Class ContextAwareConfigurationInjector

All Implemented Interfaces:
AcceptsNullName, Injector, StaticInjectAnnotationProcessorFactory

public class ContextAwareConfigurationInjector extends Object implements Injector, StaticInjectAnnotationProcessorFactory, AcceptsNullName
  • Constructor Details

    • ContextAwareConfigurationInjector

      public ContextAwareConfigurationInjector()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Injector
      Return a logical name for the injector. Used in resolving
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Injector
      the injector's name
    • createAnnotationProcessor

      public InjectAnnotationProcessor2 createAnnotationProcessor(AnnotatedElement element)
      Specified by:
      createAnnotationProcessor in interface StaticInjectAnnotationProcessorFactory
      element - the field or method which is annotated
      a ModelAnnotationProcessor in case there is a known injector-specific annotation on the given element found otherwise null
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(@NotNull @NotNull Object adaptable, String name, @NotNull @NotNull Type declaredType, @NotNull @NotNull AnnotatedElement element, @NotNull @NotNull DisposalCallbackRegistry callbackRegistry)
      Description copied from interface: Injector
      Produce a value for an injection point.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Injector
      adaptable - the object which should be used as the basis for value resolution.
      name - the injection point name (may be only null if injector implements the AcceptsNullName interface, otherwise never null)
      declaredType - the declared type of the injection point
      element - the injection point itself
      callbackRegistry - a registry object to register a callback object which will be invoked when the adapted object is disposed.
      the value to be injected or null if no value could be resolved