Full name:
The metadata goal will generate two Maven project
properties, namely
which can be used to generate the corresponding OSGi bundle headers
for bundles providing scripts executable by a
- Requires a Maven project to be executed.
- Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: prepare-package.
Optional Parameters
Name |
Type |
Since |
Description |
<excludes> |
String[] |
0.2.0 |
Allows defining a list of excluded files and folders or patterns to
filter which files should be excluded in the analysis for
generating capabilities.
The following list provides the default excluded files and
- Miscellaneous typical temporary files
- **/*~, **/#*#, **/.#*, **/%*%, **/._*
- **/CVS, **/CVS/**, **/.cvsignore
- Subversion
- **/.svn, **/.svn/**
- Bazaar
- **/.bzr, **/.bzr/**
- Mac
- **/.DS_Store
- Mercurial
- **/.hg, **/.hg/**
- git
- **/.git, **/.git/**
User property is: scriptingbundle.excludes.
<includes> |
String[] |
0.2.0 |
Allows defining a list of included files and folders or patterns to
filter which files should be included in the analysis for
generating capabilities. By default all files are included. Default value is: **. User property is: scriptingbundle.includes.
<scriptEngineMappings> |
Map |
0.2.0 |
Allows overriding the default extension to script engine mapping,
in order to correctly generate the
Provide-Capability attribute value. When configuring
this mapping, please make sure to use the script extension as the
key and one of the Script Engine's name (obtained from
ScriptEngineFactory.getNames()) as the value.
The following list represents the default extension to Script
Engine mapping:
- ftl
- freemarker
- gst
- gstring
- html
- htl
- java
- java
- esp, ecma
- rhino
- jsp, jspf, jspx
- jsp
<searchPaths> |
Set |
0.2.0 |
Allows overriding the default search paths (/apps and
/libs). When scripts are organised in folders which
follow the search path structure, the Mojo will generate two
resource types for each resource type folder. For example:
will generate the following two resource types
However, the following script
will generate only one resource type
User property is: scriptingbundle.searchPaths.
<sourceDirectories> |
Set |
0.2.0 |
Defines where this goal will look for scripts in the project. By
default the src/main/scripts and
src/main/resources/javax.script folders will be
considered. User property is: scriptingbundle.sourceDirectories.
Parameter Details
Allows defining a list of excluded files and folders or patterns to
filter which files should be excluded in the analysis for
generating capabilities.
The following list provides the default excluded files and
- Miscellaneous typical temporary files
- **/*~, **/#*#, **/.#*, **/%*%, **/._*
- **/CVS, **/CVS/**, **/.cvsignore
- Subversion
- **/.svn, **/.svn/**
- Bazaar
- **/.bzr, **/.bzr/**
- Mac
- **/.DS_Store
- Mercurial
- **/.hg, **/.hg/**
- git
- **/.git, **/.git/**
- Type: java.lang.String[]
- Since: 0.2.0
- Required: No
- User Property: scriptingbundle.excludes
Allows defining a list of included files and folders or patterns to
filter which files should be included in the analysis for
generating capabilities. By default all files are included.
- Type: java.lang.String[]
- Since: 0.2.0
- Required: No
- User Property: scriptingbundle.includes
- Default: **
Allows overriding the default extension to script engine mapping,
in order to correctly generate the
Provide-Capability attribute value. When configuring
this mapping, please make sure to use the script extension as the
key and one of the Script Engine's name (obtained from
ScriptEngineFactory.getNames()) as the value.
The following list represents the default extension to Script
Engine mapping:
- ftl
- freemarker
- gst
- gstring
- html
- htl
- java
- java
- esp, ecma
- rhino
- jsp, jspf, jspx
- jsp
- Type: java.util.Map
- Since: 0.2.0
- Required: No
Allows overriding the default search paths (
/apps and
/libs). When scripts are organised in folders which
follow the search path structure, the Mojo will generate two
resource types for each resource type folder. For example:
will generate the following two resource types
However, the following script
will generate only one resource type
- Type: java.util.Set
- Since: 0.2.0
- Required: No
- User Property: scriptingbundle.searchPaths
Defines where this goal will look for scripts in the project. By
default the src/main/scripts and
src/main/resources/javax.script folders will be
- Type: java.util.Set
- Since: 0.2.0
- Required: No
- User Property: scriptingbundle.sourceDirectories