Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource   

Uses of Resource in

Methods in that return Resource
 Resource SlingHttpServletRequest.getResource()
          Returns the Resource object on whose behalf the servlet acts.

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher SlingHttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource)
          Same as SlingHttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(Resource,RequestDispatcherOptions) but using empty options.
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher SlingHttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
          Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given resource.

Uses of Resource in

Classes in that implement Resource
 class AbstractResource
          The AbstractResource is an abstract implementation of the Resource interface.
 class NonExistingResource
          Simple helper class representing nonexisting resources.
 class ResourceWrapper
          The ResourceWrapper is a wrapper for any Resource delegating all method calls to the wrapped resource by default.
 class SyntheticResource
          The SyntheticResource class is a simple implementation of the Resource interface which may be used to provide a resource object which has no actual resource data.

Methods in that return Resource
 Resource ResourceDecorator.decorate(Resource resource)
          Decorate a resource.
 Resource ResourceDecorator.decorate(Resource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Decorate a resource.
 Resource AbstractResource.getChild(String relPath)
          Returns the indicated child of this resource.
 Resource Resource.getChild(String relPath)
          Returns the child at the given relative path of this resource or null if no such child exists.
 Resource ResourceWrapper.getChild(String relPath)
          Returns the value of calling getChild on the wrapped resource.
 Resource AbstractResource.getParent()
          Returns the parent resource of this resource.
 Resource Resource.getParent()
          Returns the parent resource or null if this resource represents the root of the resource tree.
 Resource ResourceWrapper.getParent()
          Returns the value of calling getParent on the wrapped resource.
static Resource ResourceUtil.getParent(Resource rsrc)
          Deprecated. since 2.1.0, use getParent() instead
 Resource ResourceWrapper.getResource()
          Returns the Resource wrapped by this instance.
 Resource ResourceProvider.getResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String path)
          Returns a resource from this resource provider or null if the resource provider cannot find it.
 Resource ResourceProvider.getResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver, String path)
          Returns a resource from this resource provider or null if the resource provider cannot find it.
 Resource ResourceResolver.getResource(Resource base, String path)
          Returns a Resource object for data located at the given path.
 Resource ResourceResolver.getResource(String path)
          Returns a Resource object for data located at the given path.
 Resource ResourceResolver.resolve(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deprecated. as of 2.0.4, use ResourceResolver.resolve(HttpServletRequest, String) instead.
 Resource ResourceResolver.resolve(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String absPath)
          Resolves the resource from the given absPath optionally taking HttpServletRequest into account, such as the value of the Host request header.
 Resource ResourceResolver.resolve(String absPath)
          Resolves the resource from the given absolute path.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceResolver.findResources(String query, String language)
          Searches for resources using the given query formulated in the given language.
 Iterator<Resource> AbstractResource.listChildren()
          Returns an iterator on the direct child resources.
 Iterator<Resource> Resource.listChildren()
          Returns an iterator of the direct children of this resource.
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceWrapper.listChildren()
          Returns the value of calling listChildren on the wrapped resource.
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceProvider.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Returns an Iterator of Resource objects loaded from the children of the given Resource.
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceResolver.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Returns an Iterator of Resource objects loaded from the children of the given Resource.
static Iterator<Resource> ResourceUtil.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Deprecated. since 2.1.0, use listChildren() instead

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 Resource ResourceDecorator.decorate(Resource resource)
          Decorate a resource.
 Resource ResourceDecorator.decorate(Resource resource, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Decorate a resource.
static String ResourceUtil.findResourceSuperType(Resource resource)
          Returns the super type of the given resource.
static String ResourceUtil.getName(Resource rsrc)
          Deprecated. since 2.1.0, use getName() instead
static Resource ResourceUtil.getParent(Resource rsrc)
          Deprecated. since 2.1.0, use getParent() instead
 Resource ResourceResolver.getResource(Resource base, String path)
          Returns a Resource object for data located at the given path.
static ValueMap ResourceUtil.getValueMap(Resource res)
          Returns an ValueMap object for the given Resource.
static boolean ResourceUtil.isA(Resource resource, String resourceType)
          Check if the resource is of the given type.
static boolean ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(Resource res)
          Returns true if the resource res is a non-existing resource.
static boolean ResourceUtil.isStarResource(Resource res)
          Returns true if the resource res is a "star resource".
static boolean ResourceUtil.isSyntheticResource(Resource res)
          Returns true if the resource res is a synthetic resource.
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceProvider.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Returns an Iterator of Resource objects loaded from the children of the given Resource.
 Iterator<Resource> ResourceResolver.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Returns an Iterator of Resource objects loaded from the children of the given Resource.
static Iterator<Resource> ResourceUtil.listChildren(Resource parent)
          Deprecated. since 2.1.0, use listChildren() instead

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Resource
<T> Iterator<T>
ResourceUtil.adaptTo(Iterator<Resource> iterator, Class<T> type)
          Return an iterator for objecs of the specified type.

Constructors in with parameters of type Resource
ResourceWrapper(Resource resource)
          Creates a new wrapper instance delegating all method calls to the given resource.

Uses of Resource in

Methods in that return Resource
 Resource SlingBindings.getResource()
          Returns the SlingBindings.RESOURCE property if not null and a Resource instance.
 Resource SlingScript.getScriptResource()
          Returns the Resource providing the script source code.

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 void SlingScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource)
          Same as SlingScriptHelper.forward(Resource,RequestDispatcherOptions), but using empty options.
 void SlingScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
          Helper method to forward the request to a Servlet or script for the given resource and options.
 void SlingScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource, String requestDispatcherOptions)
          Helper method to forward the request to a Servlet or script for the given resource and requestDispatcherOptions.
 void SlingScriptHelper.include(Resource resource)
          Same as SlingScriptHelper.include(Resource,RequestDispatcherOptions), but using empty options.
 void SlingScriptHelper.include(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
          Helper method to include the result of processing the request for the given resource and options.
 void SlingScriptHelper.include(Resource resource, String requestDispatcherOptions)
          Helper method to include the result of processing the request for the given resource and requestDispatcherOptions.
 void SlingBindings.setResource(Resource resource)
          Sets the SlingBindings.RESOURCE property to resource if not null.

Uses of Resource in

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 javax.servlet.Servlet ServletResolver.resolveServlet(Resource resource, String scriptName)
          Resolves a javax.servlet.Servlet whose service method may be used to handle a request.

Uses of Resource in

Methods in that return Resource
 Resource SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper.getResource()

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource)
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)

Uses of Resource in

Classes in that implement Resource
 class MockResource

Methods in that return Resource
 Resource MockSlingHttpServletRequest.getResource()
 Resource MockResourceResolver.getResource(Resource base, String path)
 Resource MockResourceResolver.getResource(String path)
 Resource MockResourceResolver.resolve(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 Resource MockResourceResolver.resolve(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String absPath)
 Resource MockResourceResolver.resolve(String absPath)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Iterator<Resource> MockResourceResolver.findResources(String query, String language)
 Iterator<Resource> MockResourceResolver.listChildren(Resource parent)

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 void MockResourceResolver.addChildren(Resource parent, Collection<Resource> children)
 void MockResourceResolver.addResource(Resource resource)
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher MockSlingHttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource)
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher MockSlingHttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
 Resource MockResourceResolver.getResource(Resource base, String path)
 Iterator<Resource> MockResourceResolver.listChildren(Resource parent)
 void MockSlingHttpServletRequest.setResource(Resource resource)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Resource
 void MockResourceResolver.addChildren(Resource parent, Collection<Resource> children)

Uses of Resource in

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
static String JcrResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(Resource resource)
          Deprecated. Call ResourceUtil.findResourceSuperType(Resource)

Uses of Resource in

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 void ScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource)
 void ScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
 void ScriptHelper.forward(Resource resource, String options)
 void ScriptHelper.include(Resource resource)
 void ScriptHelper.include(Resource resource, RequestDispatcherOptions options)
 void ScriptHelper.include(Resource resource, String options)

Uses of Resource in

Methods in with parameters of type Resource
 void ScriptableResource.setResource(Resource entry)

Constructors in with parameters of type Resource
ScriptableResource(Resource resource)

Uses of Resource in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Resource
protected  Iterator<Resource> AbstractSlingPostOperation.getApplyToResources(SlingHttpServletRequest request)
          Returns an iterator on Resource instances addressed in the SlingPostConstants.RP_APPLY_TO request parameter.

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