This is a list of all our releases, available from our downloads page.
- Testing PaxExam 4.1.0 (25th)
- Testing Sling Mock 3.5.4 (20th)
- Security 1.3.0 (18th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.7.2 (17th)
- Content Distribution Core 0.7.2 (14th)
- Adapter 2.3.0, Bundle Resource Provider 2.4.0 (12th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.3.0, Sling Maven Plugin 3.0.4 (10th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.9.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.54 (28th)
- Sling Dynamic Include 3.3.2 (17th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.4.10 (7th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.12, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.38-1.4.0 (31th)
- Apache Sling Resource Resolver 1.12.4 (30th)
- Connection Timeout Agent 1.0.4 (27th)
- XSS 2.4.6 (26th)
- Starter 13 (17th)
- Project Archetype 1.0.14 (7th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.11.8 (26th)
- OAuth Client 0.1.0 (23rd)
- Feature Model 2.0.4, Feature Model Launcher 1.3.2, Installer Core 3.14.2 (21th)
- Models Implementation 1.7.8, Testing Clients 3.1.0 (20th)
- XSS 2.4.4, Apache Sling Feature Model Content Extension 1.0.14 (19th)
- Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.16, Commons Log WebConsole 1.0.2, Commons Log Service 1.1.2, Commons Scheduler 2.7.14, JCR API 2.4.2, JCR Davex 1.3.12, JCR Webdav 2.3.10, Scripting API 2.2.2, Scripting JSP Taglib 2.4.2, Distributed Event Admin 1.1.6, Discovery Oak 1.2.46, Discovery Support 1.0.8, Discovery API 1.0.6, Extensions Web Console Branding 1.0.4, Service User WebConsole 1.0.4, Validation API 1.0.2, Starter Content 1.0.16, Launchpad Test Services 13, Launchpad Integration Tests 13 (16th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.11.6, Testing OSGi Mock 3.5.2 (12th)
- Models Impl 1.7.6 (7th)
- Feature Model 2.0.2, Apache Sling Feature Model Analyser 2.0.12 (2nd)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.26-1.4.0 (28th)
- Engine 2.16.0 (26th)
- Parent and Bundle Parent 62, Installer Configuration Factory 1.4.8 (21st)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.8 (19th)
- Models Implementation 1.7.4 (18th)
- Parent 61 and Bundle Parent 61 (4th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.11.4 (1st)
- Engine 2.15.18, Models Implementation 1.7.2 (29th)
- I18n 2.6.6 (25th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.4.2 (23th)
- Commons Metrics 1.2.14 (18th)
- Resource Resolver 1.12.2 (4th)
- OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.8.4 (19th)
- Scripting Core 2.4.10 (5th)
- JCR Repoinit 1.1.52 (30th)
- Commons Threads 3.3.0 (30th)
- I18N Support 2.6.4 (27th)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.5.0, OSGi Mock 3.5.0, Sling Mock 3.5.2 (26th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.4.6 (21st)
- XSS 2.4.2, Commons Prometheus Metrics Exporter 0.1.2 (19th)
- Feature Analyser 2.0.10, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.36-1.4.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.10, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.34-1.4.0 (14th)
- Resource Resolver 1.12.0 (12th)
- Launchpad Base 2.8.0 (16th)
- Sling API 2.27.6, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.32-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.34-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.24-1.4.0 (10th)
- Models API 1.5.4 (5th)
- Models API 1.5.2, Models Implementation 1.7.0 (28th)
- Repoinit JCR 1.1.50 (26th)
- OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.8.4 (26th)
- Feature Model Analyser 2.0.8 (26th)
- Apache Sling Feature Model Analyser 2.0.4 (11th)
- Engine 2.15.16 (4th)
- Repoinit JCR 1.1.48 (4th)
- JCR Resource 3.3.2 (27th)
- JCR Resource 3.3.0 (14th)
- Rewriter 1.4.4 (3rd)
- Rewriter 1.4.2, Engine 2.15.14, Commons JSON 2.0.28 (29th)
- OSGi Feature Maven Plugin (27th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter (25th)
- Rewriter 1.4.0, Testing Sling Mock 3.5.0, Sling Mock Oak 3.2.0-1.22.15, Sling Mock Oak 4.0.0-1.62.0 (22nd)
- Tenant 1.1.8 (19th)
- Commons JSON 2.0.26 (17th)
- Content Parser JSON 2.1.0 (12th)
- Commons JSON 2.0.24 (28th)
- Resource Observation Annotations 1.0.0 (7th)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.6 (4th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.11.2 (27th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.30 (21th)
- Commons Log 5.5.0 (6th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.11.0, Rewriter 1.3.10 (27th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.14, OSGi Mock 3.4.2, ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.6, Sling Mock 3.4.18 (25th)
- Resource Resolver 1.11.6 (23rd)
- Installer Core 3.14.0, Installer Factory Feature 0.8.0, Feature Extension Unpack 0.4.0 (22nd)
- Rewriter 1.3.8 (18th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 4.0.0 (14th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.28 (8th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.12, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.30 (23rd)
- Engine 2.15.10 (18th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.26 (17th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.4 (15th)
- Testing Sling Mock 3.4.16 (12th)
- Commons Johnzon 2.0.0, Commons Mime 2.3.0 (10th)
- Provider Type Checker Bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (9th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.4.0 (20th)
- Resource Resolver 1.11.4 (17th)
- Engine 2.15.8 (17th)
- Repoinit JCR 1.1.46 (17th)
- Apache Sling OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.8.0 (16th)
- XSS Protection API 2.4.0 (13th)
- Resource Resolver 1.11.2 (12th)
- Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.5.6 (10th)
- Apache Sling App CMS 1.1.8 (9th)
- Apache Sling OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.4, Apache Sling Feature Model Analyser 2.0.2 (8th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 4.0.0, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.28, Starter Content 1.0.14, Thumbnails 1.0.2 (23rd)
- Event 4.3.14, Testing Sling Mock 3.4.14 (16th)
- JCR Maintenance 1.1.0, JCR Oak Server 1.4.0 (15th)
- Commons MIME 2.2.4 (13th)
- Auth Core 1.7.0 (9th)
- Servlets Get 2.2.0, Servlets Post 2.6.0 and Servlets Resolver 2.10.0 (8th)
- JCR Base 3.2.0 (5th)
- Commons Prometheus Metrics Exporter 0.1.0 (27th)
- Feature Model Content Extension 1.0.12 (25th)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.4 (22th)
- Resource Resolver 1.11.0 (22nd)
- Sling GraphQL Core 0.0.24 (21st)
- Engine 2.15.6, Service User Mapper 1.5.8, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.4, Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.10, Testing Sling Mock 3.4.12 (21st)
- Servlets Resolver 2.9.14 (8th)
- Tracer 1.0.8 (7th)
- Engine 2.15.4 (2nd)
- Resource Merger 1.4.4 (31st)
- Sling GraphQL Core 0.0.22 (30th)
- Launchpad Base 7.0.5-2.7.8 (24th)
- Auth Core 1.6.2, Commons Johnzon 1.2.16 (23rd)
- Sling Models Jacksonexporter 1.1.4 (18th)
- Project Archetype 1.0.12 (17th)
- Testing PaxExam 4.0.0, Scripting Groovy 1.3.0, Parent & Bundle Parent 51 (13th)
- OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.2, Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.6 (10th)
- Parent & Bundle Parent 50, Maven Enforcer Rules 1.2.0 (8th)
- XSS Protection API 2.3.8 (3rd)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.2 (30th)
- Engine 2.15.2 (12th)
- Feature Model API Regions Runtime Fragment 1.1.10 (11th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.9.12 (7th)
- OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.7.0 (5th)
- Models Implementation 1.6.4 (2nd)
- Sling Engine 2.15.0 (26th)
- Models Implementation 1.6.2 (25th)
- Sling Security 1.2.0 (22nd)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.10, OSGi Mock 3.3.8, ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.2, Sling Mock 3.4.10, Sling Mock Oak 3.1.10-1.44.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.5.0, OSGi Installer Configuration Factory 1.4.4, OSGi Installer Console 1.1.2 (19th)
- Sling API 2.27.2 (18th)
- Event API 1.0.4, Event 4.3.12 (11th)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.2 (8th)
- Sling Mock 3.4.8 (2nd)
- Testing Servlet Helpers 1.4.6, JCR Mock 1.6.8, Sling Mock 3.4.6, Rewriter 1.3.6 (27rd)
- GraphQL Corea 0.0.20 (25th)
- XSS Protection API 2.3.6 (9th)
- JCR Base 3.1.14 (5th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.44, Event 4.3.8 (3rd)
- Models API 1.5.0, Models Implementation 1.6.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.4.2 (31th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.6, Sling Mock 3.4.4 (27th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.6 (23rd)
- Resource Merger 1.4.2 (17th)
- Resource Collections 1.0.4 (14th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.4.4 (11th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.4 (6th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.2 (1st)
- Engine 2.14.0 (24th)
- I18N 2.6.2 (20th)
- JCR Base 3.1.12 (14th)
- Feature Model Analyser 2.0.0, Feature Model API Regions Extension 2.0.0, Feature Model Diff Tool 0.1.0, Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.3.0, JCR ContentLoader 2.6.0, Feature Model 2.0.0, Feature Model Launcher 1.3.0 (13th)
- App CMS 1.1.6 (3rd)
- Scripting JSP 2.6.2 (2nd)
- XSS Protection API 2.3.4, Repoinit Parser 1.9.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.44 and Repoinit FileVault Validator 1.0.0 (30th)
- Testing Rules 2.0.2 (18th)
- Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.1.8-1.44.0 (16th)
- Feature Model Launcher 1.2.4 (9th)
- App CMS 1.1.4 (1st)
- Feature Launcher 1.2.2, Feature Extension Apiregions 1.6.4, Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.8 (9th)
- Testing Clients 3.0.18 (8th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.4, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.22-1.4.0 (5th)
- Engine 2.13.0 and Servlets Resolver 2.9.10 (3rd)
- Tooling Support Install & Source 1.1.0 (28th)
- Models Impl 1.5.4 (25nd)
- Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.4, Health Check Support 1.0.10 (22nd)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.24 (21th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.1.0 (17th)
- Engine 2.12.2, JCR Resource 3.2.4 (14th)
- App CMS 1.1.2 (1st)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.42 (31st)
- Feature Model 1.3.0, XSS Protection API 2.3.2 (31st)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.20 (16th)
- XSS Protection API 2.3.0 (4th)
- Auth Core 1.6.0, JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.14 (29th)
- Testing Clients 3.0.16, Jcr Resource 3.2.2 (28th)
- Engine 2.12.0 (26th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.8.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.42, Feature Model Analyser 1.6.8, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.6.8 (23rd)
- Auth Core 1.5.8 and Service User Mapper 1.5.6 (20th)
- Rewriter 1.3.4 (19th)
- Testing Sling Mock 3.4.2, Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.1.4-1.40.0 (15th)
- Engine 2.11.0 (12th)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.4.0, OSGi Mock 3.3.2, Sling Mock 3.4.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.14 (2nd)
- API 2.27.0, JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.26 (23rd)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.18 (22th)
- Sling Maven Plugin 3.0.2 (21st)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.24 (15th)
- Models Context-Aware Configuration 1.0.2, Engine 2.10.2, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.32-1.4.0, Resource Resolver 1.10.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.8, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.20-1.4.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.8, API 2.26.0 (12th)
- Parent and Bundle Parent 49 (8th)
- Extensions Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.6 (4th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.28, Base 2.0.14, Oak 1.2.40, Commons Metrics 1.2.12 (3rd)
- Installer Health Checks 2.1.0 (28th)
- Engine 2.9.2 (18th)
- Feature Model Analyser 1.6.6, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.6 (17th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.7.0, Repoinit JCR 1.1.40 (11th)
- Testing Sling Mock 3.3.2 (5th)
- Health Check Support 1.0.8 (1st)
- Event 4.3.6 (27th)
- Maven Enforcer Rules 1.1.0 (27th)
- Feature Model Extension API Region 1.6.2 (16th)
- API 2.25.4 and Commons Log 5.4.2 (13th)
- Maven Enforcer Rules 1.0.0 (12th)
- (Bundle) Parent 48 and Installer WebConsole Plugin 1.0.4 (7th)
- Resource Resolver 1.9.0 (27th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.20 (24th)
- Event 4.3.2 (23rd)
- Content Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.16 (20th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.3.0 (19th)
- Feature Extension API Region 1.6.0 (15th)
- Scripting Core 2.4.8, Scripting JSP 2.6.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.6 (14th)
- Resource Resolver 1.8.6, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.26 (9th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.6.0, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.3.0, Testing OSGi Mock 3.3.0, Testing Sling Mock 3.3.0 (9th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.22 (5th)
- Models API 1.4.2, Models Implementation 1.5.2, Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.5.0 (3rd)
- Query 4.0.4 (2nd)
- Sling Content Distribution API 0.7.0 (29th)
- Commons Metrics RRD4J 1.0.6 (26th)
- Installer Factory Feature 0.7.0 (23rd)
- JSPC Maven Plugin 2.3.4 (12th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.20 (8th)
- Scripting Core 2.4.6 (5th)
- Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.4 (1st)
- API 2.25.0, Engine 2.9.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.4, Scripting Sightly 1.4.18-1.4.0 (1st)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.1.14 (25th)
- Starter 12, Feature Model Analyser 1.6.2, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.2 (18th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.26, Base 2.0.12, Oak 1.2.36 (14th)
- Launchpad Testing 12, Launchpad Integration Tests 12, Launchpad Testing Services 12, Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 12 (14th)
- Starter Content 1.0.12, Event 4.3.0 (10th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.6.14, Repoinit JCR 1.1.38 (7th)
- ResourceResolver Mocks 1.2.6 (25th)
- Content Distribution API 0.6.0 (21st)
- Sling Security 1.1.24 (18th)
- Rewriter 1.3.2 (17th)
- Scripting Core 2.4.4 (14th)
- Tenant 1.1.6 and Resource Resolver 1.8.4 (12th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.16-1.4.0 (9th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.18 (4th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.6.12 (3rd)
- Sitemap 1.0.6 (1st)
- Commons Metrics 1.2.10 (28th)
- Feature Analyser 1.6.0, Feauture Extension Apiregion 1.5.0, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.6.0 (27th)
- JCR Resource 3.2.0, Parent and Bundle Parent 47 (22nd)
- ResourceResolver 1.8.2 (19th)
- Feature Model 1.2.30, Security 1.1.22, Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.5.18, Feature Launcher 1.2.0, Feature Extension Apiregion 1.4.4, Commons Log 5.4.0 (15th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.18, Dynamic Include 3.3.0 (14th)
- Context-Aware Configuration API 1.3.0, Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.4.0, Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.6.0, Models Context-Aware Configuration 1.0.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.4.0 (7th)
- Testing Clients 3.0.6 (4th)
- Distribution Journal Messages 0.4.0, Distribution Journal Kafka 0.3.0
- Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.2, Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.10 (21th)
- Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.22, Content Distribution Core 0.4.8 (21st)
- Commons Log 5.3.0 (20th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.5.2, JCR ContentLoader 2.5.0 (20th)
- Models Jackson Exporter 1.1.2 (18th)
- Commons Log 5.2.0, Starter Content 1.0.10 (14th)
- Testing Clients 3.0.4 (13th)
- Feature Analyser 1.5.2, Feature Extension Apiregion 1.4.2, Commons Messaging Mail 2.0.0 (12th)
- Mock Oak 3.1.2-1.40.0 (11th)
- Models API 1.4.0, Models Implementation 1.5.0, Models Jackson Exporter 1.1.0, Models Validation Impl 1.1.0, Testing OSGi Mock 3.2.2, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.6 (10th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.2.0, Sling Mock 3.2.0, Sling Mock Oak 3.1.0-1.40.0, Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.4 (2nd)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.4, Sling Mock 3.2.2 (6th)
- File Installer 1.3.4 (29th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.16 (18th)
- API 2.24.0, Resource Resolver 1.8.0, Engine 2.8.0, Adapter 2.2.0, Servlets Resolver 2.9.0, Servlets Post 2.5.0, Resource Access Security 1.1.0, JCR Resource 3.1.0, JCR Resource Security 1.1.0, Scripting Sightly Engine 1.4.14-1.4.0 (12th)
- App CMS 1.1.0 (10th)
- i18n 2.5.18 (6th)
- Commons Messaging 1.0.2, Commons Content Analyzing 1.0.0, Commons Content Processing 1.0.0 (1st)
- Commons Crypto 1.1.0 (18th)
- Javax Activation 0.3.0 (16th)
- Commons Log 5.1.14 (14th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.16 (11th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.4-1.4.0 (8th)
- Sitemap 1.0.4 (4th)
- Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.5.0, Testing Clients 2.0.10 (27th)
- Engine 2.7.10 (25th)
- Parent 46, Bundle Parent 46, Commons Threads 3.2.22 (24th)
- Feature Analyser 1.4.0 and Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.5.16 (17th)
- Testing Sling Mock 3.1.2 (16th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.4.2 (9th)
- Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.4.0 (5th)
- Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.4.0 (3rd)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.1.4, Testing JCR Mock 1.5.4, Testing Sling Mock 3.1.0, Sling Testing Sling Mock Oak 3.0.0-1.16.0, File System Resource Provider 2.2.0 (2nd)
- Parent 45, Bundle Parent 45 and Thumbnails 1.0.0 (30th)
- Event Support 4.2.24 (16th)
- Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.20 (13rd)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.12-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.30-1.4.0 (11th)
- Scripting Core 2.4.0 (11th)
- Installer Core 3.12.0, Installer Factory Configuration 1.4.0, Installer Factory Feature 0.6.0 (10th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.14-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.6-1.4.0 (7th)
- Feature Model Analyser 1.3.30 (6th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.8.2 (4th)
- Parent and Bundle Parent 44 (30th)
- Feature Model 1.2.28, Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.3.8, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.10 (29th)
- Resource Resolver 1.7.10 (24th)
- App CMS 1.0.4 (23rd)
- Servlets Resolver 2.8.0 (22nd)
- Launchpad Base 2.7.4 (22nd)
- Servlets Post 2.4.6 (21st)
- Auth Core 1.5.6 (19th)
- Scripting SPI 1.0.4 (19th)
- Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.18, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.2.0, Archetype Parent 7 (16th)
- SAML2 Service Provider 0.2.6 (13th)
- Scripting JSP 2.5.4, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.3.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.12 (12th)
- Sitemap 1.0.2 (8th)
- Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.3.0, Content Distribution Core 0.4.6 (2nd)
- JUnit Core 1.1.6 (27th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.2 (24th)
- Distribution API 0.5.0 (21st)
- Repoinit Parser 1.6.10, Repoinit JCR V1.1.36 (21st)
- Event Support 4.2.22 (14th)
- Scripting Java 2.1.6 (14th)
- Form Based Authentication 1.0.24 (11th)
- Post Servlet 2.4.4 (10th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.14, JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.10 (10th)
- Servlet Annotations 1.2.6, JCR Package Init 1.0.4 (10th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.24, Base 2.0.10, Oak 1.2.34 (7th)
- Resource Resolver 1.7.8 (7th)
- Parent and Bundle Parent 43 (5th)
- Event Support 4.2.20 (3rd)
- Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.10 (31st)
- Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.8 (27th)
- Auth Core 1.5.4, XSS Protection API 2.2.14, GraphQL Core 0.0.10 (25th)
- App CMS 1.0.2 (20th)
- Scripting JSP 2.5.2, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.30-1.4.0, Scripting Core 2.3.6, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.8-1.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.3.0, Servlets Resolver 2.7.14, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.28-1.4.0, Resource Resolver 1.7.6 (11th)
- API 2.23.4 (4th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.6.8, Feature Analyser 1.3.24, Feature Extension Api Regions 1.2.2, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.2 (1st)
- Bundle Resource Provider 2.3.4 (26th)
- Scripting SPI 1.0.2 (26th)
- Auth Core (1.5.2) (21st)
- JCR Maintenance 1.0.2 (19th)
- Event Support 4.2.18 (19th)
- Resource Resolver 1.7.4 (15th)
- Junit Core 1.1.2 (13th)
- Feature Model 1.2.22, Feature Model Extension Api Regions 1.2.0, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.5.0 (2nd)
- Testing OSGi Mock 3.1.2 (23th)
- Resource Merger 1.4.0 (15th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.5.2, OSGi Mock 3.1.0, Sling Mock 3.0.2 (12th)
- i18n 2.5.16 (11th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.12, Parent 41, Bundle Parent 41 (1st)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.10, Repoinit JCR V1.1.34 (19th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.6.6, Repoinit JCR V1.1.32 (16th)
- JCR Package Init 1.0.2 (8th)
- JCR Maintenance 1.0.0 (5th)
- Resource Resolver 1.7.2, Installer Configuration Factory 1.3.4, Servlets POST 2.4.2, Rewriter 1.3.0 (19th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.5.0, ResourceResolver Mock 1.2.0, OSGi Mock 3.0.0, Sling Mock 3.0.0 (16th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.7.0, Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.18 (10th)
- JCR Web Console Plugin 1.1.0 (8th)
- Scripting EL Api 1.0.4 (27th)
- Adapter Annotations 2.0.0 (16th)
- Settings 1.4.2 (15th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.8 (9th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.8 (9th)
- Sling JCR ContentLoader 2.4.0 (6th)
- Sling Kickstart Launcher 0.0.12 (3rd)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.10 (24th)
- Models Implementation 1.4.16 (23rd)
- JUnit Core 1.1.0 (20th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.12, JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.8 (19th)
- Scripting JavaScript 3.1.4 (19th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.4.4 (19th)
- JCR Base 3.1.6 (15th)
- Server Setup Tools 1.0.4, Testing Clients 2.0.6 (14th)
- Feature Model Extension API Regions 1.1.10, Commons Johnzon 1.2.6, Parent 40, Bundle Parent 40 (12th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.4.2 (11th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.6, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.10-1.4.0 (9th)
- Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.4, Models Impl 1.4.14 (8th)
- Scripting Core 2.3.4, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.8-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.2.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.4-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.2-1.4.0 (29th)
- Server Setup Tools 1.0.2, Testing Clients 2.0.4 (27th)
- API 2.23.0 (26th)
- Kickstart Project 0.0.8, Kickstart Maven Plugin 0.0.8 (23rd)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.8 (14th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.6.2, OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.3.16, Feature Model Launcher 1.1.6, Feature Model 1.2.8, Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.0.14 (14th)
- Feature Model Analyser 1.3.8 (8th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.6.0 (2nd)
- Auth Core 1.5.0, Resource Resolver 1.7.0 (28th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.6 (27th)
- Scripting Core 2.3.2, Servlets Resolver 2.7.8, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.6, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.2-1.4.0 (24th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.7.6 (19th)
- Discovery Support 1.0.6 (18th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.4, JCR Base 3.1.4 (10th)
- Commons OSGi 2.4.2 (9th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.10 (4th)
- Settings 1.4.0, File Installer 1.3.0, JCR Installer 3.3.0, Feature Model 1.2.6, Feature Model Analyser 1.3.6, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.14, XSS Protection API 2.2.6 (3rd)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.6 (3rd)
- Commons Johnzon 1.2.4 (3rd)
- JUnit Core 1.0.30, JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.22, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.2, Servlets Resolver 2.7.4 (21th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.7.2, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.2.2, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.2.2 (13th)
- Feature Launcher Maven Plugin 0.1.0, GraphQL Core 0.0.4 (10th)
- Content-Package to Feature Model Converter 1.0.10 (8th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.8 (29th)
- Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.1.8, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.16, Content Distribution Journal ITs 0.1.2 (23rd)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.6-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.4.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.2.0-1.4.0, JSPC Maven Plugin 2.2.0, HTL Maven Plugin 2.0.0-1.4.0, Scripting Core 2.3.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.2.0, Servlets Resolver 2.7.0, Commons Compiler 2.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.2.0, Scripting JSP 2.5.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.2-1.4.0 (22th)
- Commons Log 5.1.12, Dynamic Include 3.2.0, Auth Core 1.4.8, JCR Resource 3.0.22 (22th)
- GraphQL Core 0.0.2, Servlet Helpers 1.4.2 (18th)
- Models Validation Implementation 1.0.0 (10th)
- Installer Factory Feature 0.4.0 (28th)
- Sling Project Archetype 1.0.4, Sling Kickstart Project 0.0.2, Sling Kickstart Maven Plugin 0.0.2 (18th)
- Parent 39, Bundle Parent 39, JAR Resource Bundle 1.0.2 (14th)
- Archetype Parent 6 (12th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.3.0, Installer Packages Factory 1.0.4, Form Based Authentication 1.0.20 (11th)
- Installer Factory Feature Model 0.3.0 (6th)
- Installer Factory Feature Model 0.2.0, Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.4, Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.12 (3rd)
- Installer Core 3.11.4, Testing JCR Mock 1.4.6, Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.16, Testing Sling Mock 2.5.0, Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.10-1.16.0 (2nd)
- Feature Model 1.2.0 (30th)
- Engine 2.7.2 (29th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.30 (27th)
- Commons Metrics RRD4J 1.0.4 (24th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.2 (22nd)
- App CMS 0.16.2 (20th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.2.0 (18th)
- Auth Core 1.4.6 (12th)
- Installer Core 3.11.2 (11th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.10, Provisioning Model 1.8.6, Feature Model Converter 1.0.14 (9th)
- Scripting Groovy 1.2.0 (7th)
- OSGi Installer Packages Factory 1.0.2, JCR Installer 3.2.2, File Installer 1.2.2 (6th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.4 (5th)
- Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.10 (31st)
- Feature Model 1.1.8 and Singfeature Maven Plugin 1.1.24 (29th)
- Feature Model 1.1.6 (25th)
- App CMS 0.16.0, Installer Core 3.11.0 (24th)
- Slingfeature Maven Plugin 1.1.20 (23rd)
- Repoinit Parser 1.5.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.22 (19th)
- Commons Johnzon 1.2.0 (12th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.6.4, Security 1.1.20, Content Detection Support 1.0.4 (9th)
- OSGi Installer Core 3.10.2 (28th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.6.0, Scripting Core 2.2.0 (27th)
- Commons Messaging 1.0.0, Commons Messaging Mail 1.0.0 (24th)
- OSGi Installer Core 3.10.0, Console 1.1.0, Packages Factory 1.0.0, JCR Installer 3.2.0, File Installer 1.2.0, Configuration Factory 1.3.0 (24th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.4.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.20 (24th)
- Connection Timeout Agent 1.0.2, Repoinit JCR 1.1.18, Repoinit Parser 1.4.0 (21th)
- Parent 38, Bundle Parent 38 (20th)
- Security 1.1.18 (18th)
- Content Distribution API 0.4.0, Content Distribution Core 0.4.2, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.8 (16th)
- Parent 37, Bundle Parent 37 (7th)
- JCR Package Init 1.0.0 (5th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.2 (4th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.14, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.26, Testing Sling Mock 2.4.0 (30th)
- XSS Protection API 2.2.0, Commons Metrics 1.2.8 (27th)
- Feature Model Converter Plugin 1.0.4 (16th)
- API 2.22.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.3.2-1.4.0 (15th)
- Parent 36, Bundle Parent 36, Feature Model IO 1.2.0 (14th)
- Scripting JSP 2.4.2, Commons Crypto 1.0.0, Feature Content Package Converter (20th)
- Scripting JavaScript 3.1.2, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.4-1.4.0, Scripting JSP API Wrapper 1.0.2, Scripting EL API Wrapper 1.0.2,Feature Analyser 1.2.2, OSGi Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.12 (16th)
- JCR Resolver 3.0.20, XSS Protection API 2.1.18, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.2-1.4.0, Scripting JSP 2.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.3.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.1.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.2-1.4.0, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.6 (6th)
- Resource Resolver 1.6.16, Servlets Resolver 2.5.8, Scripting Core 2.1.0 (27th)
- XSS Protection API 2.1.16, API 2.21.0, App CMS 0.14.0 (22nd)
- Repoinit JCR 1.1.16, Repoinit Parser 1.3.2 (19th)
- Sling Engine 2.6.22 (11th)
- Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.10 (11th)
- Sling Models implementation 1.4.12 (6th)
- Apache Sling Servlet Helpers 1.3.0, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.18 (4th)
- Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.8, Feature Analysers 1.2.0, and Feature Extension Api Regions 1.1.0 (1st)
- XSS Protection API 2.1.10 (29th)
- Commons Threads 3.2.20 (28th)
- Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.6 and Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.9.4 (21th)
- Sling Feature Maven Plugin 1.1.4 (14th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.36 (10th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.34 (6th)
- Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.10-1.16.0, JCR RepoInit module 1.1.14, RepoInit Parser 1.3.0, Commons MIME 2.2.2, Resource Resolver 1.6.14, Scripting Core 2.0.60, Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.2, Scripting Groovy 1.1.0, Scripting Thymeleaf 2.0.2 (30th)
- Starter Content 1.0.8 (20th)
- bnd Remove Parameters from OSGi Headers Plugin 1.0.0 (17th)
- Tooling Support Install 1.0.6 (9th)
- Clam 1.1.0 (4th)
- Testing PaxExam 3.1.0, Commons Clam 2.0.0 (3rd)
- Scripting HTL Runtime 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.4-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.2.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.30, Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.10, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.16-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.18-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.3.0-1.4.0, Scripting Bundle Maven Plugin 0.1.0, Scripting Bundle Tracker 0.1.0 (1st)
- Commons LogService 1.1.0 (30th)
- Starter Content 1.0.6, Dynamic Include 3.1.6, Form Based Authentication 1.0.16 (29th)
- Context-Aware Configuration API 1.2.0, Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.5.0 (19th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.2.8 (12th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.10, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.16 (9th)
- Content Parser API 2.0.0, Content Parser JSON 2.0.0, Content Parser XML 2.0.0, Content Parser XML JCR 2.0.0, Content Parser Test Utilities 2.0.0 (29th)
- Dynamic Include 3.1.4 (11th)
- Connection Timeout Agent 1.0.0 (1st)
- Apache Sling Testing Clients 1.2.2 (9th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.4 (27th)
- Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.10 (26th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.3.14 (25th)
- Auth Core 1.4.4, Servlets Resolver 2.5.6 (18th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.2.0, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.12, Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.6 (11th)
- Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.2, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.1.2 (10th)
- Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.2 (7th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.16, Sling Maven Plugin 2.4.2 (6th)
- Testing PaxExam 3.0.0 (1st)
- Scripting Core 2.0.58 (27th)
- Installer Health Checks 2.0.2 (24th)
- Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.30, Sling Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.14, Sling Starter Content 1.0.4 (15th)
- Sling Project Archetype 1.0.1 (10th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.3.10 (9th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.16, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.8, Sling Mock Oak 2.1.4 (6th)
- Service User WebConsole 1.0.2, Repoinit Parser 1.2.4 and Repoinit JCR 1.1.10 (2nd)
- Sling Project Archetype 1.0.0 (2nd)
- XSS Protection API 2.1.8 (24th)
- Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.1.0, Content Distribution Journal ITs 0.1.0 (22nd)
- Health Check API 1.0.4, Health Check Support Components 1.0.6 (9th)
- XSS Protection API 2.1.6, Testing Sling Mock 2.3.6 (1st)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.2 (18th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.8 (10th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.10, Testing JCR Mock 1.4.4, Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.24 (7th)
- DataSource Provider 1.0.4, Resource Collection API 1.0.2, JCR ResourceResolver 3.0.18 (26th)
- Scripting JSP Tag Library 2.4.0, Scripting JSP Tag Library (Compat) 1.0.0 (18th)
- Pipes 3.1.0 (15th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.6 (14th)
- Feature Model 1.0.0 and Feature Model IO 1.0.0 (1st)
- XSS Protection API 2.1.0 (29th)
- Scripting HTL Runtime 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.2-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.1.2-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.4-1.4.0 (28th)
- XSS Protection API 2.0.14 (24th)
- Commons HTML 1.1.0 (22nd)
- Tenant 1.1.4 (16th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.28, Sling Maven Plugin 2.4.0 (14th)
- Engine 2.6.18 (11th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.4, JCR ContentLoader 2.3.0 (20th)
- API 2.20.0, Servlets Resolver 2.5.2, Servlets Annotations 1.2.4 (18th)
- Capabilities 0.1.2, Capabilities JCR 0.1.2 (17th)
- JCR Base 3.0.6 (16th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.2 (16th)
- Servlet GET 2.1.40 (11th)
- Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.2 (11th)
- Distribution Core 0.4.0 (10th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.4.4, JCR ClassLoader 3.2.4 (8th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.56 (4th)
- App CMS 0.11.2 (28th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.4.2, OSGi Mock 2.4.4 (19th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.38 and Servlets Resolver 2.4.24 (13th)
- Installer Vault Package Install Hook 1.0.4 (12th)
- Distributed Event Admin 1.1.4, App CMS 0.11.0 (9th)
- Models API 1.3.8 (8th)
- Capabilities 0.1.0, Capabilities JCR 0.1.0, Scripting HTL Runtime 1.0.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Compiler 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.1.0-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Engine 1.1.0-1.4.0, HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.28, HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.8, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.14-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.14-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.2-1.4.0 (5th)
- Sling 11, Slingstart Archetype 1.0.8, JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.18 (23rd)
- Sling Oak Restrictions 1.0.2 (21nd)
- Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.12, Starter Content 1.0.2 (19th)
- Installer Vault Package Install Hook 1.0.2 (15th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.56-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.12-1.4.0, Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.12-1.4.0, HTL Maven Plugin 1.2.0-1.4.0
- Clam 1.0.0, Commons Clam 1.0.0 (1st)
- Security 1.1.16 (25th)
- Distribution Core 0.3.4 (21st)
- Jackrabbit UserManager Support 2.2.8, Jackrabbit JSR-283 Access Control Manager Support 3.0.2 (17th)
- Pipes 3.0.2 (17th)
- File Optimization 0.9.2, Clam 1.0.0, Commons Clam 1.0.0, Commons Metrics 1.2.6, Commons Mime 2.2.0, Scripting FreeMarker 1.0.0, Scripting Groovy 1.0.4, Scripting Thymeleaf 2.0.0, Service User Mapper 1.4.2, Settings 1.3.10 (12th)
- Servlets Annotations 1.1.0 (11th)
- Commons Log 5.1.10 (10th)
- Resource Filter 1.0.0 (8th)
- Context-Aware Configuration API 1.1.2 (5th)
- Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.3.4 (5th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.14 (5th)
- Sling Tenant 1.1.2 (5th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.3.4 (3rd)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.2 (3rd)
- Servlets Get 2.1.34, Discovery Oak 1.2.28 (31st)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.4.0, API 2.18.4, ResourceResolver 1.6.6 (27th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.3.2 (27th)
- Installer Core 3.9.0 (27th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.0 (27th)
- Bundle Resource 2.3.2 (24th)
- Resource Builder 1.0.4 (21th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.3.6 (21th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.22 (21th)
- OSGi Mock 2.4.0 (21th)
- Sling Mock 2.3.0 (21th)
- Sling Mock Oak 2.1.0 (21th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.2 (21th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.8 (17th)
- JCR Repository Registration 1.0.6 (14th)
- Apache Sling JCR Resource Resolver 3.0.16 (14th)
- Dynamic Include 3.1.2 (14th)
- Engine 2.16.14 (13th)
- Parent POM 34 (9th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.26-1.4.0 (7th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.8-1.4.0 (7th)
- XSS Protection API 2.0.12 (7th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.8 (6th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.3.4 (6th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.10 (6th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.2.20 (6th)
- Resource Resolver 1.6.4 (3rd)
- JCR Resource 3.0.14 (3rd)
- File Optimization 0.9.0 (1st)
- App CMS 0.9.0 (1st)
- API 2.18.2 (30th)
- Sling Content Loader 2.2.6 (6th)
- XSS Protection API 2.0.8 (3rd)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.22-1.4.0 (22nd)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.24-1.4.0 (22nd)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.54-1.4.0 (22nd)
- Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.10-1.4.0 (22nd)
- Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.10-1.4.0 (22nd)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.6-1.4.0 (22nd)
- Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.6 (22nd)
- Servlet Annotations 1.0.0 (19th)
- Commons Threads 3.2.18 (19th)
- SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.8.2 (16th)
- Feature Model 0.1.2 (2nd)
- Commons Log 5.1.8 (24th)
- JSP Taglib 2.3.0 (22nd)
- Servlets Post 2.3.26 (22nd)
- Form Based Authentication 1.0.10 (22nd)
- Starter Content 1.0.0 (22nd)
- Starter Startup 1.0.6 (22nd)
- Servlets Get 2.1.32 (21st)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.6 (12th)
- Commons HTML 1.0.2 (12th)
- IDE tooling for Eclipse 1.2.2 (9th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.12 (7th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.6 (7th)
- Sling Query 4.0.2 (5th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.2.6 (5th)
- Feature Model 0.1.0 (1st)
- Commons Log 5.1.6 (24th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.14 (23rd)
- Installer Heath Checks 2.0.0 (11th)
- Commons Log 5.1.4 (26th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.8 (23th)
- Resource Resolver 1.6.0 (22nd)
- JCR Resource 3.0.10 (22nd)
- API 2.18.0 (19th)
- Security 1.1.12 (19th)
- XSS Protection API 2.0.6
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.52-1.3.1 (16th)
- Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.8-1.3.1 (16th)
- Testing PaxExam 2.0.0 (7th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.2.0 (7th)
- Models Impl 1.4.8 (5th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.2.18 (1st)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.4 (1st)
- Installer Core 3.8.12 (19th)
- Sling Pipes 2.0.2 (7th)
- Discovery Base 2.0.8 (6th)
- Discovery Support 1.0.4 (6th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.12 (5th)
- Starter 10 (3rd)
- Launchpad Testing 10 (3rd)
- Launchpad Testing WAR 10 (3rd)
- Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.6 (3rd)
- Launchpad Test Bundles 0.0.4 (3rd)
- Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 2.0.14 (3rd)
- Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.14 (3rd)
- Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.14 (3rd)
- Archetype Parent 5 (3rd)
- Bundle Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
- JCRInstall Bundle Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
- Initial Content Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
- Slingstart Archetype 1.0.6 (3rd)
- Testing PaxExam 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.20-1.3.1 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.22-1.3.1 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.48-1.3.1 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Testing Content 1.0.8-1.3.1 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Testing 1.0.6-1.3.1 (1st)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.4-1.3.1 (1st)
- Thread Support 3.2.16 (31st)
- I18N Support 2.5.12 (29th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.9.12 (29th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.2.16 (29th)
- Resource Merger 1.3.8 (20th)
- Parent 33 (20th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.10 (19th)
- Commons Compiler 2.3.6 (19th)
- ServiceUser Mapper 1.4.0 (18th)
- ServiceUser WebConsole 1.0.0 (18th)
- SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.7.16 (15th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.10 (15th)
- Resource Merger 1.3.6 (15th)
- XSS Protection API 2.0.4 (8th)
- Validation Core 1.0.4 (21st)
- Test Services 1.0.4 (21st)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.14 (21st)
- Scripting Core 2.0.54 (19th)
- Scripting JavaScript 3.0.4 (19th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.26 (19th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.16 (19th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.46 (19th)
- Auth Core 1.4.0 (18th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.22 (13th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.18 (8th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.2 (8th)
- Commons Metrics 1.2.4 (5th)
- Scripting JSP 2.3.4 (4th)
- Commons Log 5.1.0 (1st)
- Metrics RRD4J 1.0.2 (1st)
- Engine 2.6.10 (1st)
- Feature Flags 1.2.2 (1st)
- i18n 2.5.10 (1st)
- Security 1.1.10 (1st)
- Event Support 4.2.10 (30th)
- JCR Registration 1.0.4 (30th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.16 (27th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.44 (27th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.1.0 (27th)
- Starter Startup 1.0.4 (27th)
- Security 1.1.8 (20th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.8 (13th)
- Sling API 2.16.4 (6th)
- Sling JCR ResourceResolver 3.0.6 (6th)
- Sling Default GET Servlets 2.1.28 (6th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.50 (23rd)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.4 (17th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.0.2 (17th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.2 (17th)
- JCR Mock 1.3.2 (17th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.20 (17th)
- OSGi Mock 1.9.8 (17th)
- OSGi Mock 2.3.4 (17th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.10 (17th)
- Sling Mock 2.2.14 (17th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.22 (17th)
- Starter Startup 1.0.2 (10th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.6 (9th)
- Query 4.0.0 (4th)
- Thread Support 3.2.10 (2nd)
- Scripting Core 2.0.48 (29th)
- Event Support 4.2.8 (29th)
- SlingStart Maven Plugin 1.7.10 (29th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.16 (29th)
- Testing Utilities 2.1.2 (29th)
- Pipes 1.1.0 (24th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.2 (23th)
- Repoinit JCR version 1.1.6 (22th)
- Repoinit Parser version 1.2.0 (22th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.4 (22th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.14 (20th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.14 (20th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.42 (20th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.7.2 (19th)
- Commons Compiler 2.3.4 (17th)
- Commons Compiler 2.3.2 (9th)
- RRD4J metrics reporter 1.0.0 (8th)
- Scripting JavaScript 3.0.2 (4th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.24 (4th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.40 (4th)
- Parent POM 32 (4th)
- Java Version Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (4th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.12 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.12 (1st)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.38 (1st)
- Launchpad Base 5.6.8-2.6.24 (31st)
- Provisioning Model 1.8.4 (28th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.8 (28th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.14 (28th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.7.0 (25th)
- Scripting JSP 2.3.2 (24th)
- Rewriter 1.2.2 (17th)
- Launchpad Base 5.6.6-2.6.22 (17th)
- Event 4.2.6 (16th)
- Default POST Servlets 2.3.22 (14th)
- Parent 31 (8th)
- Security 1.1.6 (7th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.38 (7th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.10 (7th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.8 (7th)
- Launchpad Base 5.6.6-2.6.20 (3rd)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.30 (27th)
- Service User Mapper 1.3.4 (21th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.28 (21th)
- JCR Base 3.0.4 (21th)
- JCR Resource 3.0.4 (21th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.8 (18th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.4.8 (18th)
- Commons Johnzon 1.1.0 (17th)
- Discovery Base 2.0.4 (10th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.20 (10th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.26 (10th)
- Auth Core 1.4.0 (29th)
- Event 4.2.4 (26th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.2.4 (26th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.6 (26th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.4.6 (26th)
- Security 1.1.4 (21st)
- Testing Clients 1.1.4 (20th)
- Testing Email 1.0.0 (20th)
- Resource Merger 1.3.4 (20th)
- Slingstart Archetype (15th)
- JSPC Maven Plugin 2.1.0 (15th)
- Slingstart Archetype 1.0.2 (15th)
- Sling 9
- Launchpad Testing 9
- Launchpad Testing WAR version 9 (12th)
- Launchpad Testing Fragment Bundle 2.0.12 (12th)
- Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.12 (12th)
- Launchpad Test Bundles 0.0.2 (12th)
- Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.12 (12th)
- Integration Tests 1.0.4 (12th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.26 (6th)
- Testing Clients 1.1.0 (6th)
- JUnit Remote Test Runners 1.0.12 (6th)
- Tooling Support Install 1.0.4 (6th)
- Tooling Support Source 1.0.4 (6th)
- Resource Inventory 1.0.8 (6th)
- Content Distribution Core 0.2.8 (6th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.2.12 (6th)
- Log Tracer 1.0.4 (6th)
- Commons Metrics 1.2.2 (6th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.2.2 (2nd)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.2.4 (2nd)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.4 (2nd)
- File System Resource Provider 1.4.4 (2nd)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.3.0 (2nd)
- SLF4J Implementation (Logback) 5.0.2 (1st)
- JCR Resource 3.0.2 (31st)
- JCR Content Parser 1.2.0 (29th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.2 (29th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.4.2 (29th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.2.2 (29th)
- Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.3.2 (29th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.2 (29th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.3.0 (29th)
- Launchpad Content 2.0.12 (29th)
- Servlet Post 2.3.20 (28th)
- JCR Contentloader 2.2.2 (28th)
- Launchpad Base 5.6.4-2.6.18 (28th)
- Service User Mapper 1.3.2 (22nd)
- JCR Base Bundle 3.0.2 (22nd)
- Web Console Branding 1.0.2 (22nd)
- Engine Implementation 2.6.8 (22nd)
- Servlets Get 2.1.26 (19th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.18 (19th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.6.2 (18th)
- Installer Core 3.8.10 (18th)
- Models Impl 1.4.2 (15th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.3.2 (15th)
- OSGi Mock 1.9.6 (15th)
- Sling Mock 2.2.10 (15th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.8 (15th)
- Auth Core 1.3.24 (15th)
- JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.12 (12th)
- XSS Protection Compat Bundle 1.1.0 (11th)
- Scripting JavaScript 3.0.0 (11th)
- Junit Core 1.0.24 (11th)
- Junit Teleporter 1.0.14 (11th)
- Testing Tools 1.0.16 (11th)
- Adapter 2.1.10 (11th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.24 (11th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.16 (11th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 3.0.0 (11th)
- Healthcheck API 1.0.0 (11th)
- Healthcheck Core 1.2.8 (11th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.20 (11th)
- Discovery Base 2.0.0 (11th)
- Discovery Impl 1.2.12 (11th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.18 (11th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.10 (9th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.34 (9th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.22 (9th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.12 (9th)
- Installer Core 3.8.8 (8th)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.2.0 (8th)
- Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.4 (8th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.1.0 (8th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.4.0 (8th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.1.0 (8th)
- XSS Protection Bundle 2.0.0 (5th)
- XSS Protection Compat Bundle 1.0.0 (5th)
- Sling Resource Resolver 1.5.24 (5th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.4.0 (5th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.2.0 (5th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.3.0 (5th)
- OSGi Mock 2.3.0 (5th)
- Sling Mock 2.2.8 (5th)
- Models API 1.3.4 (1st)
- Models Implementation 1.4.0 (1st)
- JCR Installer Provider 3.1.26 (1st)
- JCR Resource 3.0.0 (1st)
- Sling Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.4 (1st)
- Service User Mapper 1.3.0 (1st)
- Scripting API 2.2.0
- Tooling Support Source 1.0.2 (1th)
- Commons Johnzon 1.0.0 (29th)
- Event API 1.0.0 (19th)
- Validation API (12th)
- Validation Core 1.0.0 (12th)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.18 (4th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.6 (3rd)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.22 (30th)
- Service User Mapper 1.2.6 (30th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.2.6 (30th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.6 (30th)
- Sling Mock Oak 1.0.2 (30th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Implementation 1.3.2 (30th)
- File System Resource Provider 2.0.0 (30th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.3.0 (30th)
- CAConfig SPI 1.3.0 (24th)
- CAConfig Impl 1.3.0 (24th)
- CAConfig Mock Plugin 1.1.0 (24th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.2.0 (24th)
- JCR Content Parser 1.0.0 (23th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 2.2.4 (23th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 1.9.4 (23th)
- Commons JSON 2.0.20 (20th)
- Karaf repoinit 0.2.0 (20th)
- Scripting JSP API Wrapper 1.0.0 (20th)
- Scripting JSP EL Wrapper 1.0.0 (20th)
- Scripting JSP 2.3.0 (20th)
- Testing PaxExam 0.0.4 (20th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.1.4 (20th)
- Scripting Thymeleaf 1.1.0 (20th)
- Resource Presence 0.0.2 (20th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.20 (13th)
- JCR Repoinit 1.1.4 (13th)
- i18n 2.5.8 (8th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.24 (8th)
- XSS 1.0.18 (8th)
- HTL JavaScript Use Provider 1.0.20 (8th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.46 (8th)
- Health Check Core 1.2.6 (8th)
- Event 4.2.2 (8th)
- Distributed Event Admin 1.1.2 (8th)
- Content Distribution Core 0.2.6 (2nd)
- Installer Health Checks 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Parent 30 (Mar 6th) (2nd)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.8 (2nd)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.32 (2nd)
- Commons Classloader 1.4.0 (1st)
- Commons File System Classloader 1.0.6 (1st)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.14 (28th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.12 (28th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.2 (28th)
- Installer Core 3.8.6 (20th)
- Content Distribution Core 0.2.4 (20th)
- Content Distribution Core 0.2.0 (14th)
- Servlets GET 2.1.22 (12th)
- Resource Merger 1.3.2 (8th)
- DavEx Access to repositories 1.3.8 (8th)
- Simple WebDAV Access to repositories 2.3.8 (8th)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.16 (5th)
- Servlets GET 2.1.20 (3rd)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.3.8 (3rd)
- Resource Inventory 1.0.6 (31st)
- Installer Core 3.8.2 (31st)
- JSP 2.2.6 (30th)
- Auth Core 1.3.24 (30th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.2.2 (23th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.10 (23th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.12 (23th)
- Tenant 1.1.0 (17th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.6 (17th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.8 (17th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.30 (17th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.6 (17th)
- JSP 2.2.4 (16th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.10 (13th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.23 (11th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.10 (11th)
- Testing Clients 1.0.1 (11th)
- Server Setup Tools 1.0.1 (11th)
- Testing Rules 1.0.1 (11th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.4 (9th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.6 (9th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.28 (9th)
- Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.6 (9th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.18 (9th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.4 (9th)
- Testing Hamcrest 1.0.2 (7th)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.16 (27th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.10 (24th)
- File System Classloader 1.0.4 (24th)
- Installer Console 1.0.2 (24th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.8 (23rd)
- JCR Resource 2.9.2 (23rd)
- Slingshot Sample 0.8.0 (23rd)
- Sling Mock 2.2.4 (22th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.4 (22th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.22 (22th)
- Models API 1.3.2 (22th)
- Models Impl 1.3.8 (22th)
- Service User Mapper 1.2.4 (22th)
- JCR Base 3.0.0 (20th)
- Dynamic Include 3.0.0 (20th)
- i18n 2.5.6 (19th)
- JCR RepoInit module 1.1.2 (19th)
- API 2.16.2 (18th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.7.0 (18th)
- JCR Resource 2.9.0 (16th)
- Scripting JSP 2.2.2 (16th)
- Scripting Java 2.1.2 (16th)
- Provisioning Model 1.8.0 (16th)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.2.0 (16th)
- OSGi Mock 2.2.2 (16th)
- OSGi Mock 1.9.2 (16th)
- Sling Mock 2.2.2 (16th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.2 (16th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.20 (16th)
- Context-Aware Configuration API 1.1.0 (16th)
- Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.2.0 (16th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.2.0 (16th)
- Context-Aware Configuration bnd Plugin 1.0.2 (16th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Mock Plugin 1.0.0 (16th)
- Scripting API 2.1.12 (15th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.44 (15th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.22 (13th)
- Commons Metrics 1.2.0 (13th)
- OSGi Mock 2.2.0 (8th)
- OSGi Mock 1.9.0 (8th)
- Sling Mock 2.2.0 (8th)
- Sling Mock 1.9.0 (8th)
- API 2.16.0 (6th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.6 (6th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.8 (6th)
- JCR Resource 2.8.4 (6th)
- Models bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (24th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.3.6 (24th)
- JCR Resource 2.8.2 (22th)
- Security 1.1.2 (22th)
- Models Implementation 1.3.4 (22th)
- Models Jackson Exporter 1.0.4 (22th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.4 (21st)
- Discovery Base 1.1.6 (21st)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.18 (21st)
- Discovery Impl 1.2.10 (21st)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.16 (21st)
- Auth Core 1.3.22 (15th)
- JCR Base 2.4.2 (14th)
- Provisioning Model 1.7.0 (13th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.6.0 (13th)
- JCR Repoinit 1.1.0 (12th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.1.0 (12th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.5.0 (11th)
- Installer Core 3.8.0 (10th)
- Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.1.0 (10th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.1.0 (10th)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.2 (8th)
- Provisioning Model 1.6.0 (8th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.2 (8th)
- Commons Mime 2.1.10 (7th)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.2.0 (6th)
- Models API 1.3.0 (3th)
- Models Implementation 1.3.0 (3th)
- Models Jackson Exporter 1.0.0 (3th)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.14 (31st)
- Provisioning Model 1.5.0 (31st)
- XSS Protection API 1.0.16 (31st)
- Commons Scheduler 2.5.2 (27th)
- API 2.15.0 (25st)
- Resource Resolver 1.5.0 (25st)
- Installer Core 3.7.0 (25st)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.26 (24th)
- Commons Log 5.0.0 (24th)
- Log WebConsole 1.0.0 (24th)
- DataSource Provider 1.0.2 (24th)
- Log Tracer 1.0.2 (24th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.6 (22nd)
- Scripting JSP 2.2.0 (20th)
- Engine 2.6.6 (20th)
- Scripting Java 2.1.0 (20th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.16 (20th)
- Context-Aware Configuration API 1.0.0
- Context-Aware Configuration SPI 1.0.0 (18th)
- Context-Aware Configuration Impl 1.0.0 (18th)
- Context-Aware Configuration bnd Plugin 1.0.0 (18th)
- Resource Builder 1.0.2 (18th)
- Testing Hamcrest 1.0.0 (18th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.40 (17th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.4 (17th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.24 (17th)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.12 (16th)
- Event 3.4.0 (15th)
- Distributed Eventing 1.1.0 (15th)
- Rewriter 1.2.0 (15th)
- Pipes 0.0.10 (14th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.2 (13th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.2 (13th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.22 (13th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.14 (13th)
- Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.4 (13th)
- Testing Sling Mock 2.1.2 (10th)
- i18n 2.5.4 (8th)
- Oak Restrictions 1.0.0 (3rd)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.16 (29th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.14 (29th)
- Testing Clients 1.0.0 (16th)
- Server Setup Tools 1.0.0 (16th)
- Testing Rules 1.0.0 (16th)
- Auth Core 1.3.20 (19th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.18 (19th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.8 (19th)
- Testing Logging Mock 2.0.0 (19th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.16 (19th)
- OSGi Mock 1.8.0 (19th)
- OSGi Mock 2.1.0 (19th)
- Sling Mock 1.8.0 (19th)
- Sling Mock 2.1.0 (19th)
- Sling Mock Oak 2.0.2 (19th)
- Resource Builder 1.0.0 (19th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.1.0 (19th)
- Scripting HTL Compiler 1.0.0 (8th)
- Scripting HTL Java Compiler 1.0.0 (8th)
- Scripting HTL Engine 1.0.20 (8th)
- Scripting HTL JS Use Provider 1.0.12 (8th)
- Scripting HTL Models Use Provider 1.0.2 (8th)
- Scripting HTL REPL 1.0.4 (8th)
- HTL Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (8th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.10 (5th)
- RepoInit Parser 1.0.4 (29th)
- RepoInit JCR module 1.0.2 (29th)
- XSS Protection API 1.0.14 (29th)
- Auth Core 1.3.18 (29th)
- Testing Tools 1.0.14 (29th)
- Engine 2.6.2 (26th)
- Commons Testing 2.1.0 (26th)
- API 2.14.2 (26th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.18 (26th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.18 (25th)
- Engine 2.6.0 (22nd)
- Feature Flags 1.2.0 (22nd)
- Background Servlets 1.0.8 (19th)
- XSS Protection API 1.0.12 (19th)
- I18n 2.5.2 (18th)
- Hypermedia API client-side tools 1.0.0 (18th)
- Testing PaxExam 0.0.2 (17th)
- JCR Oak Server 1.1.0 (17th)
- Security 1.1.0 (15th)
- i18n 2.5.0 (8th)
- i18n 2.4.10 (8th)
- Engine 2.5.0 (5th)
- i18n 2.4.8 (5th)
- Feature Flags 1.1.0 (5th)
- Event Support 4.1.0 (1st)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.16 (25th)
- Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.10 (25th)
- Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.10 (25th)
- Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.2 (25th)
- API 2.14.0 (25th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.5.0 (24th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.14 (21st)
- Discovery Base 1.1.4 (17th)
- Discovery Impl 1.2.8 (17th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.8 (17th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.7.0 (15th)
- Sling Mock 2.0.0 (15th)
- Sling Mock Oak 2.0.0 (15th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.26 (13th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.38 (13th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.4 (13th)
- Repoinit Parser 1.0.2 (11th)
- Repoinit JCR 1.0.0 (11th)
- API 2.12.0 (9th)
- Scripting Thymeleaf 1.0.0 (4th)
- Auth Core 1.3.16 (29th)
- Adapter Manager 2.1.8 (28th)
- Repository API Bundle 2.4.0 (27th)
- JCR Base Bundle 2.4.0 (27th)
- Rewriter 1.1.4 (26th)
- JCR Resource 2.8.0 (22nd)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.30 (22nd)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.1.14 (13th)
- OSGi Mock 2.0.4 (13th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.14 (13th)
- Provisioning Model 1.4.4
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.4 (10th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.12 (1st)
- JSON Library 2.0.16 (27th)
- Discovery API 1.0.4 (29th)
- Log Tracer version 1.0.0 (25th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.12 (25th)
- Scripting JSP-Taglib version 2.2.6 (21st)
- Auth Core 1.3.14 (12th)
- Servlets Post (10th)
- Resource Resolver (7th)
- Event 4.0.2 (4th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.12 (29th)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.18 (18th)
- Apache Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.8 (16th)
- IDE Tooling for Eclipse 1.1.0 (14th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.8 (11th)
- JCR Resource 2.7.4 (11th)
- Installer Core 3.6.8 (11th)
- Health Check Core 1.2.4 ( 8th)
- Health Checks Annotations 1.0.4 ( 8th)
- JCR Davex 1.3.2 ( 8th)
- JCR Webdav 2.3.4 ( 8th)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.16 (5th)
- Tooling Support Source 1.0.0 (3rd)
- Background Servlets Engine 1.0.6 (2nd)
- Background Servlets Integration Test 1.0.0 (2nd)
- NoSQL Generic Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
- Couchbase Client 1.0.2 (27th)
- Couchbase Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
- MongoDB Resource Provider 1.1.0 (27th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.4 (26th)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.14 (26th)
- JCR Base 2.3.2 (23rd)
- Internationalization Support (I18N) 2.4.6 (22nd)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.2 (19th)
- JCR Resource 2.7.2 (19th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.2 (19th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.18 (15th)
- Resource Merger 1.3.0 (14th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.36 (12th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.2 (11th)
- API 2.11.0 (8th)
- Resource Resolver 1.4.0 (8th)
- JCR Resource 2.7.0 (8th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.4.0 (8th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 1.7.2 (8th)
- OSGi Mock 2.0.2 (8th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.12 (8th)
- Sling Mock 1.6.2 (8th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.12 (8th)
- Servlet Helpers 1.0.0 (8th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.6 (8th)
- HApi 1.0.0 (5th) (2nd)
- XSS Protection API 1.0.8 (2nd)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.12 (2nd)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.10 (1st)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.4 (1st)
- Testing Tools 1.0.12 (1st)
- Thread Support 3.2.6 (25th)
- Models Impl 1.2.6 (23st)
- Testing Utilities 2.0.24 (21st)
- Commons Metrics 1.0.0 (15th)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.10 (12th)
- Scripting Groovy 1.0.2 (12th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.4.0 (8th)
- Commons OSGi 2.4.0 (8th)
- Engine Implementation 2.4.6 (8th)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.28 (8th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.6 (3rd)
- JUnit Core 1.0.16 (3rd)
- Settings 1.3.8 (3rd)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.10 (3rd)
- Scripting JSP 2.1.8 (3rd)
- Commons Threads 3.2.4 (3rd)
- Discovery Standalone 1.0.2 (3rd)
- Parent POM 26 (3rd
- Provisioning Model 1.4.2 (28th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.14 (21st)
- Servlets GET 2.1.14 (21st)
- Scripting Java 2.0.14 (20th)
- Models Impl 1.2.4 (14th)
- Sling Testing OSGi Mock 2.0.0 (14th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.12 (14th)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.8 (11th)
- Event 4.0.0 (1st)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.6 (30th)
- Discovery Base 1.1.2 (30th)
- Discovery Oak 1.2.0 (30th)
- iscovery Impl 1.2.6 (30th)
- Thread Support 3.2.2 ( 29th)
- Background Servlets Engine 1.0.2 (23rd)
- JUnit Core 1.0.14 (23rd)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.4 (23rd)
- Security 1.0.18 (20th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.4 (16th)
- Discovery Base 1.1.0 (16th)
- Discovery Oak 1.1.0 (16th)
- Discovery Impl 1.2.2 (16th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.22 (12th)
- Commons JSON 2.0.16 (12th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.6 (12th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 1.7.0 (9th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.2 (5th)
- Discovery Base 1.0.2 (5th)
- Discovery Oak 1.0.2 (5th)
- Discovery Impl 1.2.0 (5th)
- IDE Tooling 1.0.10 (9th)
- Discovery Commons 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Discovery Base 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Discovery Oak 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Rewriter 1.1.2 (27th)
- Launchpad Base 2.6.6 (26th)
- Event 3.7.6 (26th)
- Provisioning Model 1.4.0 (26th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.4 (26th)
- Archetype Parent version 4 (19th)
- Bundle Archetype version 1.0.4 (19th)
- JCRInstall Bundle Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
- Initial Content Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
- Servlet Archetype 1.0.4 (19th)
- Slingstart Archetype 1.0.0 (19th)
- Auth Core 1.3.12 (18th)
- Sling 8 (16th)
- Maven Plugin for Supporting Bundle Development 2.1.2 (15th)
- Auth Forms 1.0.8 (13)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.6 (12th)
- Scripting Sightly Models Use Provider 1.0.0 (12th)
- Scripting Sightly REPL 1.0.2 (12th)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.26 (12th)
- XSS Protection API 1.0.6 (12th)
- Oak Repository Server 1.0.0 (12th)
- Adapter Manager Implementation 2.1.6 (12th)
- Jackrabbit UserManager Support 2.2.4 (12th)
- Simple WebDAV Access to repositories 2.3.2 (12th)
- OSGi LogService Implementation 1.0.6 (12th)
- Engine Implementation 2.4.4 (12th)
- JSON Library 2.0.12 (12th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 1.6.0 (9th)
- Sling Mock 1.6.0 (9th)
- Sling Mock Jackrabbit 1.0.0 (9th)
- Sling Mock Oak 1.0.0 (9th)
- Eclipse IDE 1.0.8 (8th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.3.8 (5th)
- Parent POM 25 (5th)
- Discovery Impl 1.1.8 (30th)
- Distributed Event Admin 1.0.4 (30th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.12 (28th)
- JUnit Tests Teleporter 1.0.2 (28th)
- NoSQL Generic Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
- NoSQL Couchbase Client 1.0.0 (21th)
- NoSQL Couchbase Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
- NoSQL MongoDB Resource Provider 1.0.0 (21th)
- Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.10 (15th)
- Rewriter 1.1.0 (15th)
- Models API 1.2.2 (15th)
- Models Impl 1.2.2 (15th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.5.0 (10th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.10 (10th)
- Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.10 (7th)
- Scripting Sightly Engine 1.0.4 (7th)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.24 (7th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.6 (7th)
- Launchpad Base 5.2.0-2.6.4 (6th)
- Security 1.0.16 (4th)
- JCR Resource 2.5.6 (31st)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.4 (31st)
- Security 1.0.14 (31st)
- Security 1.0.12 (25th)
- Testing OSGi Mock 1.5.0 (24th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.8 (24th)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.1.6 (21st)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.2 (20th)
- JCR API 2.3.0 (17th)
- JCR Base 2.3.0 (17th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.3.0 (17th)
- JCR Davex 1.3.0 (17th)
- JCR Webdav 2.3.0 (17th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.10 (14th)
- i18n 2.4.4 (13th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.34 (13th)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.22 (13th)
- Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.8 (13th)
- Commons Log 4.0.6 (11th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.3.0 (7th)
- Provisioning Model 1.3.0 (7th)
- XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.4 (3rd)
- Scripting Core 2.0.32 (26th)
- Event 3.7.4 (24th)
- Distributed Event Admin 1.0.2 (24th)
- Scripting API 2.1.8 (21st)
- Scripting Core 2.0.30 (21st)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.20 (21st)
- Scripting Sightly JS Use Provider 1.0.6 (21st)
- Resource Merger 1.2.10 (21st)
- JCR Resource 2.5.4 (17th)
- Servlets GET 2.1.12 (17th)
- Event 3.7.2 (13th)
- Authentication Service 1.3.10 (13th)
- Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.6 (10th)
- Content Detection Support 1.0.2 (9th)
- Parent POM 24 (6th)
- Authentication Service 1.3.8 (6th)
- Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.18 (2nd)
- Feature Flags 1.0.2 (1st)
- Event 3.7.0 (30th)
- Models API 1.2.0 (27th)
- Models Impl 1.2.0 (27th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.4.0 (27th)
- OSGi Mock 1.4.0 (27th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.8 (27th)
- JCR Resource Resolver 2.5.2 (26th)
- Parent 23 (25th)
- Log Tracer 1.0.2 (22th)
- Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.2 (19th)
- Default POST Servlets 2.3.8 (15th)
- Provisioning Model 1.2.0
- Installer Core 3.6.6 (13th) (13th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.8 (13th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.2.0 (13th)
- Background Servlets Engine 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.3.0 (26th)
- OSGi Mock 1.3.0 (26th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.6 (26th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.6 (26th)
- Logging Mock 1.0.0 (26th)
- Commons OSGi 2.3.0 (26th)
- Installer Core 3.6.4 (2nd)
- Health Check Core 1.2.2 (30th)
- Launchpad Base 5.0.0-2.6.0 (30th)
- Discovery Impl 1.1.2 (28th)
- Testing Tools 1.0.10 (24th)
- i18n 2.4.2 (23rd)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.1.0 (23rd)
- Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.16 (20th)
- Engine Implementation 2.4.2 (20th)
- File Installer 1.1.0 (20th)
- Resource Inventory 1.0.4 (20th)
- Scripting Sightly JS Provider 1.0.4 (16th)
- Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.4 (16th)
- Scripting Sightly Testing 1.0.4 (16th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.16 (13th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.18 (13th)
- Security 1.0.10 (April 8th)
- Scripting Sightly 1.0.2 (7th)
- Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.2 (7th)
- Scripting Sightly Testing 1.0.2 (7th)
- Event 3.6.0 (7th)
- Commons Log 4.0.2 (7th)
- Commons Log Service 1.0.4 (7th)
- Performance Test Utilities 1.0.2 (2nd)
- Scripting Sightly 1.0.0 (30th)
- Scripting Sightly JavaScript Use Provider 1.0.0 (30th)
- Scripting Sightly REPL 1.0.0 (30th)
- Scripting Sightly Testing Content 1.0.0 (30th)
- XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.2 (30th)
- Resource Resolver 1.2.4 (24th)
- XSS Protection Bundle 1.0.0 (20th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.14 (16th)
- Resource Resolver 1.2.2 (16th)
- Service User Mapper 1.2.0 (16th)
- Launchpad Base 4.6.1-2.5.8 (12th)
- Event 3.5.4 (12th)
- Settings 1.3.6 (12th)
- Resource Merger 1.2.8 (12th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.4 (12th)
- Provisioning Model 1.1.0 (12th)
- Query 3.0.0 (11th)
- JCR Resource 2.5.0 (5th)
- Resource Resolver 1.2.0 (5th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.6 (4th)
- IDE Tooling 1.0.6 (2nd)
- Service User Mapper 1.1.0 (2nd)
- Health Check Core 1.2.0 (2nd)
- Health Check Web Console 1.1.2 (2nd)
- URL Rewriter 0.0.2 (27th)
- Security 1.0.8 (26th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.2.0 (26th)
- OSGi Mock 1.2.0 (26th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.4 (26th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.4 (26th)
- API 2.9.0 (February 24th)
- Tooling Support Install 1.0.2 (23rd)
- Engine Implementation 2.4.0 (19th)
- Auth Core 1.3.6 (16th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.14 (16th)
- Eventing 3.5.2 (16th)
- Resource Merger 1.2.6 (16th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.1.2 (16th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.12 (2nd)
- Testing JCR Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
- Sling Mock 1.1.2 (28th)
- Sling Mock Jackrabbit 0.1.2 (28th)
- JCR Resource 2.4.4 (26th)
- Launchpad Base 4.6.0-2.5.6 (26th)
- JCR Resource 2.4.2 (23rd)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.10 (19th)
- DataSource 1.0.0 (19th)
- Launchpad Base 4.6.0-2.5.4 (19th)
- Commons JSON 2.0.10 (17th)
- Installer Core 3.6.2 (16th)
- i18n 2.3.2 (16th)
- JCR Resource Security 1.0.2 (13th)
- Installer Core 3.6.0 (12th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.1.0 (12th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.2.2 (12th)
- Eventing 3.5.0 (10th)
- JCR Resource Security 1.0.0 (9th)
- Installer Factory Subsystems 1.0.0 (9th)
- Release JUnit Core 1.0.10 (15th)
- JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.10 (15th)
- JUnit Remote Tests Runners 1.0.10 (15th)
- Testing Sling Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
- OSGi Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
- JCR Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
- ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.0 (15th)
- Adapter Manager 2.1.4 (15th)
- Auth Core 1.3.4 (2nd)
- Resource Merger 1.2.0 (29th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.8 (27th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.3.6 (18th)
- Engine 2.3.10 (18th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.3.4 (14th)
- Eventing 3.4.4 (7th)
- Scripting JSP 2.1.6 (6th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.2 (5th)
- Event 3.4.2 (1st)
- Engine 2.3.8 (27th)
- Provisioning Model 1.0.0 (27th)
- Slingstart Maven Plugin 1.0.0 (27th)
- JCR Resource Resolver 2.3.12 (26th)
- Eventing 3.4.0 (24th)
- Distributed Event Admin 1.0.0 (24th)
- JCR Resource Resolver 2.3.10 (22nd)
- Auth Core 1.3.2 (21st)
- Resource Resolver Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
- JCR Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
- OSGi Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
- Sling Mock 1.0.0 (21st)
- Sling Mock Jackrabbit 0.1.0 (21st)
- IDE Tooling 1.0.4 (18th)
- Settings 1.3.4 (10th)
- Discovery API 1.0.2 (10th)
- Discovery Impl 1.0.12 (10th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.6 (4th)
- Superimposing Resource Provider 0.2.0 (3rd)
- Sling 7 (3rd)
- Scripting Java 2.0.12 (30th)
- Resource Resolver Mock 0.3.0 (29th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.4 (26th)
- JSP Taglib 2.2.4 (25th)
- DavEx Access to repositories 1.2.2 (22nd)
- Adapter Manager Implementation 2.1.2 (22nd)
- Scripting Core implementation 2.0.28 (22nd)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.1.0 (21st)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.1.4 (21st)
- Resource Access Security 1.0.0 (20th)
- Auth Core 1.3.0 (20th)
- Engine 2.3.6 (19th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.2.2 (19th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 2.1.2 (19th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.2.0 (19th)
- JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.2 (19th)
- JCR Registration 1.0.2 (19th)
- JCR Web Console 1.0.2 (19th)
- Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.4 (17th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.2 (16th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.2 (15th)
- Filesystem Resource Provider 1.1.4 (12th)
- Launchpad Content 2.0.8 (12th)
- JSP Tag Library 2.2.2 (12th)
- Scripting Groovy Support 1.0.0 (12th)
- Auth Core 1.2.0 (8th)
- Models API 1.1.0 (5th)
- Models Impl 1.1.0 (5th)
- Health Check Annotations 1.0.2 (5th)
- Health Check Core 1.1.2 (5th)
- Health Check JUnit Bridge 1.0.2 (5th)
- Health Check Samples 1.0.6 (5th)
- Default GET Servlets 2.1.10 (1st)
- Explorer 1.0.4 (1st)
- API 2.8.0 (31st)
- JCR Resource 2.3.8 (31st)
- i18n 2.2.10 (31st)
- Installer Core 3.5.4 (31st)
- JCR Installer 3.1.8 (31st)
- File Installer 1.0.4 (31st)
- JSON Library 2.0.8 (28th)
- Default POST Servlets 2.3.6 (28th)
- Eventing 3.3.14 (25th)
- Commons Mime 2.1.8 (25th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.4 (25th)
- Commons Mime 2.1.6 (19th)
- Commons OSGi 2.2.2 (19th)
- Tenant 1.0.2 (18th)
- Query 2.0.0 (11th)
- Auth Core 1.1.8 (11th)
- Auth Selector 1.0.6 (11th)
- Form Based Authentication 1.0.6 (11th)
- OpenID Authentication 1.0.4 (11th)
- Eventing 3.3.12 (8st)
- Parent 20 (1st)
- Discovery Impl 1.0.10 (29th)
- Engine 2.3.4 (26th)
- Launchpad Base 4.4.1-2.5.2 (26th)
- Testing Tools 1.0.8 (22nd)
- Compat Servlets 1.0.2 (14th)
- Service User Mapper 1.0.4 (14th)
- Settings 1.3.2 (26th)
- Scripting JSP 2.1.4 (26th)
- Scripting Java 2.0.10 (13th)
- Authentication XING API 0.0.2 (11th)
- Authentication XING Login 0.0.2 (11th)
- Authentication XING OAuth 0.0.2 (11th)
- Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2 (11th)
- Models API 1.0.2 (2nd)
- Models Impl 1.0.6 (2nd)
- Installer Core 3.5.2 (2nd)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.14 (2nd)
- Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (1st)
- Scripting JavaScript Support 2.0.14 (23rd)
- SLF4J MDC Filter 1.0.0 (9th)
- Classloader Leak Detector 1.0.0 (9th)
- Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
- Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (4th)
- Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
- Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (4th)
- Service User Mapper 1.0.2 (2nd)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.1.8 (23th)
- Commons Compiler 2.2.0 (20th)
- Scripting JSP 2.1.0 (20th)
- Archetype Parent 1 (14th)
- Models Impl 1.0.4 (7th)
- Discovery Impl 1.0.8 (30th)
- Resource Inventory 1.0.2 (30th)
- Eventing 3.3.10 (30th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.3.2 (17th)
- Resource Resolver 1.1.0 (4th)
- Featureflags 1.0.0 (4th)
- Resource-Based Discovery Service (discovery.impl) 1.0.6 (4th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.3.2 (31st)
- Servlets Get 2.1.8 (31st)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.12 (31st)
- Parent POM 19 (31st)
- API 2.7.0 (24th)
- JCR Resource 2.3.6 (24th)
- JMX Resource Provider 1.0.2 (24th)
- Resource Merger 1.1.2 (24th)
- Model Implementation 1.0.2 (18th)
- JCR Resource 2.3.4 (17th)
- Engine 2.3.2 (16th)
- i18n 2.2.8 (8th)
- JCR Resource 2.3.2 (8th)
- Discovery Impl 1.0.4 (8th)
- JCR Webdav 2.2.2 (8th)
- Resource Collection 1.0.0 (8th)
- Resource Inventory 1.0.0 (8th)
- JMX Provider 1.0.0 (8th)
- Resource Merger 1.1.0 (8th)
- Commons Log 4.0.0 (7th)
- Security 1.0.0 (7th)
- JCR Registration 1.0.0 (7th)
- Bundle Resource 2.2.20 (7th)
- JCR Base 2.2.2 (7th)
- Eventing 3.3.6 (7th)
- Scripting API 2.1.6 (7th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.26 (7th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.6 (7th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.4 (7th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.0 (6th)
- API 2.6.0 (3rd)
- Engine 2.3.0 (3rd)
- Servlets Resolver 2.3.0 (24th)
- Resource Merger 1.0.0 (24th)
- JCR API 2.2.0 (17th)
- JCR Base 2.2.0 (17th)
- JCR Resource 2.3.0 (17th)
- Service User Mapper 1.0.0 (6th)
- Resource Resolver Mock 0.2.0 (6th)
- Health Check Core 1.1.0 (31th)
- Health Check Webconsole 1.1.0 (31th)
- Auth Core 1.1.6 (31th)
- Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.2 (28th)
- API 2.5.0 (24th)
- Eventing 3.3.4 (24th)
- Installer Core 3.5.0 (19th)
- Eventing 3.3.2 (19th)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.1.2 (17th)
- Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.8 (14th)
- Resource-Based Discovery Service 1.0.2 (3rd)
- Testing Utilities 2.0.16 (November 27th)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.1.0 (28th)
- Event 3.3.0 (24th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.2 (24th)
- Commons Threads 3.2.0 (24th)
- Health Check Core 1.0.6 (24th)
- Health Check JMX 1.0.6 (24th)
- JMX Resource Provider 0.6.0 (24th)
- Engine 2.2.10 (October 12th)
- Auth Core 1.1.4 (7th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.4.0 (7th)
- Resource Inventory 0.5.0 (7th)
- JMX Resource Provider 0.5.0 (7th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- (30th)
- Commons Log 3.0.2 (12th)
- Discovery Impl 1.0.0 (12th)
- Discovery Standalone 1.0.0 (12th)
- Discovery Support 1.0.0 (12th)
- Settings 1.3.0 (12th)
- Event 3.2.0 (12th)
- JCR Jackrabbit Server 2.1.2 (8th)
- Scripting JSP Taglib 2.2.0 (8th)
- JCR DavEx 1.2.0 (31st)
- JCR Webdav 2.2.0 (31st)
- Servlets Post 2.3.2 (18th)
- I18n 2.2.6 (18th)
- Commons FileSystem ClassLoader 1.0.0 (18th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.2.0 (18th)
- Parent POM 17 (18th)
- Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.4 (27th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.28 (16th)
- Servlets Post 2.3.0 (10th)
- JCR Resource 2.2.8 (10th)
- API 2.4.2 (3rd)
- Parent POM 16 (3rd)
- Tenant 1.0.0 (26th)
- Security 1.0.4 (26th)
- javax.activation 0.1.0 (26th)
- API 2.4.0 (18th)
- Bundle Resource Provider 2.1.2 (18th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.1.2 (18th)
- JCR Resource 2.2.6 (18th)
- Resource Resolver 1.0.6 (18th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.2.4 (18th)
- Engine 2.2.8 (18th)
- Auth Core 1.1.2 (18th)
- Launchpad Base 2.5.0 (4th)
- Script Console 1.0.0 (4th)
- JCR Classloader 3.1.2 (18th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.14 (18th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.8 (18th)
- JUnit Remote 1.0.8 (18th)
- JUnit Scriptable 1.0.8 (18th)
- Testing Tools 1.0.6 (18th)
- Installer Core 3.4.6 (18th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.10 (18th)
- JCR Instaler 3.1.6 (18th)
- Parent POM 15 (18th)
- Fragment Extension XML 1.0.2 (18th)
- Fragment Extension WS 1.0.2 (18th)
- Fragment Extension Activation 1.0.2 (18th)
- Resource Resolver 1.0.4 (14th )
- JCR Resource 2.2.4 (14th)
- Installer Core 3.4.4 (20th)
- JCR Resource 2.2.2 (20th)
- Resource Resolver 1.0.2 (20th)
- Security 1.0.2 (20th)
- Parent POM 14 (20th)
- Servlet Resolver 2.2.2 (10th)
- Settings 1.2.2 (30th)
- Auth Core 1.1.0 (30th)
- Commons Logservice 1.0.2 (30th)
- Installer Core 3.4.2 (30th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.26 (30th)
- Commons Compiler 2.1.0 (30th)
- JCR Compiler 2.1.0 (30th)
- I18n 2.2.4 (30th)
- JCR Classloader 3.1.10 (30th)
- JCR Webdav 2.1.2 (30th)
- JCR Davex 1.1.0 (30th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.2.0 (19th)
- Commons OSGi 2.2.0 (19th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.2.0 (19th)
- Rewriter 1.0.4 (19th)
- Settings 1.2.0 (19th)
- API 2.3.0 (15th)
- Bundle Resource Provider 2.1.0 (15th)
- File System Resource Provider 1.1.0 (15th)
- JCR Resource 2.2.0 (15th)
- Resource Resolver 1.0.0 (15th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.4 (15th)
- Servlets Post 2.2.0 (15th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.2.0 (15th)
- Adapter 2.1.0 (15th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.12 (15th)
- JSP Taglib 2.1.8 (29th)
- Installer Core 3.4.0 (29th)
- Installer API 1.0.0 (29th)
- Installer Console 1.0.0 (29th)
- JCR Wrapper 2.0.0 (29th)
- Installer Core 3.3.8 (19th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.1.4 (19th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.1.2 (19th)
- Scripting JST 2.0.6 (17th)
- Adapter 2.0.16 (9th)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.1.6 (9th)
- Parent POM 13 (9th)
- Commons Compiler 2.0.6 (28th)
- Adapter 2.0.14 (28th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.1.8 (28th)
- JCR Compiler 2.0.4 (28th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.24 (28th)
- Scripting Java 2.0.4 (28th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.24 (28th)
- POST Servlets 2.1.2 (28th)
- Installer Factory Configuration 1.0.8 (26th)
- Engine 2.2.6 (26th)
- i18n 2.2.2 (26th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.22 (26th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.3.0 (18th)
- Commons Compiler 2.0.4 (18th)
- Eventing 3.1.4 (18th)
- Installer Core 3.3.6 (18th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.4 (18th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.1.6 (18th)
- JCR Resource 2.1.0 (18th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.1.2 (18th)
- Scripting Java 2.0.4 (18th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.22 (18th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.10 (7th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.3.4 (7th)
- Commons Log 3.0.0 (7th)
- Commons Log Service 1.0.0 (7th)
- Adapter 2.0.12 (7th)
- Installer Core 3.3.4 (7th)
- Launchpad API 1.1.0 (7th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.1.0 (7th)
- Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.6 (7th)
- API 2.2.4 (30th)
- Adapter 2.0.10 (30th)
- Scripting JSP Taglib 2.1.6 (30th)
- Rewriter 1.0.2 (30th)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.1.4 (30th)
- JCR Base 2.1.2 (30th)
- Servlet Resolver 2.1.2 (30th)
- Security 1.0.0 (30th)
- Scripting API 2.1.4 (16th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.20 (16th)
- i18n 2.2.0 (16th)
- Installer Core 3.3.2 (16th)
- Scripting Java 2.0.2 (16th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.20 (16th)
- Adapter Annotations 1.0.0 (14th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.1.0 (14th)
- Settings 1.1.0 (6th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.2.4 (6th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.3.2 (6th)
- Installer Core 3.3.0 (6th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.4 (6th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.0.6 (6th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.2 (6th)
- Thread Dumper 0.2.2 (6th)
- Jackrabbit User Manager 2.2.0 (15th)
- Maven Sling Plugin 2.0.6 (21st)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.1.0 (9th)
- Resource Bundle 1.0.0 (16th)
- Parent POM 12 (16th)
- API 2.2.2 (16th)
- Commons Scheduler 2.3.0 (16th)
- Commons OSGi 2.1.0 (16th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.18 (16th)
- Installer Core 3.2.2 (16th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.2 (16th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.0.4 (16th)
- File Installer 1.0.2 (16th)
- Scripting JSP Support 2.0.18 (15th)
- Parent POM 11 (8th)
- Internationalization 2.1.2 (15th)
- Event 3.1.0 (13th)
- OSGi Installer 3.2.0 (13th)
- JCR Installer 3.1.0 (13th)
- Installer Configuration Factory 1.0.0 (13th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.0.2 (13th)
- Launchpad Standalone Archetype 1.0.0 (13th)
- Launchpad Webapp Archetype 1.0.0 (13th)
- Scripting JSP Support 2.0.16(3rd)
- JSP Taglib 2.1.2 (3rd)
- Test Tools 1.0.2 (26th)
- JUnit Core 1.0.6 (26th)
- JUnit Remote Tests Runners 1.0.6 (26th)
- JUnit Scriptable Tests Provider 1.0.6 (26th)
- Sample Integration Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
- Sample Server-Side Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
- Failing Server-Side Tests 1.0.6 (26th)
- I18N 2.1.0 (12th)
- Sling 6 (28th)
- Launchpad Content 2.0.6 (28th)
- Launchpad Integration Tests 1.0.0 (04th)
- Launchpad Testing Services 2.0.8 (04th)
- Launchpad Testing Services WAR 2.0.8 (04th)
- Javascript 2.0.12 (26th)
- Explorer 1.0.2 (24th)
- JCR Resource 2.0.10 (24th)
- Engine 2.2.2 (24th)
- Installer IT Testing 3.1.2 (24th)
- Launchpad API 1.0.0 (20th)
- Launchpad Installer 1.0.0 (20th)
- Launchpad Base 2.3.0 (20th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.10 (20th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.8 (20th)
- Servlets Get 2.1.2 (18th)
- Installer Core 3.1.2 (4th)
- JCR Installer 3.0.4 (4th)
- Event 3.0.2 (4th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.16 (29th)
- JCR Resource 2.0.8 (28th)
- Engine 2.2.0 (28th)
- Bundle Resource Provider 2.0.6 (28th)
- File Resource Provider 1.0.2 (28th)
- Auth Core 1.0.6 (28th)
- Auth Selector 1.0.4 (28th)
- Commons Compiler 2.0.2 (21st)
- JCR Compiler 2.0.2 (21st)
- Commons Log 2.1.2 (21st)
- Event 3.0.0 (21st)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.14 (21st)
- Installer Core 3.1.0 (21st)
- JCR Installer 3.0.2 (21st)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.8 (20th)
- Commons Compiler 2.0.0 (20th)
- i18n 2.0.4 (20th)
- Commons Json 2.0.6 (20th)
- Commons Log 2.1.0 (20th)
- Scripting Java 2.0.0 (20th)
- Scripting JST 2.0.4 (20th)
- Scripting API 2.1.2 (20th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.12 (20th)
- Scripting Javascript 2.0.10 (20th)
- JCR Compiler 2.0.0 (20th)
- Auth Core 1.0.4 (20th)
- Auth Selector 1.0.2 (20th)
- Auth Form 1.0.2 (20th)
- Auth OpenId 1.0.2 (20th)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.1.2 (20th)
- API 2.20 (13th)
- Adapter 2.0.8 (13th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.2.2 (13th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.1.4 (13th)
- Parent POM 10 (13th)
- JCR Web Console Plugin 1.0.0 (16th)
- JCR Access Manager 2.1.0
- JCR User Manager 2.1.0 (8th) (8th)
- JCR WebDAV support 2.1.0 (8th)
- JCR DavEX support 1.0.0 (8th)
- Explorer 1.0.0 (1st)
- Scripting Core 2.0.14 (25th)
- Commons Threads 3.1.0 (15th)
- Event 2.4.2 (15th)
- I18N 2.0.2 (15th)
- Rewriter 1.0.0 (15th)
- Settings 1.0.2 (15th)
- Installer Core 3.0.0 (24th)
- Installer File Provider 1.0.0 (24th)
- Installer JCR Provider 3.0.0 (24th)
- Commons Testing 2.0.6 (20th)
- JCR API 2.1.0 (10th)
- JCR Base 2.1.0 (10th)
- JCR Content Loader 2.1.0 (10th)
- Jackrabbit Server 2.1.0 (10th)
- Commons Threads 3.0.2 (06th)
- Event 2.4.0 (06th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.2.0 (30th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.1.2 (30th)
- Web Console Branding 1.0.0 (25th)
- Web Console Security Provider 1.0.0 (25th)
- API 2.1.0 (21st)
- GWT Integration 3.0.0 (30th)
- Commons OSGi 2.0.6 (27th)
- Launchpad Base 2.2.0 (27th)
- Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.6 (27th)
- Event 2.3.0 (1st)
- Scripting Core 2.1.0 (1st)
- Apache Commons MIME 2.1.4 (1st)
- FileResource Provider 1.0.0 (1st)
- Sample Path Based Resource Type Provider 2.0.4 (22nd)
- Event 2.2.0 (19th)
- Scripting API 2.1.0 (19th)
- Thread Dumper 0.2.0 (19th)
- JCR WebDav 2.0.8 (17th)
- JCR ContentLoader 2.0.6 (17th)
- JCR UserManager 2.0.4 (17th)
- JCR Server 2.0.6 (17th)
- JCR AccessManager 2.0.4 (17th)
- JCR Base 2.0.6 (17th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.1.4 (8th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.1.0 (8th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.1.2 (21st)
- Commons Scheduler 2.2.0 (21st)
- Commons Threads 3.0.0 (21st)
- Event 2.1.0 (21st)
- Servlets Get 2.0.8 (21st)
- Commons Mime 2.1.2 (15th)
- Commons HTML 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Commons Compiler 1.0.0 (2nd)
- JCR Compiler 1.0.0 (2nd)
- JCR Prefs 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Scripting Java 1.0.0 (2nd)
- Parent POM 8 (28th)
- Launchpad Base 2.1.0 (28th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.1.0 (28th)
- JCR ClassLoader 3.0.0 (28th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.8 (28th)
- Scripting JSP 2.0.8 (28th)
- Scripting JSP Taglib 2.0.6 (28th)
- Scripting JavaScript 2.0.6 (28th)
- Engine 2.0.6 (13th)
- Adapter 2.0.4 (13th)
- JCR Resource 2.0.6 (13th)
- Commons ClassLoader 1.0.0 (13th)
- Event 2.0.6 (13th)
- JCR ClassLoader 2.0.6 (13th)
- Scripting Core 2.0.6 (13th)
- Servlets Resolver 2.0.8 (13th)
- API 2.0.8 (2nd)
- Commons HTML 0.9.0 (2nd)
- Commons ClassLoader 0.9.0 (2nd)
- Commons Scheduler 2.1.0 (2nd)
- Servlets Get 2.0.6 (2nd)
- API 2.0.6 (17th)
- JCR API 2.0.4 (17th)
- Commons LogService 2.0.6 (5th)