Interface OsgiInstaller

@ProviderType public interface OsgiInstaller
Service for installing/updating/removing installable resources InstallableResource in an OSGi framework. The resources are provided by provider components which are clients of this API. For example a file directory provider might scan a directory in the file system and provide the artifacts contained in the configured directory. When such a client starts it should first call registerResources(String, InstallableResource[]) and inform this service about all available resources. In the case of a file directory provider, this list would contain all files found in the directory (and sub directories). This is the rendezvous point. The OSGi installer service compares this complete list with previous lists it might have and triggers corresponding tasks like installing new artifacts and uninstalling removed artifacts. Once this rendezvous has been done between a client and the OSGi installe, the client calls updateResources(String, InstallableResource[], String[]) to inform about changes like new resources or removed resources. A single provider should never call these methods in parallel, before calling any method a previous call must have finished! The OSGi installer detects the resources and based on their type and metadata, the installer decides whether to install them, update an already installed artifact or simply ignore them. For example, for bundles the symbolic name and the version is used.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    registerResources(String urlScheme, InstallableResource[] resources)
    Provide the installer with the complete list of installable resources for a given client.
    updateResources(String urlScheme, InstallableResource[] resources, String[] idsToRemove)
    Inform the installer that resources are available for installation and/or other resources are no longer available.
  • Method Details

    • registerResources

      void registerResources(String urlScheme, InstallableResource[] resources)
      Provide the installer with the complete list of installable resources for a given client. Client must call this at startup and/or when the installer service becomes available. The installer stores the list of previously registered/added resources, compares with the new list and removes resources that have disappeared. Invalid resources are ignored.
      urlScheme - identifies the client.
      resources - the list of available resources
    • updateResources

      void updateResources(String urlScheme, InstallableResource[] resources, String[] idsToRemove)
      Inform the installer that resources are available for installation and/or other resources are no longer available. This method is called if - installed resources have been modified - new resources are available - installed resources should be uninstalled Invalid resources are ignored.
      urlScheme - identifies the client.
      resources - An array of updated/new resources - might be null
      idsToRemove - An array of identifiers for removed resources - might be null