
  • Classes
    The AbstractPostOperation class is a base implementation of the PostOperation service interface providing actual implementations with useful tooling and common functionality like preparing the change logs or saving or refreshing.
    The CheckinOperation class implements the checkin operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The CheckoutOperation class implements the checkout operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The CopyOperation class implements the copy operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The DeleteOperation class implements the delete operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The ImportOperation class implements the SlingPostConstants.OPERATION_IMPORT import operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The ModifyOperation class implements the default operation called by the Sling default POST servlet if no operation is requested by the client.
    The MoveOperation class implements the move operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    The NopOperation class implements no operation at all.
    The RestoreOperation class implements the restore operation for the Sling default POST servlet.
    Performs a streamed modification of the content.