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Update the bundles/artifact versions


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • The goal is thread-safe and supports parallel builds.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<features> File - Directory containing feature files
Default value is: src/main/features.
<testFeatures> File - Directory containing test feature files.
Default value is: src/test/features.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<classifiers> String - A comma separated list of classifiers to select the feature files. Use ':' to select the main artifact (no classifier).
User property is: classifiers.
<dryRun> boolean - If set to true, no changes are performed
Default value is: false.
User property is: dryRun.
<enableLegacyVariableReplacement> boolean 1.3.6 Enable old variable replacement in feature model based on the full maven project including system variables. If this is enabled, enableProjectVariableReplacement and replacePropertyVariables have no effect.
Default value is: false.
<enableProjectVariableReplacement> boolean 1.3.6 Enable the replacement of variables when reading a feature model. The supported variables are "project.groupId", "project.artifactId", "project.version" and "project.osgiVersion".
Default value is: true.
<featuresExcludes> String - Comma separated list of excludes for the feature files. Feature files excluded by this configuration are not processed at all.
<featuresIncludes> String - Comma separated list of includes for the feature files in the configured directory. Only feature files specified by this include are processed.
Default value is: **/*.json.
<generatedFeatures> File - Directory containing generated feature files
<generatedFeaturesExcludes> String - Comma separated list of excludes for the generated feature files. Feature files excluded by this configuration are not processed at all.
<generatedFeaturesIncludes> String - Comma separated list of includes for the generated feature files in the configured directory. Only feature files specified by this include are processed.
Default value is: **/*.json.
<jarStartOrder> int - The start level for the attached jar/bundle.
<replacePropertyVariables> String 1.3.6 A comma separated list of variables which are replaced when a feature model is read. The value of these variables is fetched from the project properties.
<skipAddFeatureDependencies> boolean - If set to true the artifacts from the feature are not as dependencies to the project.
Default value is: false.
<skipAddJarToFeature> boolean - If set to true the main jar artifact is not added to the feature.
Default value is: false.
<skipAddJarToTestFeature> boolean - If set to true the main jar artifact is not added to the test feature.
Default value is: false.
<skipAddTestFeatureDependencies> boolean - If set to true the artifacts from the test feature are not as dependencies to the project.
Default value is: true.
<testFeaturesExcludes> String - Comma separated list of excludes for the test features.
<testFeaturesIncludes> String - Comma separated list of includes for the test features.
Default value is: **/*.json.
<updatesExcludesList> String - A comma separated list of artifact patterns to exclude. Follows the pattern "groupId:artifactId:type:classifier:version". Designed to allow specifying the set of excludes from the command line.
User property is: excludes.
<updatesIncludesList> String - A comma separated list of artifact patterns to include. Follows the pattern "groupId:artifactId:type:classifier:version". Designed to allow specifying the set of includes from the command line.
User property is: includes.
<validateFeatures> boolean - If set to true the features are validated against the JSON schema.
Default value is: true.
<versionScope> String - The scope to use to find the highest version, use ANY, MAJOR, MINOR, INCREMENTAL, or SUBINCREMENTAL
User property is: versionScope.

Parameter Details


A comma separated list of classifiers to select the feature files. Use ':' to select the main artifact (no classifier).
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: classifiers


If set to true, no changes are performed
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: dryRun
  • Default: false


Enable old variable replacement in feature model based on the full maven project including system variables. If this is enabled, enableProjectVariableReplacement and replacePropertyVariables have no effect.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.3.6
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Enable the replacement of variables when reading a feature model. The supported variables are "project.groupId", "project.artifactId", "project.version" and "project.osgiVersion".
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.3.6
  • Required: No
  • Default: true


Directory containing feature files
  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: src/main/features


Comma separated list of excludes for the feature files. Feature files excluded by this configuration are not processed at all.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Comma separated list of includes for the feature files in the configured directory. Only feature files specified by this include are processed.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Default: **/*.json


Directory containing generated feature files
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Comma separated list of excludes for the generated feature files. Feature files excluded by this configuration are not processed at all.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Comma separated list of includes for the generated feature files in the configured directory. Only feature files specified by this include are processed.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Default: **/*.json


The start level for the attached jar/bundle.
  • Type: int
  • Required: No


A comma separated list of variables which are replaced when a feature model is read. The value of these variables is fetched from the project properties.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.3.6
  • Required: No


If set to true the artifacts from the feature are not as dependencies to the project.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


If set to true the main jar artifact is not added to the feature.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


If set to true the main jar artifact is not added to the test feature.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


If set to true the artifacts from the test feature are not as dependencies to the project.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true


Directory containing test feature files.
  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: src/test/features


Comma separated list of excludes for the test features.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Comma separated list of includes for the test features.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Default: **/*.json


A comma separated list of artifact patterns to exclude. Follows the pattern "groupId:artifactId:type:classifier:version". Designed to allow specifying the set of excludes from the command line.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: excludes


A comma separated list of artifact patterns to include. Follows the pattern "groupId:artifactId:type:classifier:version". Designed to allow specifying the set of includes from the command line.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: includes


If set to true the features are validated against the JSON schema.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true


The scope to use to find the highest version, use ANY, MAJOR, MINOR, INCREMENTAL, or SUBINCREMENTAL
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: versionScope