Class Utility


public abstract class Utility extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Utility

      public Utility()
  • Method Details

    • checkJobTopic

      public static String checkJobTopic(Object jobTopic)
      Check if the job topic is a valid OSGI event name (see 113.3.1 of the OSGI spec)
      null if the topic is syntactically correct otherwise an error description is returned
    • checkJob

      public static String checkJob(Object jobTopic, Map<String,Object> properties)
      Check the job.
      null if the topic topic is correct and all properties are serializable, otherwise an error description is returned
    • toEvent

      public static org.osgi.service.event.Event toEvent( job)
      Create an event from a job
      job - The job
      New event object.
    • toString

      public static String toString(String jobTopic, Map<String,Object> properties)
      Improved toString method for a job. This method prints out the job topic and all of the properties.
    • toString

      public static String toString( job)
      Improved toString method for a job. This method prints out the job topic and all of the properties.
    • readJob

      public static JobImpl readJob(org.slf4j.Logger logger, Resource resource)
      Read a job
    • getSortedChildren

      public static List<Resource> getSortedChildren(org.slf4j.Logger logger, String type, Resource rsrc)
      Helper method to read all children of a resource and sort them by name
      type - The type of resources (for debugging)
      rsrc - The parent resource
      Sorted list of children.