ClassDescriptionSimple general task, setting the state of a registered resource.Context for the installation tasks.Base class for tasks that can be executed by the
.The install task factory creates a task for a given resource.A resource that's been registered in the OSGi controller.The state of a resource.A resource transformer transform a registered resource before it can be installed.A resource updater can be used if the processing of resources changes with regards to the entity id and the alias.The retry handler should be informed by external services whenever something in the system changed which might make it worth to retry a failed installed.A task resource is a registered resource which has been processed by aResourceTransformer
and is now about to be processed by anInstallTask
.This is a group of resources all pointing to the same artifact, but maybe in different versions or locations.A result of aResourceTransformer
.This is a group of resources all pointing to the same artifact, but maybe in different versions or locations.