Class UpdateResult


public class UpdateResult extends Object
The update result is returned by an UpdateHandler if a resource could be persisted by the handler. The update result always contains the complete url where the resource has been persisted. If this url is different from the previous location of this resource, the getResourceIsMoved() flag tells the installer whether the resource has moved to a new location or if the resource has been additionally added to a new location (old location contains the old version of the resource).
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateResult

      public UpdateResult(String url)
      Create an update result
      url - Unique url for the resource. This should include the scheme!
  • Method Details

    • getURL

      public String getURL()
      Return this data's url. It is opaque for the OsgiInstaller but should uniquely identify the resource within the namespace of the used installation mechanism. The url includes the scheme followed by a colon followed by the unique id.
      The url.
    • getScheme

      public String getScheme()
      Return the scheme of the provider.
      The scheme
    • getResourceId

      public String getResourceId()
      Return just the resource id (everything in the url after the colon)
      The resource id
    • getDigest

      public String getDigest()
      Return this resource's digest. Not necessarily an actual md5 or other digest of the data, can be any string that changes if the data changes.
      The digest or null.
    • getPriority

      public int getPriority()
      Return the priority of this resource. Priorities are used to decide which resource to install when several are registered for the same OSGi entity (bundle, config, etc.)
      The priority
    • setPriority

      public void setPriority(Integer prio)
      Set the priority.
      prio - The new priority or null for the default priority.
    • setDigest

      public void setDigest(String digest)
      Set the digest.
      digest - The new digest.
    • setResourceIsMoved

      public void setResourceIsMoved(boolean flag)
      Set whether this resource has been moved or added.
      flag - Flag indicating that this is a move
    • getResourceIsMoved

      public boolean getResourceIsMoved()
      Has this resource been moved or added?
      true if it has been moved
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object