Managing users and groups (jackrabbit.usermanager)

The jackrabbit-usermanager bundle delivers a REST interface to create, update and delete users and groups in the JCR. After installing the jackrabbit-usermanager bundle all REST services are exposed under the path /system/userManager. Its interface for modifing/creating authorizables is similar to the SlingPostServlet.

For getting information about existing authorizables it provides all authorizables as Sling resources through its AuthorizableResourceProvider below /system/userManager/user and /system/userManager/group. Those resources can be exposed via the Default GET Servlet.

List users

To list existing users a GET request to the /system/userManager/user resource can be issued. Depending on the configuration of the Default GET Servlet and/or the availability of a Servlet or Script handling the sling/users resource type, a result may be delivered/

Example with curl and the default JSON rendering:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.tidy.1.json
  "admin": {
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []
  "anonymous": {
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []

Get user

since version 2.0.8 The properties of a single user can be retrieved by sending a GET request to the user's resource at /system/userManager/user/<username> where <username> would be replaced with the name of the user. Depending on the configuration of the Default GET Servlet and/or the availability of a Servlet or Script handling the sling/user resource type, a result may be delivered.

Example with curl and the default JSON rendering:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user/admin.tidy.1.json
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []

If a non-existing user is requested a 404/NOT FOUND status is sent back.

Create user

To create a new user POST a request to /system/userManager/user.create.<html or json>. The following parameters are available:

One of these to resolve the user name:

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
:name no The value is the exact name to use
:name@ValueFrom no 2.2.16 The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is the exact name to use
:nameHint no 2.2.16 The value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
:nameHint@ValueFrom no 2.2.16 The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
otherwise 2.2.16 Try the value of any server-side configured "principalNameHints" parameter to treat as a hint that is filtered, trimmed and made unique

... and these ...

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
pwd yes The password of the new user
pwdConfirm yes The password of the new user (must be equal to the value of pwd)
:disabled no 2.1.1 If true disables the user to block further login attempts. If false enables a disabled user.
:disabledReason no 2.1.1 Specifies the reason why a user has been disabled.
jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<anyproperty> no Additional non-nested parameters will be stored as node properties in the JCR.
<relPath>/jcr:primaryType no 2.2.18 Specifies the primary type for a new nested storage node at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/<anyproperty> no 2.2.6 Additional parameters will be stored as nested node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747)


Status Code Description
200 Success, a redirect is sent to the users resource locator with HTML (or JSON) describing status.
500 Failure, including user already exists. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.

Example with curl:

curl -F:name=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password -Fanyproperty1=value1 \

Update user

To update an existing user POST a request to /system/userManager/user/username.update.<html or json>. You can NOT update the username or the password (see Change Password below) only the additional properties are updateable through this URL. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
:disabled no 2.1.1 If true disables the user to block further login attempts. If false enables a disabled user.
:disabledReason no 2.1.1 Specifies the reason why a user has been disabled.
jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
jcr:mixinType@Delete no 2.2.18 Removes a mixin type from the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<anyproperty> no Additional non-nested parameters will be stored as node properties in the JCR.
<anyproperty>@Delete no Non-nested properties with @Delete at the end of the name will be deleted in the JCR.
<relPath>/jcr:primaryType no 2.2.18 Specifies the primary type for a new nested storage node at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType@Delete no 2.2.18 Removes a mixin type from the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/<anyproperty> no 2.2.6 Additional parameters will be stored as nested node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747).
<relPath>/<anyproperty>@Delete no 2.2.6 Nested properties with @Delete at the end of the name will be deleted at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747).


Status Code Description
200 Success, a redirect is sent to the users resource locator with HTML (or JSON) describing status.
404 User was not found.
500 Any other failure. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.


curl -Fanyproperty1@Delete -Fproperty2=value2 \

Change password

To change a password of an existing user POST a request to /system/userManager/user/username.changePassword.<html or json>. NOTE: since version 2.1.1, the oldPwd is optional if the current user is a user administrator. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Required Description
oldPwd yes Old password.
newPwd yes New password.
newPwdConfirm yes New password (must be equal to the value of newPwd).


Status Code Description
200 Success, no body.
404 User was not found.
500 Any other failure. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.


curl -FoldPwd=oldpassword -FnewPwd=newpassword -FnewPwdConfirm=newpassword \

Delete user

To delete an existing user POST a request to /system/userManager/user/username.delete.<html or json>. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Required Description
:applyTo no An array of relative resource references to users to be deleted. If this parameter is present, the username from the URL is ignored and all listed users are removed.


Status Code Description
200 Success, no body.
404 User(s) was/were not found.
500 Any other failure. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.


curl -Fgo=1 http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user/myuser.delete.html

List groups

To list existing groups a GET request to the /system/userManager/group resource can be sent. Depending on the configuration of the Default GET Servlet and/or the availability of a Servlet or Script handling the sling/groups resource type, a result may be delivered.

Example with curl and the default JSON rendering:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/group.tidy.1.json
  "UserAdmin": {
    "members": [],
    "declaredMembers": [],
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []
  "GroupAdmin": {
    "members": [],
    "declaredMembers": [],
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []
  "administrators": {
    "members": [],
    "declaredMembers": [],
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []

Get group

The properties of a single group can be retrieved by sending a GET request to the group's resource at /system/userManager/group/groupname where groupname would be replaced with the name of the group. Depending on the configuration of the Default GET Servlet and/or the availability of a Servlet or Script handling the sling/group resource type, a result may be delivered.

Example with curl and the default JSON rendering:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/group/administrators.tidy.1.json
    "members": [],
    "declaredMembers": [],
    "memberOf": [],
    "declaredMemberOf": []

If a non-existing group is requested a 404/NOT FOUND status is sent back.

Create group

To create a new group POST a request to /system/userManager/group.create.<html or json>. The following parameters are available:

One of these to resolve the group name:

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
:name no The value is the exact name to use
:name@ValueFrom no 2.2.16 The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is the exact name to use
:nameHint no 2.2.16 The value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
:nameHint@ValueFrom no 2.2.16 The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
otherwise 2.2.16 Try the value of any server-side configured "principalNameHints" parameter to treat as a hint that is filtered, trimmed and made unique

... and these ...

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<anyproperty> no Additional non-nested parameters will be stored as node properties in the JCR.
<relPath>/jcr:primaryType no 2.2.18 Specifies the primary type for a new nested storage node at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/<anyproperty> no 2.2.6 Additional parameters will be stored as nested node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747)


Status Code Description
200 Success, a redirect is sent to the group resource locator with HTML (or JSON) describing status
500 Failure including group already exists. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.

Example with curl:

curl -F:name=mygroup -Fanyproperty1=value1 \

Update group

To update an existing group POST a request to /system/userManager/group/groupname.update.<html or json>. You can NOT update the name of the group only the additional properties are updateable. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Required Since Version Description
:member no user(s) (name or URI) to add to the group as a member. Can also be an array of users.
:member@Delete no user(s) (name or URI) to remove from the group. Can also be an array of users.
jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
jcr:mixinType@Delete no 2.2.18 Removes a mixin type from the storage node properties in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<anyproperty> no Additional non-nested parameters will be stored as node properties in the JCR.
<anyproperty>@Delete no Non-nested properties with @Delete at the end of the name will be deleted in the JCR.
<relPath>/jcr:primaryType no 2.2.18 Specifies the primary type for a new nested storage node at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType no 2.2.18 Adds a mixin type to the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/jcr:mixinType@Delete no 2.2.18 Removes a mixin type from the nested storage node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-11023)
<relPath>/<anyproperty> no 2.2.6 Additional parameters will be stored as nested node properties at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747).
<relPath>/<anyproperty>@Delete no 2.2.6 Nested properties with @Delete at the end of the name will be deleted at the relative path in the JCR. (SLING-6747).


Status Code Description
200 Success, a redirect is sent to the group resource locator with HTML (or JSON) describing status.
404 Group was not found.
500 Any other failure. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.


curl -Fanyproperty1@Delete -Fproperty2=value2 -F ":member=/system/userManager/user/myuser" \

Delete group

To delete an existing group POST a request to /system/userManager/group/groupname.delete.<html or json>. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Required Description
:applyTo no An array of relative resource references to groups to be deleted. If this parameter is present, the name of the group from the URL is ignored and all listed groups are removed.


Status Code Description
200 Success, sent with no body.
404 Group(s) was/were not found.
500 Any other failure. HTML (or JSON) explains failure.


curl -Fgo=1 http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/group/mygroup.delete.html

Automated Tests

The launchpad/testing module contains test classes for various operations of the jackrabbit-usermanager. Such tests run as part of our continuous integration process, to demonstrate and verify the behavior of the various operations, in a way that's guaranteed to be in sync with the actual Sling core code. If you have an idea for additional tests, make sure to let us know!

Permissions checking from scripts

Since Version 2.0.6

When developing scripts that will perform user or group updates, you may want to know what actions the current user is provisioned to do. This information can be used to conditionally render parts of your page differently based on the user rights.

The jackrabbit.usermanager bundle provides a service (AuthorizablePrivilegesInfo) you can utilize to do help with this permission checking.

The AuthorizablePrivilegesInfo provides methods for checking the following actions

Method Description
canAddUser(jcrSession) Checks if the current user may add new users
canAddGroup(jcrSession) Checks if the current user may add new groups
canUpdateProperties(jcrSession, principalId) Checks if the current user may update the properties of the specified principal
canRemove(jcrSession, principalId) Checks if the current user may remove the specified user or group
canUpdateGroupMembers(jcrSession, groupId) Checks if the current user may modify the membership of the specified group


    // lookup the service
    var privilegesInfo = sling.getService(;

    if (privilegesInfo.canAddUser(currentSession)) {
        //TODO: render the UI that allows the user to add a user here

    if (privilegesInfo.canAddGroup(currentSession)) {
        //TODO: render the UI that allows the user to add a group here

    if (privilegesInfo.canUpdateProperties(currentSession, "someUserId")) {
        //TODO: render the UI that allows the user to update the properties of the user here

    if (privilegesInfo.canRemove(currentSession, "someUserId")) {
        //TODO: render the UI that allows the user to remove the user here

    if (privilegesInfo.canUpdateGroupMembers(currentSession, "GroupName")) {
        //TODO: draw your UI that allows the user to update the group memebership here

Changing the root path for usermanager resources

Since Version 2.2.12

By default, the usermanager resources are provided under the /system/userManager path. This location may be changed via configuration.

For example:


Generating principal names from a hint

Since Version 2.2.16

For use cases where the exact principalName value isn't critical, a unique value can be auto-generated from some other hint. With a generated unique princpalName, the end user doesn't have to keep retrying to find a value that hasn't been used already.

With the default behavior, the principalName value would be determined by locating the first request parameter that is a match of one of the choices in the following order:

1. :name - value is the exact name to use

curl -F:name=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html

2. :name@ValueFrom - value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is the exact name to use

curl -F:name@ValueFrom=displayName -FdisplayName=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html

3. :nameHint - value is filtered, trimmed and made unique

curl -F:nameHint=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html

4. :nameHint@ValueFrom - value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is filtered, trimmed and made unique

curl -F:nameHint@ValueFrom=displayName -FdisplayName=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html

5. otherwise, try the value of any server-side configured "principalNameHints" parameters to treat as a hint that is filtered, trimmed and made unique

curl -FdisplayName=myuser -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html

Customizing how principal names are generated from a hint

Since Version 2.2.16

The default implementation of PrincipalNameGenerator may be adjusted via configuration to define a length limit and define which request parameters should be considered as hint candidates.

For example:

    "principalNameMaxLength": 50,
    "principalNameHints": [

Additionally, the following service interfaces may be implemented by a custom OSGi component in order to influence how a principalName is generated from a hint. Whichever registered OSGi service that has the highest service.ranking value will be used.

  1. - An implementation of this service interface allows for filtering what characters are allowed in a generated principal name
  2. - An implementation of this service interface allows to fully customize principal name generation

Enabling the option to expose nested authorizable property containers as child resources

Since Version 2.2.18

By default, the nested authorizable property containers are not exposed as child resources. This behavior may be enabled via configuration.

For example:

- ( Managing users and groups (jackrabbit.usermanager) )