Class CreateUserServlet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig, CreateUser

public class CreateUserServlet extends AbstractAuthorizablePostServlet implements CreateUser

Sling Post Servlet implementation for creating a user in the jackrabbit UserManager.

Rest Service Description

Creates a new user. Maps on to nodes of resourceType sling/users like /rep:system/rep:userManager/rep:users mapped to a resource url /system/userManager/user. This servlet responds at /system/userManager/user.create.html


  • POST

Post Parameters

one of these
  • :name - The value is the exact name to use
  • :name@ValueFrom - The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is the exact name to use
  • :nameHint - The value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
  • :nameHint@ValueFrom - The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
  • otherwise - Try the value of any server-side configured "principalNameHints" parameter to treat as a hint that is filtered, trimmed and made unique
The password of the new user (required)
The password of the new user (required)
Any additional parameters become properties of the user node (optional)


Success, a redirect is sent to the users resource locator. The redirect comes with HTML describing the status.
Failure, including user already exists. HTML explains the failure.


curl -F:name=ieb -Fpwd=password -FpwdConfirm=password -Fproperty1=value1 http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/user.create.html
See Also: