Interface TopologyConnectorClientInformation

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TopologyConnectorClientInformation
provides information about a topology connector client
  • Method Details

    • getConnectorUrl

      URL getConnectorUrl()
      the endpoint url where this connector is connecting to
    • getStatusCode

      int getStatusCode()
      return the http status code of the last post to the servlet, -1 if no post was ever done
    • isAutoStopped

      boolean isAutoStopped()
      SLING-3316 : whether or not this connector was auto-stopped
    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected()
      whether or not this connector was able to successfully connect
    • getStatusDetails

      String getStatusDetails()
      provides more details about connection failures
    • representsLoop

      boolean representsLoop()
      whether or not the counterpart of this connector has detected a loop in the topology connectors
    • getRemoteSlingId

      String getRemoteSlingId()
      the sling id of the remote end
    • getId

      String getId()
      the unique id of this connector
    • getLastRequestEncoding

      String getLastRequestEncoding()
      the Content-Encoding of the last request
    • getLastResponseEncoding

      String getLastResponseEncoding()
      the Content-Encoding of the last response
    • getLastPingSent

      long getLastPingSent()
      the unix-millis when the last heartbeat was sent
    • getNextPingDue

      int getNextPingDue()
      the seconds until the next heartbeat is due