Class AbstractSlingRepositoryManager


@ProviderType public abstract class AbstractSlingRepositoryManager extends Object
The AbstractSlingRepositoryManager is the basis for controlling the JCR repository instances used by Sling. As a manager it starts and stops the actual repository instance, manages service registration and hands out SlingRepository instances to be used by the consumers.

This base class controls the livecycle of repository instance whereas implementations of this class provide actual integration into the runtime context. The livecycle of the repository instance is defined as follows:

To start the repository instance, the implementation calls the start(BundleContext, String, boolean)method which goes through the steps of instantiating the repository, setting things up, and registering the repository as an OSGi service:

  1. acquireRepository()
  2. create(Bundle)
  3. registerService()
Earlier versions of this class had an additional setup method, whatever code was there can be moved to the create method.

If starting the repository fails, the method stoppingOnError(String, Throwable) will be called. By default the exception is logged as an error, but this can be customized by overwriting the method.

To stop the repository instance, the implementation calls the stop() method which goes through the steps of unregistering the OSGi service, tearing all special settings down and finally shutting down the repository:

  1. unregisterService(ServiceRegistration)
  2. destroy(AbstractSlingRepository2)
  3. disposeRepository(Repository)

Instances of this class manage a single repository instance backing the OSGi service instances. Each consuming bundle, though, gets its own service instance backed by the single actual repository instance managed by this class.

API version 2.3 (bundle version 2.2.2)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSlingRepositoryManager

      public AbstractSlingRepositoryManager()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultWorkspace

      public final String getDefaultWorkspace()
      Returns the default workspace, which may be null meaning to use the repository provided default workspace.
      the default workspace or null indicating the repository's default workspace is actually used.
    • isDisableLoginAdministrative

      public final boolean isDisableLoginAdministrative()
      Returns whether to disable the SlingRepository.loginAdministrative method or not.
      true if SlingRepository.loginAdministrative is disabled.
    • getServiceUserMapper

      protected abstract ServiceUserMapper getServiceUserMapper()
      Returns the ServiceUserMapper service to map the service name to a service user name.

      The ServiceUserMapper is used to implement the AbstractSlingRepository2.loginService(String, String) method used to replace the AbstractSlingRepository2.loginAdministrative(String) method. If this method returns null and hence the ServiceUserMapperService is not available, the loginService method is not able to login.

      The ServiceUserMapper service or null if not available.
      See Also:
    • allowLoginAdministrativeForBundle

      protected boolean allowLoginAdministrativeForBundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle)
      Returns whether or not the provided bundle is allowed to use SlingRepository.loginAdministrative(String).
      bundle - The bundle requiring access to loginAdministrative
      A boolean value indicating whether or not the bundle is allowed to use loginAdministrative.
    • acquireRepository

      protected abstract javax.jcr.Repository acquireRepository()
      Creates the backing JCR repository instances. It is expected for this method to just start the repository.

      This method does not throw any Throwable but instead just returns null if not repository is available. Any problems trying to acquire the repository must be caught and logged as appropriate.

      The acquired JCR Repository or null if not repository can be acquired.
      See Also:
    • registerService

      protected final org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration registerService()
      Registers this component as an OSGi service with the types provided by the getServiceRegistrationInterfaces() method and properties provided by the getServiceRegistrationProperties() method.

      The repository is actually registered as an OSGi ServiceFactory where the create(Bundle) method is called to create an actual AbstractSlingRepository2 repository instance for a calling (using) bundle. When the bundle is done using the repository instance, the destroy(AbstractSlingRepository2) method is called to clean up.

      The OSGi ServiceRegistration object representing the registered service.
      See Also:
    • getServiceRegistrationProperties

      protected abstract Dictionary<String,Object> getServiceRegistrationProperties()
      Return the service registration properties to be used to register the repository service in registerService().
      The service registration properties to be used to register the repository service in registerService()
      See Also:
    • getServiceRegistrationInterfaces

      protected String[] getServiceRegistrationInterfaces()
      Returns the service types to be used to register the repository service in registerService(). All interfaces returned must be accessible to the class loader of the class of this instance.

      This method may be overwritten to return additional types but the types returned from this base implementation, SlingRepository and Repository, must always be included.

      The service types to be used to register the repository service in registerService()
      See Also:
    • create

      protected abstract AbstractSlingRepository2 create(org.osgi.framework.Bundle usingBundle)
      Creates an instance of the AbstractSlingRepository2 implementation for use by the given usingBundle.

      This method is called when the repository service is requested from within the using bundle for the first time.

      This method is expected to return a new instance on every call.

      usingBundle - The bundle providing from which the repository is requested.
      The AbstractSlingRepository2 implementation instance to be used by the usingBundle.
      See Also:
    • destroy

      protected abstract void destroy(AbstractSlingRepository2 repositoryServiceInstance)
      Cleans up the given AbstractSlingRepository2 instance previously created by the create(Bundle) method.
      repositoryServiceInstance - The AbstractSlingRepository2 istance to cleanup.
      See Also:
    • getRepository

      protected final javax.jcr.Repository getRepository()
      Returns the repository underlying this instance or null if no repository is currently being available.
      The repository
    • unregisterService

      protected final void unregisterService(org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration)
      Unregisters the service represented by the serviceRegistration.
      serviceRegistration - The service to unregister
    • disposeRepository

      protected abstract void disposeRepository(javax.jcr.Repository repository)
      Disposes off the given repository.
      repository - The repository to be disposed off which is the same as the one returned from acquireRepository().
    • stoppingOnError

      protected void stoppingOnError(String message, Throwable t)
      Called when the repository service cannot be initialized or registered because an exception occurred.

      This default implementation logs the exception as an error.

      message - failure details.
      t - the exception.
    • start

      @Deprecated protected final boolean start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext bundleContext, String defaultWorkspace, boolean disableLoginAdministrative)
      This method was deprecated with the introduction of asynchronous repository registration. With asynchronous registration a boolean return value can no longer be guaranteed, as registration may happen after the method returns.

      Instead a ServiceListener for SlingRepository may be registered to get informed about its successful registration.

      bundleContext - The BundleContext to register the repository service (and optionally more services required to operate the repository)
      defaultWorkspace - The name of the default workspace to use to login. This may be null to have the actual repository instance define its own default
      disableLoginAdministrative - Whether to disable the SlingRepository.loginAdministrative method or not.
      true if the repository has been started and the service is registered; false if the service has not been registered, which may indicate that startup was unsuccessful OR that it is happening asynchronously. A more reliable way to determin availability of the SlingRepository as a service is using a ServiceListener.
    • start

      protected final void start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext bundleContext, AbstractSlingRepositoryManager.Config config)
      This method actually starts the backing repository instannce and registeres the repository service.

      Multiple subsequent calls to this method without calling stop() first have no effect.

      bundleContext - The BundleContext to register the repository service (and optionally more services required to operate the repository)
      config - The configuration to apply to this instance.
    • stop

      protected final void stop()