Interface SlingRepositoryInitializer

@ConsumerType public interface SlingRepositoryInitializer
All active SlingRepositoryInitializer services are called before making the SlingRepository service available, and can perform initializations on it, like creating service users, setting up initial access control, migrating content in upgrades, etc. The SlingRepositoryInitializer services need to be aware of any repository clustering scenarios as well as multiple Sling instances accessing the same repository. They might need to implement locking to avoid conflicts.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Process the content repository before it is registered as an OSGi service.
  • Method Details

    • processRepository

      void processRepository(@NotNull @NotNull SlingRepository repo) throws Exception
      Process the content repository before it is registered as an OSGi service.
      repo - the repository to process
      Exception - If anything happens that should prevent the SlingRepository service from being registered.