
those pipes all are using common sling (or other) APIs to modify content. You'll probably need some reader pipes and/or logical pipes first to put you into the right context.

Write Pipe (write <...>)

writes given nodes and properties to current input resource

    echo /content/foo | write foo1=bar1 foo2=2 foo3=true foo4=one.old foo5=timeutil.of('2018-05-05T11:50:55+02:00')

will write @foo1='bar1', @foo2=2, @foo3=true, @foo4=${one.old}, and @foo5 being a Date property in /content/foo.

Another handy usage is to copy whole tree sections, using the expr configuration

    echo /content/tree/to/copy/to | write @ expr /content/tree/to/copy/from

Finally, for more complicated cases where you need a structure to be written, you can use JCR / Resource explorer to edit the "compiled" persistence of the pipe, and create the given structured under conf. - sling:resourceType is slingPipes/write - conf node tree that will be copied to the current input of the pipe, each property's names and value will be written to the input resource. Input resource will be outputed. Note that properties that will be evaluated (in an expression) as null for a given input resource will be removed from it. E.g. ./conf/some/node@prop=${null} will add ./conf/some/node structure if not in current input resource, but remove its prop property if any).

Note that you can use expressions in that node tree, and specifically, for a node name, parent of a tree you want to be conditionally written, use $if${...}nodename syntax, that will basically only create such tree if the expression is true.

MovePipe (mv <expr>)

JCR move of current input to target path (can be a node or a property)

    echo /content/foo/old/location | mv /content/bar/new/location

following will move resource at /content/foo/old/oldlocation to under /content/bar/new before newlocation

    echo /content/foo/old/oldlocation | mv /content/bar/new/newlocation @ with orderBeforeTarget=true

following will move resource at /content/foo/old/oldlocation to /content/bar/new/newlocation and overwrite newlocation

    echo /content/foo/old/oldlocation | mv /content/bar/new/newlocation @ with overwriteTarget=true
RemovePipe (rm)

removes the input resource, returns the parent, regardless of the resource being a node,

    echo /content/foo/nodeToRemove | rm 

or a property

    echo /content/foo/node/propertyToRemove | rm

for more complex use cases, where you need to remove several resources in a row, at different level of a subtree, you can use the "compiled" persistence, where - sling:resourceType is slingPipes/rm - conf node tree that will be used to filter relative properties & subtrees to the current resource to remove. A subnode is considered to be removed if it has no property configured, nore any child.

PathPipe (mkdir <expr>)

get or create path given in expression. Uses ResourceUtil.getOrCreateResource

    mkdir /content/folders/to/create

will create a /content/folders/to/create path of sling:Folder nodes

    echo /content/folders/to/create | mkdir childWithDifferentType @ with nodeType=nt:unstructured        

will create a child with nt:unstructured node type.

PackagePipe (pkg <expr>)

will create a package and add current resource as a filter. At the end of super pipe execution, will attempt to build the package

This example searches for folders in a given location and package them up

    echo /content/foo/bar | $ sling:Folder | pkg /etc/packages/foobar-folders.zip
AuthorizablePipe (auth (conf))

retrieve authorizable resource corresponding to the id passed in expression, or if not found (or void expression), from the input path, output the found authorizable's resource caution this pipe can modify content in case additional configuration is added (see below)

  • sling:resourceType is slingPipes/authorizable
  • expr should be an authorizable id, or void (but then input should be an authorizable)
  • autoCreateGroup (boolean) if autorizable id is here, but the authorizable not present, then create group with given id (in that case, considered as a write pipe)
  • addMembers (stringified json array) if authorizable is a group, add instanciated members to it (in that case, considered as a write pipe)
  • addToGroup (expression) add found authorizable to instanciated group (in that case, considered as a write pipe)
  • bindMembers (boolean) if found authorizable is a group, bind the members (in that case, considered as a write pipe)

This example creates a group

    .auth("createGroup", true).expr("foo-bar")

This example searches for users in a given location and add them to foo-bar group

    .auth("addToGroup", "foo-bar")

In this example, auth is not writing anything but makes use of bind members and json to create one content tree per admin

ACLPipe (acls(), allow(expr), deny(expr))

either output ACL of current resource in the output bindings, or allow / deny default or configured privileges for the authorizable passed as the expression

  • sling:resourceType is slingPipes/acl
  • expr should be an authorizable id, or void
  • allow (boolean) to allow some privileges for configured authorizable
  • deny (boolean) to deny some privileges for configured authorizable

following will give bar-users authorizable the aggregate privilege (jcr:all) on /content/foo/bar

    echo /content/foo/bar | allow bar-users

following will give bar-users authorizable the specific rights to read|write on /content/foo/bar


and following will deny bar-users authorizable to read on /content/foo/bar

    echo /content/foo/bar | deny bar-users
- ( Writers )