Class AbstractResourceVisitor


public abstract class AbstractResourceVisitor extends Object
This visitor will traverse the given resource and all its children in a depth-first approach and call the visit(Resource) method for each visited resource. It decouples the actual traversal code from application code. Concrete subclasses must implement the visit(Resource) method. There is no possibility to stop traversal in this visitor. If you want to skip certain parts of the subtree or stop traversal at a certain point rather use ResourceStream or ResourceFilterStream.
2.2 (Sling API Bundle 2.2.0)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractResourceVisitor

      public AbstractResourceVisitor()
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public void accept(Resource res)
      Visit the given resource and all its descendants.
      res - The resource
    • traverseChildren

      protected void traverseChildren(@NotNull @NotNull Iterator<Resource> children)
      Visit the given resources.
      children - The list of resources
    • visit

      protected abstract void visit(@NotNull @NotNull Resource res)
      Implement this method to do actual work on the resources.
      res - The resource