
public class ParserUtils extends Object
XML parsing utilities for processing web application deployment descriptor and tag library descriptor files. FIXME - make these use a separate class loader for the parser to be used.
$Revision: 467222 $ $Date: 2006-10-24 05:17:11 +0200 (Die, 24 Okt 2006) $
Craig R. McClanahan
  • Field Details

    • validating

      public static boolean validating
  • Constructor Details

    • ParserUtils

      public ParserUtils()
  • Method Details

    • parseXMLDocument

      public TreeNode parseXMLDocument(String uri, InputSource is) throws JasperException
      Parse the specified XML document, and return a TreeNode that corresponds to the root node of the document tree.
      uri - URI of the XML document being parsed
      is - Input source containing the deployment descriptor
      JasperException - if an input/output error occurs
      JasperException - if a parsing error occurs
    • parseXMLDocument

      public TreeNode parseXMLDocument(String uri, InputStream is) throws JasperException
      Parse the specified XML document, and return a TreeNode that corresponds to the root node of the document tree.
      uri - URI of the XML document being parsed
      is - Input stream containing the deployment descriptor
      JasperException - if an input/output error occurs
      JasperException - if a parsing error occurs
    • convert

      protected TreeNode convert(TreeNode parent, Node node)
      Create and return a TreeNode that corresponds to the specified Node, including processing all of the attributes and children nodes.
      parent - The parent TreeNode (if any) for the new TreeNode
      node - The XML document Node to be converted