Hierarchy operators

Child operator (parent > child)

Select all direct child resources specified by child of resources specified by parent

// find all richtext components placed directly into parsys resources
$(resource).find('foundation/components/parsys > foundation/components/richtext')
// alternative version

Descendant operator (ancestor descendant)

Select all resources that are descendants of a given ancestor

// find all resources containing `someAttribute` on the `cq:Page`s being direct children of the resource
$(resource).children('cq:Page [someAttribute]')
// alternative version

Next adjacent operator (prev + next)

Selects all next resources matching next that are immediately preceded by a sibling prev

// find next sibling of the cq:Page containing the resource
$(resource).closest('cq:Page + cq:Page')
// alternative version

Next siblings operator (prev ~ siblings)

Selects all sibling resources that follow after the prev element, have the same parent, and match the filtering siblings selector

// find all siblings of the cq:Page containing the resource
$(resource).closest('cq:Page ~ cq:Page')
// alternative version
- ( Hierarchy operators )