
Get containing page (like PageManager#getContainingPage)


Get first ancestor with a given template


List siblings of the current page which can be displayed in the navigation


Get the first sibling of the current page


Get page ancestor closest to the root


Get the second child of each resource:

$(resource1, resource2, resource3).children(":eq(1)")

Get the first two children of each resource:

$(resource1, resource2, resource3).children(":lt(2)")

Closest ancestor page having non-empty parsys

$(resource).closest("cq:Page foundation/components/parsys:parent")

Get all parents of the current resource and adapt them to Page object

Iterable<Page> breadcrumbs = $(resource).parents("cq:Page").map(Page.class);

Get all parents of the current resource up to the home page

Iterable<Page> breadcrumbs;
breadcrumbs = $(resource).parentsUntil(

List all grand-children pages having empty parsys


Use JCR query to find all cq:Pages with a given template


Find children named en or de

$(resource).children("#en, #de")
- ( Examples )