Interface BaseConfig

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BaseConfig
Configuration for discovery.base
  • Method Details

    • getSocketConnectTimeout

      int getSocketConnectTimeout()
      Returns the socket connect() timeout used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
      the socket connect() timeout used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
    • getSoTimeout

      int getSoTimeout()
      Returns the socket read timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
      the socket read timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) used by the topology connector, 0 disables the timeout
    • getTopologyConnectorURLs

      URL[] getTopologyConnectorURLs()
      Returns the URLs to which to open a topology connector - or null/empty if no topology connector is configured (default is null)
      the URLs to which to open a topology connector - or null/empty if no topology connector is configured
    • getTopologyConnectorWhitelist

      String[] getTopologyConnectorWhitelist()
      Returns a comma separated list of hostnames and/or ip addresses which are allowed as remote hosts to open connections to the topology connector servlet
      a comma separated list of hostnames and/or ip addresses which are allowed as remote hosts to open connections to the topology connector servlet
    • getClusterInstancesPath

      String getClusterInstancesPath()
      Returns the resource path where cluster instance informations are stored.
      the resource path where cluster instance informations are stored
    • isHmacEnabled

      boolean isHmacEnabled()
      true if hmac is enabled.
    • getSharedKey

      String getSharedKey()
      the shared key
    • getKeyInterval

      long getKeyInterval()
      the interval of the shared key for hmac.
    • isEncryptionEnabled

      boolean isEncryptionEnabled()
      true if encryption is enabled.
    • isGzipConnectorRequestsEnabled

      boolean isGzipConnectorRequestsEnabled()
      true if requests on the topology connector should be gzipped (which only works if the server accepts that.. ie discovery.impl 1.0.4+)
    • isAutoStopLocalLoopEnabled

      boolean isAutoStopLocalLoopEnabled()
      true if the auto-stopping of local-loop topology connectors is enabled.
    • getBackoffStandbyFactor

      int getBackoffStandbyFactor()
      Returns the backoff factor to be used for standby (loop) connectors
      the backoff factor to be used for standby (loop) connectors
    • getBackoffStableFactor

      int getBackoffStableFactor()
      Returns the (maximum) backoff factor to be used for stable connectors
      the (maximum) backoff factor to be used for stable connectors
    • getBackoffStandbyInterval

      long getBackoffStandbyInterval()
      Returns the backoff interval for standby (loop) connectors in seconds
      the backoff interval for standby (loop) connectors in seconds
    • getConnectorPingInterval

      long getConnectorPingInterval()
      Returns the interval (in seconds) in which connectors are pinged
      the interval (in seconds) in which connectors are pinged
    • getConnectorPingTimeout

      long getConnectorPingTimeout()
      Returns the timeout (in seconds) after which a connector ping is considered invalid/timed out
      the timeout (in seconds) after which a connector ping is considered invalid/timed out
    • getMinEventDelay

      int getMinEventDelay()
      The minEventDelay to apply to the ViewStateManager