ClassDescriptionRepository of {page, request, session, application}-scoped beansMain JSP compiler class.This class generates functions mappers for the EL expressions in the page.This class implements a parser for EL expressions.Class responsible for dispatching JSP parse and javac compilation errors to the configured error handler.Interface for handling JSP parse and javac compilation errors.Class providing details about a javac compilation error.JDT class compiler.Handles the jsp-config element in WEB_INF/web.xml.Class for tracking JSP compile time file dependencies when the &060;%@include file="This is a delegate forwarding either to our own factory or the original one.This class has all the utility method(s).Class responsible for converting error codes to corresponding localized error messages.A repository for various info about the translation unit under compilation.This is what is used to generate servlets.Represents a source map (SMAP), which serves to associate lines of the input JSP file(s) to lines in the generated servlet in the final .class file, according to the JSR-045 spec.Represents the line and file mappings associated with a JSR-045 "stratum".Represents a single LineSection in an SMAP, associated with a particular stratum.Contains static utilities for generating SMAP data based on the current version of Jasper.Manages tag plugin optimizations.A container for all tag libraries that are defined "globally" for the web application.