Interface SlingPostConstants

public interface SlingPostConstants
The SlingPostConstants interface provides constants for well known parameters of the core SlingPostServlet. Extensions of the servlet through implementations of the SlingPostOperation interface may extend this constants.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Name of the request attribute (not parameter) indicating that a post operation should not invoke the commit method on the resource resolver upon completion.
    static final String
    Constant for prefix for sling:chunk node name.
    static final String
    The suffix to the resource path used to indicate to automatically generate the name of the new item to create during a content creation request (value is "/").
    static final String
    Suffix indicating a default value for a property (value is "@DefaultValue").
    static final String
    Prefix for properties addressing repository items with an absolute path (value is "/").
    static final String
    Prefix for properties addressing repository items with a path relative to the current request item (value is "./").
    static final String
    Prefix for properties addressing repository items with a path relative to the parent of the request item (value is "../").
    static final int
    The default response status sent back by a OPERATION_NOP if the RP_NOP_STATUS parameter is not provided or the parameter value cannot be converted into a valid response status code (value is 200).
    static final String
    Constant for the sling:chunks mixin.
    static final String
    Constant for the sling:chunk node type.
    static final String
    Constant for the sling:offset property.
    static final String
    Constant for the sling:length property.
    static final String
    Constant for the sling:fileLength property.
    static final String
    Name of the predefined checkin operation (value is "checkin").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined checkout operation (value is "checkout").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined copy operation (value is "copy").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined delete operation (value is "delete").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined import operation (value is "import").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined modify operation (value is "modify").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined move operation (value is "move")
    static final String
    Name of the predefined null operation (value is "nop").
    static final String
    Name of the predefined restore operation (value is "restore").
    static final String
    Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved immediately after the sibling whose name is contained in the RP_ORDER parameter (value is "after ").
    static final String
    Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved immediately before the sibling whose name is contained in the RP_ORDER parameter (value is "before ").
    static final String
    Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved to the first position amongst its siblings (value is "first").
    static final String
    Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved to the last position amongst its siblings (value is "last").
    static final char
    Indicates a value to be added to the named multi-value property if the property is being #patched.
    static final char
    Indicates a value to be removed from the named multi-value property if the property is being #patched.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter used to indicate the resource to apply the operation to (value is ":applyTo").
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating request operation is applicable to chunks.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating whether versionable nodes should be checked in during an OPERATION_IMPORT operation.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating whether versionable nodes should be checked in during an OPERATION_IMPORT operation.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter containing the content to be imported by the 'import' operation.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter containing the file to be imported by the 'import' operation.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter containing the content type of the content to be imported by the 'import' operation.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter used to indicate the destination for the copy and move operations (value is ":dest").
    static final String
    Optional request parameter: if provided, added at the end of the computed (or supplied) redirect URL
    static final String
    Optional request paramter specifying a node name for a newly created node (value is ":name").
    static final String
    Optional request paramter specifying a node name hint for a newly created node (value is ":nameHint").
    static final String
    Optional request parameter to indicate the actual response status to send back as a result of calling the #OPERATION_NOP (value is ":nopstatus").
    static final String
    The name of the parameter containing the operation to execute (value is ":operation").
    static final String
    Optional request parameter indicating the order of newly created nodes in creation, copy and move operation requests (value is ":order").
    static final String
    Prefix for parameter names which control this POST (RP_ stands for "request param") (value is ":").
    static final String
    Optional request parameter: redirect to the specified URL after POST
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating whether the nodes existing outside the versioning graph should be removed.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating whether the destination for a copy or move operation is to be replaced if existing (value is ":replace").
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating whether the destination for a property change during an import operation is to be replaced if existing.
    static final String
    Optional request parameter: defines if to enable the error handling also for POST request.
    static final String
    Optional request parameter: define how the response is sent back to the client.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating the name or the label of the resource version.
    static final String
    An alternative suffix to the resource path used to indicate to automatically generate the name of the new item to create during a content creation request (value is "/*").
    static final String
    The supported value for the RP_STATUS request parameter requesting to not report success or failure of request processing using standard HTTP status codes but instead alwas set the status to 200/OK and only report the real success or failure status in the XHTML response.
    static final String
    The supported value for the RP_STATUS request parameter requesting to report success or failure of request processing using standard HTTP status codes.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating request contains last chunk and as a result upload should be finished.
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that the named item is to be set from an item whose absolute or relative path is given in the parameter's value (value is "@CopyFrom").
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that the named property is to be removed before applying any new content (value is "@Delete").
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that blank value or values for this property will be ignored.
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating length of complete file.
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that the named item is to be set from an item whose absolute or relative path is given in the parameter's value (value is "@MoveFrom").
    static final String
    Name of the request parameter indicating offset of the chunk in request.
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that a multi-value property is to be handled as an ordered set and the sent values start with either "+" or "-" to indicate wether a value should be added to or removed from the set.
    static final String
    Suffix indicating that the default value should be used when the property is not defined.
    static final String
    Suffix indicating a type hint for the property (value is "@TypeHint").
    static final String
    SLING-130, suffix that maps form field names to different JCR property names
  • Field Details


      static final String RP_PREFIX
      Prefix for parameter names which control this POST (RP_ stands for "request param") (value is ":"). This prefix must be used on all request parameters which have significance to POST request processing. Such parameters will not be used to denote properties to be written to the repository.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_OPERATION
      The name of the parameter containing the operation to execute (value is ":operation"). If this parameter is missing or empty, the request is assumed to be a request to create new content or to modify existing content.
      See Also:

      static final String DEFAULT_CREATE_SUFFIX
      The suffix to the resource path used to indicate to automatically generate the name of the new item to create during a content creation request (value is "/").
      See Also:

      static final String STAR_CREATE_SUFFIX
      An alternative suffix to the resource path used to indicate to automatically generate the name of the new item to create during a content creation request (value is "/*").
      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_MODIFY
      Name of the predefined modify operation (value is "modify").

      The modify operation uses the remaining request parameters to indicate nodes and properties to create.

      The modify operation is actually chosen by the Sling POST Servlet if the request has no RP_OPERATION request parameter.

      2.0.6 (Bundle version 2.0.6)
      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_DELETE
      Name of the predefined delete operation (value is "delete").

      The delete operation requires no further request parameters and just deletes the content addressed by the request.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are deleted instead of the request resource.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_COPY
      Name of the predefined copy operation (value is "copy").

      The copy operation requires the RP_DEST request parameter denoting the path to copy the content to. In addition the RP_ORDER parameter may be defined to specificy to relative node order of the destination node. Finally the RP_REPLACE parameter may be set to indicate whether an existing item at the destination should be replaced or not.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are copied instead of the request resource.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_MOVE
      Name of the predefined move operation (value is "move")

      The move operation requires the RP_DEST request parameter denoting the path to move the content to. In addition the RP_ORDER parameter may be defined to specificy to relative node order of the destination node. Finally the RP_REPLACE parameter may be set to indicate whether an existing item at the destination should be replaced or not.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are moved instead of the request resource.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_NOP
      Name of the predefined null operation (value is "nop").

      The null operation is a pseudo operation, which has no effects whatsoever except setting the response status. The null operation may be accompanied with the RP_NOP_STATUS parameter to indicate the actual response status to set and the RP_STATUS parameter to indicate how to send the actual response status.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_CHECKIN
      Name of the predefined checkin operation (value is "checkin").

      The checkin operation requires no further request parameters and just checks in the content addressed by the request.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are checked in instead of the request resource.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_CHECKOUT
      Name of the predefined checkout operation (value is "checkout").

      The checkout operation requires no further request parameters and just checks out the content addressed by the request.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are checked out instead of the request resource.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_RESTORE
      Name of the predefined restore operation (value is "restore").

      The restore operation requires the RP_VERSION request parameter denoting the name or the label of the version to be restored.

      If the RP_APPLY_TO parameter is set the resources listed in that parameter are restored instead of the request resource. The RP_REMOVE_EXISTING parameter may be set to true to force the operation even if there is a collision.

      See Also:

      static final String OPERATION_IMPORT
      Name of the predefined import operation (value is "import").

      The import operation requires either the RP_CONTENT and RP_CONTENT_TYPE request parameters or the RP_CONTENT_FILE request parameter. Finally the RP_REPLACE parameter may be set to indicate whether an existing item at the destination should be overwritten or not.

      See Also:

      static final String RP_APPLY_TO
      Name of the request parameter used to indicate the resource to apply the operation to (value is ":applyTo").

      This property is used by certain opertaions - namely OPERATION_COPY, OPERATION_DELETE and OPERATION_MOVE - to apply the operation to multiple resources instead of the request resource.

      See Also:
    • RP_DEST

      static final String RP_DEST
      Name of the request parameter used to indicate the destination for the copy and move operations (value is ":dest"). This request parameter is required by the copy and move operations.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_REPLACE
      Name of the request parameter indicating whether the destination for a copy or move operation is to be replaced if existing (value is ":replace"). Copy or move is only possible if the destination exists if the replace parameter is set to the case-insignificant value true. This request parameter is also used to indicate whether the destination node for an import operation is to be replaced if existing. The parameter value is checked to see if it matches the case-insignificant value true.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_REPLACE_PROPERTIES
      Name of the request parameter indicating whether the destination for a property change during an import operation is to be replaced if existing. The parameter value is checked to see if it matches the case-insignificant value true.
      See Also:
    • RP_ORDER

      static final String RP_ORDER
      Optional request parameter indicating the order of newly created nodes in creation, copy and move operation requests (value is ":order").

      The value of this parameter may be ORDER_FIRST, ORDER_BEFORE, ORDER_AFTER, ORDER_LAST or a numberic value indicating the absolute position in the child list of the parent node.

      See Also:

      static final String RP_REMOVE_EXISTING
      Name of the request parameter indicating whether the nodes existing outside the versioning graph should be removed. See VersionManager#restore() for more info.

      This request parameter is optional and can be used by the OPERATION_RESTORE.

      See Also:

      static final String RP_VERSION
      Name of the request parameter indicating the name or the label of the resource version. This request parameter is required by the OPERATION_RESTORE.
      See Also:

      static final String ORDER_FIRST
      Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved to the first position amongst its siblings (value is "first").
      See Also:

      static final String ORDER_BEFORE
      Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved immediately before the sibling whose name is contained in the RP_ORDER parameter (value is "before ").
      See Also:

      static final String ORDER_AFTER
      Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved immediately after the sibling whose name is contained in the RP_ORDER parameter (value is "after ").
      See Also:

      static final String ORDER_LAST
      Possible value of the RP_ORDER parameter indicating that the node by moved to the last position amongst its siblings (value is "last").
      See Also:

      static final String RP_NODE_NAME
      Optional request paramter specifying a node name for a newly created node (value is ":name").
      See Also:

      static final String RP_NODE_NAME_HINT
      Optional request paramter specifying a node name hint for a newly created node (value is ":nameHint").
      See Also:

      static final String ITEM_PREFIX_ABSOLUTE
      Prefix for properties addressing repository items with an absolute path (value is "/").
      See Also:

      static final String ITEM_PREFIX_RELATIVE_CURRENT
      Prefix for properties addressing repository items with a path relative to the current request item (value is "./").

      When collecting parameters addressing repository items for modification, the parameters are first scanned to see whether there is a parameter with this relative path prefix. If such a parameter exists, the modification operations only assumes parameters whose name is prefixes with this prefix or the ITEM_PREFIX_ABSOLUTE or the ITEM_PREFIX_RELATIVE_PARENT to be parameters addressing properties to modify. Otherwise, that is if no parameter starts with this prefix, all parameters not starting with the command prefix are considered addressing properties to modify.

      See Also:

      static final String ITEM_PREFIX_RELATIVE_PARENT
      Prefix for properties addressing repository items with a path relative to the parent of the request item (value is "../").
      See Also:

      static final String RP_REDIRECT_TO
      Optional request parameter: redirect to the specified URL after POST
      See Also:

      static final String RP_STATUS
      Optional request parameter: define how the response is sent back to the client. Supported values for this property are STATUS_VALUE_BROWSER and STATUS_VALUE_STANDARD. The default is to assume STATUS_VALUE_STANDARD if the parameter is not set or set to any other value.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_SEND_ERROR
      Optional request parameter: defines if to enable the error handling also for POST request. The parameter value is checked to see if it matches the case-insensitive value true.
      2.2.0 (Bundle version 2.3.0)
      See Also:

      static final String STATUS_VALUE_STANDARD
      The supported value for the RP_STATUS request parameter requesting to report success or failure of request processing using standard HTTP status codes. This value is assumed as the default value for the RP_STATUS parameter if the parameter is missing or not any of the two supported values.
      See Also:

      static final String STATUS_VALUE_BROWSER
      The supported value for the RP_STATUS request parameter requesting to not report success or failure of request processing using standard HTTP status codes but instead alwas set the status to 200/OK and only report the real success or failure status in the XHTML response.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_NOP_STATUS
      Optional request parameter to indicate the actual response status to send back as a result of calling the #OPERATION_NOP (value is ":nopstatus").

      This parameter is expected to be single-valued and by an integer being a valid HTTP status code. If this parameter is missing or the parameter value cannot be converted to a HTTP status code (integer in the range [100..999]), the default status code 200/OK is returned.

      See Also:

      static final int NOPSTATUS_VALUE_DEFAULT
      The default response status sent back by a OPERATION_NOP if the RP_NOP_STATUS parameter is not provided or the parameter value cannot be converted into a valid response status code (value is 200).
      See Also:

      static final String RP_DISPLAY_EXTENSION
      Optional request parameter: if provided, added at the end of the computed (or supplied) redirect URL
      See Also:

      static final String VALUE_FROM_SUFFIX
      SLING-130, suffix that maps form field names to different JCR property names
      See Also:

      static final String TYPE_HINT_SUFFIX
      Suffix indicating a type hint for the property (value is "@TypeHint").
      See Also:

      static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_SUFFIX
      Suffix indicating a default value for a property (value is "@DefaultValue").
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_DELETE
      Suffix indicating that the named property is to be removed before applying any new content (value is "@Delete").
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_MOVE_FROM
      Suffix indicating that the named item is to be set from an item whose absolute or relative path is given in the parameter's value (value is "@MoveFrom").

      This suffix is similar to the VALUE_FROM_SUFFIX in that the value for the item is not taken from the request parameter itself but from somewhere else. In this case the value is set by moving another repository item (in the same workspace) to the location addressed by the parameter.

      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_COPY_FROM
      Suffix indicating that the named item is to be set from an item whose absolute or relative path is given in the parameter's value (value is "@CopyFrom").

      This suffix is similar to the VALUE_FROM_SUFFIX in that the value for the item is not taken from the request parameter itself but from somewhere else. In this case the value is set by copying another repository item (in the same workspace) to the location addressed by the parameter.

      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_IGNORE_BLANKS
      Suffix indicating that blank value or values for this property will be ignored.
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_MISSING
      Suffix indicating that the default value should be used when the property is not defined. By default the default value is only used when the property is defined, but blank (i.e. an empty form field). With this suffix, the default value will also be used if the property isn't provided at all. This is useful for HTML checkboxes.
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_PATCH
      Suffix indicating that a multi-value property is to be handled as an ordered set and the sent values start with either "+" or "-" to indicate wether a value should be added to or removed from the set.

      If a property is marked to be patched with this suffix only properties whose value start with + or - are considered. Other values are ignored.

      See Also:

      static final char PATCH_ADD
      Indicates a value to be added to the named multi-value property if the property is being #patched.

      If the given value already exists amongst the values of the multi-value properties it is not added.

      See Also:

      static final char PATCH_REMOVE
      Indicates a value to be removed from the named multi-value property if the property is being #patched.

      If the given value exists multiple times amongst the values of the multi-value properties all occurrences are removed.

      See Also:

      static final String RP_CONTENT
      Name of the request parameter containing the content to be imported by the 'import' operation.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_CONTENT_TYPE
      Name of the request parameter containing the content type of the content to be imported by the 'import' operation.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_CONTENT_FILE
      Name of the request parameter containing the file to be imported by the 'import' operation.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_CHECKIN
      Name of the request parameter indicating whether versionable nodes should be checked in during an OPERATION_IMPORT operation.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_AUTO_CHECKOUT
      Name of the request parameter indicating whether versionable nodes should be checked in during an OPERATION_IMPORT operation.
      See Also:

      static final String ATTR_SKIP_SESSION_HANDLING
      Name of the request attribute (not parameter) indicating that a post operation should not invoke the commit method on the resource resolver upon completion.
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_OFFSET
      Name of the request parameter indicating offset of the chunk in request.
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_LENGTH
      Name of the request parameter indicating length of complete file.
      See Also:

      static final String SUFFIX_COMPLETED
      Name of the request parameter indicating request contains last chunk and as a result upload should be finished. It is useful in scenarios like file streaming where file size is not known in advance.
      See Also:

      static final String RP_APPLY_TO_CHUNKS
      Name of the request parameter indicating request operation is applicable to chunks.
      See Also:

      static final String NT_SLING_CHUNK_MIXIN
      Constant for the sling:chunks mixin. Used to identify that node contains chunks.
      See Also:

      static final String NT_SLING_FILE_LENGTH
      Constant for the sling:fileLength property. The property stores file length.
      See Also:

      static final String NT_SLING_CHUNKS_LENGTH
      Constant for the sling:length property. The property stores cumulative length of all uploaded chunks.
      See Also:

      static final String NT_SLING_CHUNK_NODETYPE
      Constant for the sling:chunk node type. The node type is used to store chunk.
      See Also:

      static final String NT_SLING_CHUNK_OFFSET
      Constant for the sling:offset property. The property stores start offset of chunk.
      See Also:

      static final String CHUNK_NODE_NAME
      Constant for prefix for sling:chunk node name.
      See Also: