Uses of Class

Packages that use PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights   

Uses of PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights in

Methods in that return PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights
 PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights PrivilegesInfo.getDeclaredAccessRightsForPrincipal(javax.jcr.Node node, String principalId)
          Returns the declared access rights for the specified Node for the given principalId.
 PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights PrivilegesInfo.getDeclaredAccessRightsForPrincipal(javax.jcr.Session session, String absPath, String principalId)
          Returns the declared access rights for the resource at the specified path for the given principalId.
 PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights PrivilegesInfo.getEffectiveAccessRightsForPrincipal(javax.jcr.Node node, String principalId)
          Returns the effective access rights for the specified Node for the given principalId.
 PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights PrivilegesInfo.getEffectiveAccessRightsForPrincipal(javax.jcr.Session session, String absPath, String principalId)
          Returns the effective access rights for the resource at the specified path for the given principalId.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights
 Map<Principal,PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights> PrivilegesInfo.getDeclaredAccessRights(javax.jcr.Node node)
          Returns the mapping of declared access rights that have been set for the resource at the given path.
 Map<Principal,PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights> PrivilegesInfo.getDeclaredAccessRights(javax.jcr.Session session, String absPath)
          Returns the mapping of declared access rights that have been set for the resource at the given path.
 Map<Principal,PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights> PrivilegesInfo.getEffectiveAccessRights(javax.jcr.Node node)
          Returns the mapping of effective access rights that have been set for the resource at the given path.
 Map<Principal,PrivilegesInfo.AccessRights> PrivilegesInfo.getEffectiveAccessRights(javax.jcr.Session session, String absPath)
          Returns the mapping of effective access rights that have been set for the resource at the given path.

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