpad Base 4.4.1-2.5.2 (26th)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.8 (22nd)
  • Compat Servlets 1.0.2 (14th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.0.4 (14th)
  • Settings 1.3.2 (26th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.1.4 (26th)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.10 (13th)
  • Authentication XING API 0.0.2 (11th)
  • Authentication XING Login 0.0.2 (11th)
  • Authentication XING OAuth 0.0.2 (11th)
  • Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2 (11th)
  • Models API 1.0.2 (2nd)
  • Models Impl 1.0.6 (2nd)
  • Installer Core 3.5.2 (2nd)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.14 (2nd)
  • Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (1st)

June 2014

  • Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.14 (23rd)
  • SLF4J MDC Filter 1.0.0 (9th)
  • Classloader Leak Detector 1.0.0 (9th)
  • Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
  • Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (4th)
  • Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
  • Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.0.2 (2nd)

May 2014

  • JCR ContentLoader 2.1.8 (23th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.2.0 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.1.0 (20th)
  • Archetype Parent 1 (14th)
  • Models Impl 1.0.4 (7th)

April 2014

  • Discovery Impl 1.0.8 (30th)
  • Resource Inventory 1.0.2 (30th)
  • Eventing 3.3.10 (30th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.3.2 (17th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.1.0 (4th)
  • Featureflags 1.0.0 (4th)
  • Resource-Based Discovery Service (discovery.impl) 1.0.6 (4th)

March 2014

  • Servlets Resolver 2.3.2 (31st)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.8 (31st)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.12 (31st)
  • Parent POM 19 (31st)
  • API 2.7.0 (24th)
  • JCR Resource 2.3.6 (24th)
  • JMX Resource Provider 1.0.2 (24th)
  • Resource Merger 1.1.2 (24th)
  • Model Implementation 1.0.2 (18th)
  • JCR Resource 2.3.4 (17th)
  • Engine 2.3.2 (16th)
  • i18n 2.2.8 (8th)
  • JCR Resource 2.3.2 (8th)
  • Discovery Impl 1.0.4 (8th)
  • JCR Webdav 2.2.2 (8th)
  • Resource Collection 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Resource Inventory 1.0.0 (8th)
  • JMX Provider 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Resource Merger 1.1.0 (8th)
  • Commons Log 4.0.0 (7th)
  • Security 1.0.0 (7th)
  • JCR Registration 1.0.0 (7th)
  • Bundle Resource 2.2.20 (7th)
  • JCR Base 2.2.2 (7th)
  • Eventing 3.3.6 (7th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.6 (7th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.26 (7th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.6 (7th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.4 (7th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.0 (6th)
  • API 2.6.0 (3rd)
  • Engine 2.3.0 (3rd)

February 2014

  • Servlets Resolver 2.3.0 (24th)
  • Resource Merger 1.0.0 (24th)
  • JCR API 2.2.0 (17th)
  • JCR Base 2.2.0 (17th)
  • JCR Resource 2.3.0 (17th)
  • Service User Mapper 1.0.0 (6th)
  • Resource Resolver Mock 0.2.0 (6th)

January 2014

  • Health Check Core 1.1.0 (31th)
  • Health Check Webconsole 1.1.0 (31th)
  • Auth Core 1.1.6 (31th)
  • Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.2 (28th)
  • API 2.5.0 (24th)
  • Eventing 3.3.4 (24th)
  • Installer Core 3.5.0 (19th)
  • Eventing 3.3.2 (19th)

December 2013

  • Web Console Security Provider 1.1.2 (17th)
  • Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.8 (14th)
  • Resource-Based Discovery Service 1.0.2 (3rd)

November 2013

  • Testing Utilities 2.0.16 (November 27th)

October 2013

  • Web Console Security Provider 1.1.0 (28th)
  • Event 3.3.0 (24th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.2 (24th)
  • Commons Threads 3.2.0 (24th)
  • Health Check Core 1.0.6 (24th)
  • Health Check JMX 1.0.6 (24th)
  • JMX Resource Provider 0.6.0 (24th)
  • Engine 2.2.10 (October 12th)
  • Auth Core 1.1.4 (7th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.4.0 (7th)
  • Resource Inventory 0.5.0 (7th)
  • JMX Resource Provider 0.5.0 (7th)

September 2013

  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • (30th)
  • Commons Log 3.0.2 (12th)

August 2013

  • Discovery Impl 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Discovery Standalone 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Discovery Support 1.0.0 (12th)
  • Settings 1.3.0 (12th)
  • Event 3.2.0 (12th)
  • JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.1.2 (8th)
  • Scripting JSP Taglib 2.2.0 (8th)

July 2013

  • JCR DavEx 1.2.0 (31st)
  • JCR Webdav 2.2.0 (31st)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.2 (18th)
  • I18n 2.2.6 (18th)
  • Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.0 (18th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.2.0 (18th)
  • Parent POM 17 (18th)

May 2013

  • Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.4 (27th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.28 (16th)
  • Servlets Post 2.3.0 (10th)
  • JCR Resource 2.2.8 (10th)
  • API 2.4.2 (3rd)
  • Parent POM 16 (3rd)

April 2013

  • Tenant 1.0.0 (26th)
  • Security 1.0.4 (26th)
  • javax.activation 0.1.0 (26th)
  • API 2.4.0 (18th)
  • Bundle Resource Provider 2.1.2 (18th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.1.2 (18th)
  • JCR Resource 2.2.6 (18th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.0.6 (18th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.2.4 (18th)
  • Engine 2.2.8 (18th)
  • Auth Core 1.1.2 (18th)

March 2013

  • Launchpad Base 2.5.0 (4th)
  • Script Console 1.0.0 (4th)

February 2013

  • JCR Classloader 3.1.2 (18th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.14 (18th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.8 (18th)
  • JUnit Remote 1.0.8 (18th)
  • JUnit Scriptable 1.0.8 (18th)
  • Testing Tools 1.0.6 (18th)
  • Installer Core 3.4.6 (18th)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.10 (18th)
  • JCR Instaler 3.1.6 (18th)
  • Parent POM 15 (18th)
  • Fragment Extension XML 1.0.2 (18th)
  • Fragment Extension WS 1.0.2 (18th)
  • Fragment Extension Activation 1.0.2 (18th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.0.4 (14th )
  • JCR Resource 2.2.4 (14th)

December 2012

  • Installer Core 3.4.4 (20th)
  • JCR Resource 2.2.2 (20th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.0.2 (20th)
  • Security 1.0.2 (20th)
  • Parent POM 14 (20th)
  • Servlet Resolver 2.2.2 (10th)

November 2012

  • Settings 1.2.2 (30th)
  • Auth Core 1.1.0 (30th)
  • Commons Logservice 1.0.2 (30th)
  • Installer Core 3.4.2 (30th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.26 (30th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.1.0 (30th)
  • JCR Compiler 2.1.0 (30th)
  • I18n 2.2.4 (30th)
  • JCR Classloader 3.1.10 (30th)
  • JCR Webdav 2.1.2 (30th)
  • JCR Davex 1.1.0 (30th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.2.0 (19th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.2.0 (19th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.2.0 (19th)
  • Rewriter 1.0.4 (19th)
  • Settings 1.2.0 (19th)
  • API 2.3.0 (15th)
  • Bundle Resource Provider 2.1.0 (15th)
  • File System Resource Provider 1.1.0 (15th)
  • JCR Resource 2.2.0 (15th)
  • Resource Resolver 1.0.0 (15th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.4 (15th)
  • Servlets Post 2.2.0 (15th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.2.0 (15th)
  • Adapter 2.1.0 (15th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.12 (15th)

October 2012

  • JSP Taglib 2.1.8 (29th)
  • Installer Core 3.4.0 (29th)
  • Installer API 1.0.0 (29th)
  • Installer Console 1.0.0 (29th)
  • JCR Wrapper 2.0.0 (29th)

August 2012

  • Installer Core 3.3.8 (19th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.1.4 (19th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.1.2 (19th)
  • Scripting JST 2.0.6 (17th)

July 2012

  • Adapter 2.0.16 (9th)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.1.6 (9th)
  • Parent POM 13 (9th)

June 2012

  • Commons Compiler 2.0.6 (28th)
  • Adapter 2.0.14 (28th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.1.8 (28th)
  • JCR Compiler 2.0.4 (28th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.24 (28th)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.4 (28th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.24 (28th)
  • POST Servlets 2.1.2 (28th)

May 2012

  • Installer Factory Configuration 1.0.8 (26th)
  • Engine 2.2.6 (26th)
  • i18n 2.2.2 (26th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.22 (26th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.3.0 (18th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.0.4 (18th)
  • Eventing 3.1.4 (18th)
  • Installer Core 3.3.6 (18th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.4 (18th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.1.6 (18th)
  • JCR Resource 2.1.0 (18th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.1.2 (18th)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.4 (18th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.22 (18th)

February 2012

  • Commons Testing 2.0.10 (7th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.3.4 (7th)
  • Commons Log 3.0.0 (7th)
  • Commons Log Service 1.0.0 (7th)
  • Adapter 2.0.12 (7th)
  • Installer Core 3.3.4 (7th)
  • Launchpad API 1.1.0 (7th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.1.0 (7th)
  • Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.6 (7th)

January 2012

  • API 2.2.4 (30th)
  • Adapter 2.0.10 (30th)
  • Scripting JSP Taglib 2.1.6 (30th)
  • Rewriter 1.0.2 (30th)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.1.4 (30th)
  • JCR Base 2.1.2 (30th)
  • Servlet Resolver 2.1.2 (30th)
  • Security 1.0.0 (30th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.4 (16th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.20 (16th)
  • i18n 2.2.0 (16th)
  • Installer Core 3.3.2 (16th)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.2 (16th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.20 (16th)
  • Adapter Annotations 1.0.0 (14th)
  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.0 (14th)
  • Settings 1.1.0 (6th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.2.4 (6th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.3.2 (6th)
  • Installer Core 3.3.0 (6th)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.4 (6th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.0.6 (6th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.2 (6th)
  • Thread Dumper 0.2.2 (6th)

November 2011

  • Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.0 (15th)

October 2011

  • Maven Sling Plugin 2.0.6 (21st)

September 2011

  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.1.0 (9th)

August 2011

  • Resource Bundle 1.0.0 (16th)
  • Parent POM 12 (16th)
  • API 2.2.2 (16th)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.3.0 (16th)
  • Commons OSGi 2.1.0 (16th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.18 (16th)
  • Installer Core 3.2.2 (16th)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.2 (16th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.0.4 (16th)
  • File Installer 1.0.2 (16th)
  • Scripting JSP Support 2.0.18 (15th)
  • Parent POM 11 (8th)

July 2011

  • Internationalization 2.1.2 (15th)
  • Event 3.1.0 (13th)
  • OSGi Installer 3.2.0 (13th)
  • JCR Installer 3.1.0 (13th)
  • Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.0 (13th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.0.2 (13th)

June 2011

  • Engine 2.2.4 (22nd)

May 2011

  • Launchpad Standalone Archetype 1.0.0 (13th)
  • Launchpad Webapp Archetype 1.0.0 (13th)
  • Scripting JSP Support 2.0.16(3rd)
  • JSP Taglib 2.1.2 (3rd)

April 2011

  • Test Tools 1.0.2 (26th)
  • JUnit Core 1.0.6 (26th)
  • JUnit Remote Tests Runners 1.0.6 (26th)
  • JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.6 (26th)
  • Sample Integration Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
  • Sample Server-Side Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
  • Failing Server-Side Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
  • I18N 2.1.0 (12th)

March 2011

  • Sling 6 (28th)
  • Launchpad Content 2.0.6 (28th)
  • Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.0 (04th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.8 (04th)
  • Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.8 (04th)

February 2011

  • Javascript 2.0.12 (26th)
  • Explorer 1.0.2 (24th)
  • JCR Resource 2.0.10 (24th)
  • Engine 2.2.2 (24th)
  • Installer IT Testing 3.1.2 (24th)
  • Launchpad API 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Launchpad Installer 1.0.0 (20th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.3.0 (20th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.10 (20th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.8 (20th)
  • Servlets Get 2.1.2 (18th)
  • Installer Core 3.1.2 (4th)
  • JCR Installer 3.0.4 (4th)
  • Event 3.0.2 (4th)

January 2011

  • Scripting Core 2.0.16 (29th)
  • JCR Resource 2.0.8 (28th)
  • Engine 2.2.0 (28th)
  • Bundle Resource Provider 2.0.6 (28th)
  • File Resource Provider 1.0.2 (28th)
  • Auth Core 1.0.6 (28th)
  • Auth Selector 1.0.4 (28th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.0.2 (21st)
  • JCR Compiler 2.0.2 (21st)
  • Commons Log 2.1.2 (21st)
  • Event 3.0.0 (21st)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.14 (21st)
  • Installer Core 3.1.0 (21st)
  • JCR Installer 3.0.2 (21st)

December 2010

  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.8 (20th)
  • Commons Compiler 2.0.0 (20th)
  • i18n 2.0.4 (20th)
  • Commons Json 2.0.6 (20th)
  • Commons Log 2.1.0 (20th)
  • Scripting Java 2.0.0 (20th)
  • Scripting JST 2.0.4 (20th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.2 (20th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.12 (20th)
  • Scripting Javascript 2.0.10 (20th)
  • JCR Compiler 2.0.0 (20th)
  • Auth Core 1.0.4 (20th)
  • Auth Selector 1.0.2 (20th)
  • Auth Form 1.0.2 (20th)
  • Auth OpenId 1.0.2 (20th)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.1.2 (20th)
  • API 2.20 (13th)
  • Adapter 2.0.8 (13th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.2.2 (13th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.1.4 (13th)
  • Parent POM 10 (13th)

November 2010

  • JCR Web Console Plugin 1.0.0 (16th)
  • JCR Access Manager 2.1.0
  • JCR User Manager 2.1.0 (8th) (8th)
  • JCR WebDAV support 2.1.0 (8th)
  • JCR DavEX support 1.0.0 (8th)
  • Explorer 1.0.0 (1st)

October 2010

  • Scripting Core 2.0.14 (25th)
  • Commons Threads 3.1.0 (15th)
  • Event 2.4.2 (15th)
  • I18N 2.0.2 (15th)
  • Rewriter 1.0.0 (15th)
  • Settings 1.0.2 (15th)

September 2010

  • Installer Core 3.0.0 (24th)
  • Installer File Provider 1.0.0 (24th)
  • Installer JCR Provider 3.0.0 (24th)
  • Commons Testing 2.0.6 (20th)
  • JCR API 2.1.0 (10th)
  • JCR Base 2.1.0 (10th)
  • JCR Content Loader 2.1.0 (10th)
  • Jackrabbit Server 2.1.0 (10th)
  • Commons Threads 3.0.2 (06th)
  • Event 2.4.0 (06th)

August 2010

  • Commons ClassLoader 1.2.0 (30th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.1.2 (30th)
  • Web Console Branding 1.0.0 (25th)
  • Web Console Security Provider 1.0.0 (25th)
  • API 2.1.0 (21st)

July 2010

  • GWT Integration 3.0.0 (30th)

April 2010

  • Commons OSGi 2.0.6 (27th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.2.0 (27th)
  • Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.6 (27th)

March 2010

  • Event 2.3.0 (1st)
  • Scripting Core 2.1.0 (1st)
  • Apache Commons MIME 2.1.4 (1st)
  • FileResource Provider 1.0.0 (1st)

February 2010

  • Sample Path Based Resource Type Provider 2.0.4 (22nd)
  • Event 2.2.0 (19th)
  • Scripting API 2.1.0 (19th)
  • Thread Dumper 0.2.0 (19th)
  • JCR WebDav 2.0.8 (17th)
  • JCR ContentLoader 2.0.6 (17th)
  • JCR UserManager 2.0.4 (17th)
  • JCR Server 2.0.6 (17th)
  • JCR AccessManager 2.0.4 (17th)
  • JCR Base 2.0.6 (17th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.1.4 (8th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.1.0 (8th)

January 2010

  • JCR API 2.0.6 (29th)

December 2009

  • Commons ClassLoader 1.1.2 (21st)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.2.0 (21st)
  • Commons Threads 3.0.0 (21st)
  • Event 2.1.0 (21st)
  • Servlets Get 2.0.8 (21st)
  • Commons Mime 2.1.2 (15th)
  • Commons HTML 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Commons Compiler 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • JCR Compiler 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • JCR Prefs 1.0.0 (2nd)
  • Scripting Java 1.0.0 (2nd)

November 2009

  • Parent POM 8 (28th)
  • Launchpad Base 2.1.0 (28th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.1.0 (28th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 3.0.0 (28th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.8 (28th)
  • Scripting JSP 2.0.8 (28th)
  • Scripting JSP Taglib 2.0.6 (28th)
  • Scripting JavaScript 2.0.6 (28th)

October 2009

  • Engine 2.0.6 (13th)
  • Adapter 2.0.4 (13th)
  • JCR Resource 2.0.6 (13th)
  • Commons ClassLoader 1.0.0 (13th)
  • Event 2.0.6 (13th)
  • JCR ClassLoader 2.0.6 (13th)
  • Scripting Core 2.0.6 (13th)
  • Servlets Resolver 2.0.8 (13th)
  • API 2.0.8 (2nd)
  • Commons HTML 0.9.0 (2nd)
  • Commons ClassLoader 0.9.0 (2nd)
  • Commons Scheduler 2.1.0 (2nd)
  • Servlets Get 2.0.6 (2nd)

August 2009

  • API 2.0.6 (17th)
  • JCR API 2.0.4 (17th)
  • Commons LogService 2.0.6 (5th)
- ( Releases )