Class DEAConstants


public abstract class DEAConstants extends Object
The DEAConstants provides some constants for handling distributed OSGi events.

If an event should be sent to other instances, the event property PROPERTY_DISTRIBUTE should be set to an empty string.

An event, regardless if distributed or not, should never be created with the property PROPERTY_APPLICATION. In addition properties starting with "event.dea." are reserved attributes of this implementation and must not be used by custom events.

If the event is a local event, the PROPERTY_APPLICATION is not available. If it is available, it contains the application (Sling ID) of the instance where the event originated.

  • Field Details


      public static final String PROPERTY_DISTRIBUTE
      This event property indicates, if the event should be distributed in the cluster.
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTY_APPLICATION
      This event property specifies the application node.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DEAConstants

      public DEAConstants()