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Bundle Installation/Uninstallation

There are three different installation approaches supported by the plugin which behave differently for the installation and uninstallation. In the following section all mechanisms are outlined individually for both use cases.


Felix Web Console

The plugin by default places an HTTP POST request to the Felix Web Console. This will achieve both upload and installation of the bundle in one request synchronously.


It's also possible to use HTTP PUT instead of POST leveraging the WebDAV bundle from Sling. This will create a new JCR node containing the OSGi bundle in the underlying repository. From there it needs to be picked up by the JCR Installer to be actually installed in the OSGi container. The latter happens asynchronously. It is important that the bundle resource is uploaded to a location of the repository which is actually watched by the JCR installer (by default only resources below a resource called install).

Sling POST Servlet

Since version 2.1.8 you can also leverage the Sling POST servlet for uploading the bundle to the repository. The subsequent installation is being performed asynchronously by the JCR Installer (similar to the WebDAV PUT approach).


Felix Web Console

Places an HTTP POST request to the Felix Web Console. This will achieve uninstallation of the bundle synchronously.


An HTTP DELETE request is issued which is handled by the WebDAV bundle from Sling. This will remove the JCR node containing the OSGi bundle in the underlying repository. From there it needs to be picked up by the JCR Installer to be actually uninstalled in the OSGi container. The latter happens asynchronously.

Sling POST Servlet

An HTTP DELETE request is issued which is handled by the Sling POST servlet. This will remove the resource containing the OSGi bundle in the underlying repository. The subsequent uninstallation is being performed asynchronously by the JCR Installer (similar to the WebDAV PUT approach).

Intermediate Resources

For both WebDAV PUT and Sling POST servlet installation, intermediate resources (i.e. non-existing parent resources) are automatically created. The primary type of those intermediate nodes depend on the deployment method (only applicable if the JCR resource provider is used)

  • WebDAV PUT, uses the configured collection node type, by default sling:Folder (see also WebDAV Configuration)
  • Sling POST Servlet, uses internally ResourceResolverFactory.create(...) without setting any jcr:primaryType. Therefore the JcrResourceProviderFactory will call Node.addNode(String relPath) which determines a suitable node type automatically, depending on the parent's node type definition (see JCR Node Javadoc).

In most of the cases the intermediate node is of type sling:Folder, as this is the first allowed child node definition for node type sling:Folder. This may only differ if your existing parent node is not of type sling:Folder itself.