Interface BundledRenderUnitCapability

@ProviderType public interface BundledRenderUnitCapability
A BundledRenderUnitCapability encapsulates the values of a Provided-Capability, based on which BundledRenderUnits are generated.
  • Method Details

    • getResourceTypes

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<ResourceType> getResourceTypes()
      Returns the resource types to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to.
      the resource types to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to
    • getPath

      @Nullable @Nullable String getPath()
      Returns the path to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to.
      the path to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to; this can be null if the getResourceTypes() doesn't return an empty set
    • getSelectors

      @NotNull @NotNull List<String> getSelectors()
      Returns the selectors to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to.
      the selectors to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to
    • getExtension

      @Nullable @Nullable String getExtension()
      Returns the extension to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to.
      the extension to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to
    • getExtendedResourceType

      @Nullable @Nullable String getExtendedResourceType()
      Returns the resource type extended by this capability.
      the extended resource type or null
    • getMethod

      @Nullable @Nullable String getMethod()
      Returns the request method to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to.
      the request method to which a BundledRenderUnit described by this capability will be bound to
    • getScriptEngineName

      @Nullable @Nullable String getScriptEngineName()
      Returns the script engine short name which can be used to evaluate the BundledRenderUnit described by this capability.
      the script engine short name which can be used to evaluate the BundledRenderUnit described by this capability.
    • getScriptExtension

      @Nullable @Nullable String getScriptExtension()
      Returns the original's script extension that was used to generate this capability.
      the original's script extension that was used to generate this capability.