Class ResourceChange

Direct Known Subclasses:

@ConsumerType public class ResourceChange extends Object
A resource change event is immutable. A change event can either be local or external. Local changes happened on the same instance, while external changes happened on a different instance. Resource listeners only receive external changes if they mark themselves as a ExternalResourceChangeListener. For all events (local and external), the path and the type of change is set. Resource provider events are always local events and only provide the path. Local events for resources provide the names of the properties that have been added, removed or changed. This information might be missing for external events.
1.0.0 (Sling API Bundle 2.11.0)
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceChange

      public ResourceChange(@NotNull @NotNull ResourceChange.ChangeType changeType, @NotNull @NotNull String path, boolean isExternal)
      Create a new change object
      changeType - The change type
      path - The resource path
      isExternal - {code true} if the change happened on another node
      1.2.0 (Sling API Bundle 2.15.0)
    • ResourceChange

      @Deprecated public ResourceChange(@NotNull @NotNull ResourceChange.ChangeType changeType, @NotNull @NotNull String path, boolean isExternal, Set<String> addedPropertyNames, Set<String> changedPropertyNames, Set<String> removedPropertyNames)
      The sets of property names are not supported anymore.
      Create a new change object
      changeType - The change type
      path - The resource path
      isExternal - {code true} if the change happened on another node
      addedPropertyNames - set of added property names, if provided must be immutable
      changedPropertyNames - set of added property names, if provided must be immutable
      removedPropertyNames - set of added property names, if provided must be immutable
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getPath()
      Get the resource path.
      The path to the resource.
    • getUserId

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getUserId()
      Get the user id of the user initiating the change
      The user id or null if it's not available.
    • isExternal

      public boolean isExternal()
      Is this an external event?
      true if the event is external.
    • getType

      @NotNull public @NotNull ResourceChange.ChangeType getType()
      Get the type of change
      The type of change
    • getChangedPropertyNames

      @Deprecated @Nullable public @Nullable Set<String> getChangedPropertyNames()
      As there is no guarantee that this information is contained in the change event, this should not be used anymore.
      Optional information about changed properties. The application code can not rely on getting the correct set of changed properties. A resource provider implementation is free to not support this. Therefore if this method returns null it does not mean that there are no changed properties. However if an empty set is returned, it can safely be assumed that there are none. Therefore returning {code null} is the equivalent of "don't know".
      The set of changed property names. For external events or resource provider events null is returned.
    • getAddedPropertyNames

      @Deprecated @Nullable public @Nullable Set<String> getAddedPropertyNames()
      As there is no guarantee that this information is contained in the change event, this should not be used anymore.
      Optional information about added properties. The application code can not rely on getting the correct set of added properties. A resource provider implementation is free to not support this. Therefore if this method returns null it does not mean that there are no added properties. However if an empty set is returned, it can safely be assumed that there are none. Therefore returning {code null} is the equivalent of "don't know".
      The set of changed property names. For external events or resource provider events null is returned.
    • getRemovedPropertyNames

      @Deprecated @Nullable public @Nullable Set<String> getRemovedPropertyNames()
      As there is no guarantee that this information is contained in the change event, this should not be used anymore.
      Optional information about removed properties. The application code can not rely on getting the correct set of removed properties. A resource provider implementation is free to not support this. Therefore if this method returns null it does not mean that there are no removed properties. However if an empty set is returned, it can safely be assumed that there are none. Therefore returning {code null} is the equivalent of "don't know".
      The set of changed property names. For external events or resource provider events null is returned.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object