Class SlingException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InvalidServiceFilterSyntaxException, NoAuthenticationHandlerException, NoAuthenticationHandlerException, QuerySyntaxException, RecursionTooDeepException, ResourceNotFoundException, ScriptEvaluationException, SlingIOException, SlingServletException, TooManyCallsException, URI.DefaultCharsetChanged, URIException

public class SlingException extends RuntimeException
The SlingException is the base exception used throughout the Sling API. This exception should only be thrown if there is no more specific exception defined in the Sling API for the cause and if a cause can be supplied. Otherwise the more specific exception must be used.

The SlingException is a RuntimeException because this exception is not intended to be caught by client code. Rather this exception (and extensions thereof) should be passed through up to the actual Sling error and exception handling.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SlingException

      protected SlingException()
      Constructs a new Sling exception.
    • SlingException

      protected SlingException(String text)
      Constructs a new Sling exception with the given text. The Sling framework may use the text to write it to a log.
      text - the exception text
    • SlingException

      public SlingException(String text, Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new Sling exception when the Servlet needs to do the following:
      • throw an exception
      • include the "root cause" exception
      • include a description message
      text - the exception text
      cause - the root cause
    • SlingException

      protected SlingException(Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new Sling exception when the Servlet needs to throw an exception. The exception's message is based on the localized message of the underlying exception.
      cause - the root cause