Class DefaultLocaleResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocaleResolver, RequestLocaleResolver

public class DefaultLocaleResolver extends Object implements LocaleResolver, RequestLocaleResolver
The DefaultLocaleResolver resolves the request's Locale by calling the ServletRequest.getLocales() method, which generally will be the Servlet Container's implementation of this method and thus be based on the client's Accept-Language header.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultLocaleResolver

      public DefaultLocaleResolver()
  • Method Details

    • resolveLocale

      public List<Locale> resolveLocale(SlingHttpServletRequest request)
      Return the Locales provided by the ServletRequest.getLocales() method collected in a List.
      Specified by:
      resolveLocale in interface LocaleResolver
      request - The SlingHttpServletRequest providing hints and information for the Locale resolution.
      The list of Locales to use for internationalization of request processing
    • resolveLocale

      public List<Locale> resolveLocale(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: RequestLocaleResolver
      Return a non-null but possibly empty list of Locale instances to consider for localization of the current request. The list returned is assumed to be ordered by preference where the first entry is the preferred Locale and the last entry is the least preferred Locale.

      Returning an empty list is equivalent to returning a singleton list whose single entry is the ResourceBundleProvider.getDefaultLocale().

      Specified by:
      resolveLocale in interface RequestLocaleResolver
      request - The HttpServletRequest providing hints and information for the Locale resolution.
      The list of Locales to use for internationalization of request processing
      See Also: