All Implemented Interfaces:
ExternalResourceChangeListener, ResourceChangeListener

public class NewJobSender extends Object implements ResourceChangeListener, ExternalResourceChangeListener
This component receives resource added events and sends a job created event.
  • Constructor Details

    • NewJobSender

      public NewJobSender()
  • Method Details

    • activate

      protected void activate(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext bundleContext)
      Activate this component. Register an event handler.
    • deactivate

      protected void deactivate()
      Deactivate this component. Unregister the event handler.
    • onChange

      public void onChange(List<ResourceChange> resourceChanges)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceChangeListener
      Report resource changes based on the filter properties of this listener.

      Note that resource changes for paths which are ancestors of the paths this listener was registered to may be reported through this method. This is due to limitations of certain resource providers to provide events on a more granular level (e.g. for deletion or movement of resources containing (potentially nested) child resources).

      Starting with version 1.2 of this API, an instance of ResoureChangeList is passed as the parameter to allow passing additional information.

      Specified by:
      onChange in interface ResourceChangeListener
      resourceChanges - The changes list. This list is immutable.